
ENABLING OBJECTIVE:Execute the correct procedures for ordering a flight on parade, and dressing a flight in line.

REFERENCE(S):A.A-CR-CCP-268/PH-001 Level Three Course Training Plan

Chapter 4, Pages 7-8.

B.A-PD-201-000/PT-000 Canadian Forces Manual of Drill and Ceremonial

Chapter 7, Section 2, Articles 710-711, Pages 3-5.

C.A-CR-CCP-268/PT-001 Level Three Handbook

Chapter 1, Section 3, Articles 5-9, Pages 2-3.

SUPPLEMENTARY REF(S):Air Cadet League Drill Manual

Ontario Provincial Committee (1993 Edition)

TRAINING AID(S):Assistant Instructor(s)

LEARNING AID(S):A.A-CR-CCP-268/PT-001 Level Three Handbook

B.Air Cadet League Drill Manual

TEACHING POINT(S):A.Ordering a flight on parade; and

B.Dressing a flight in line.

METHOD OF INSTRUCTION:Demonstration/Performance

TIME:1 x 35-minutes



ENABLING OBJECTIVE:Execute the correct procedures for ordering a flight on parade, and dressing a flight in line.





1.If there are more than 15 cadets, the class should be divided into two or more squads.

2.Instruct the cadets about going down on one knee when feeling faint.


1.Order the squad into a suitable formation.


WHAT:In this lesson you will learn the correct procedures for ordering a flight on parade and dressing a flight in line.

WHY:It is important to be able to order a flight on parade correctly. Ordering a flight on parade generally marks the beginning of a parade. Dressing a flight in line is important because it ensures correct spacing.

WHERE:Ordering a flight on parade will be done prior to a parade. Dressing procedures will be used when a flight is ordered on parade and/or the spacing between ranks is incorrect.


1.At the end of the lesson each of you will be required to order a flight on parade and dress a flight in line, andwill be checked independently.



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1.Demonstrate ordering a flight on parade.


1.Prior to falling in, the flight shall assemble in three ranks at the edge of the

parade ground, standing at ease.

2.On the command, “MARKER”, the marker shall:

a.come to attention;

b.observe standard pause; quick time, march to a position three paces in front of and facing

the flight sergeant and halt; and

d.remain at attention.

3.The flight sergeant then turns rights and marches to a position which will

place him/her 3 paces in front and centeredon the location where the

flight istobe formed up.

4.On the command, “FALL-IN”, the flight shall:

a.come to attention;

b.observe the standard pause;

c.march on to the parade ground and halt at the left of and covering

off the marker; and

d.remain at attention.

5.The flight sergeant may then call the roll, size the flight, etc, as required.

(NOTE: At this point it is important to distinguish between the parade

position of flight sergeant and the rank of flight sergeant. The parade

position of flight sergeant is the second-in-command of a flight and can be

found behind the flight. The rank of flight sergeant is a rank that a cadet


6.If the flight has Supernumerary Officers, WOs and senior NCOs:

a.the senior NCOs will form up in a supernumerary rank, three paces

behindthe rear rank, evenly spaced across the flight frontage.

Theywill act on the orders of the flight sergeant.

b.the Supernumerary Officers will be ordered to fall in by the flight

commanderafter he/she has taken over command.

7.The flight will be handed over to the flight commander in the following


a.the flight sergeant calls the flight to attention as the flight

commander approaches.

b.the flight commander halts two paces in front of the flight sergeant,

who reports the flight.

c.upon being ordered to fall in, the flight sergeant turns right and

proceeds by a series of wheels around the right flank to take up

his/her position three paces centered and to the rear of the


d.the flight commander marches forward two paces and takes up the

flight sergeant’s former position.



1.Practice the movement with the squad.


1.Demonstrate dressing a flight.


1.The flight may be ordered to dress by either the flight commander or the

flight sergeant.

2.When the flight commander wishes to dress the flight, he/she shall face

the flight and order SHOULDER (ELBOW) DRESSING or RIGHT


a.The flight will act as detailed in EO 401.05 in Level One.

(i)the right-hand individual of the front rank stands fast;

(ii)the remainder take a half pace forward by shooting the left

foot forward, bending the right knee and adopting the

position of attention.

(iii)the right file stands fast;

(iv)the remainder turns head and eyes to the right as far as

possible without straining; and

(v) simultaneously, the front rank, except the right-hand

individual, shoots the right arm its full extent behind the

shoulders of the one on the right. The hand is closed as in

the position of attention, back of the hand uppermost and

arm parallel to the ground.

(vi)the right-hand individual of the front rank stands fast; and

(vii)the remainder takes up correct alignment, distance and

covering by taking short, quick paces until they are in the

correct position. Movement starts with the left foot.

b.As a guide to taking up correct alignment, each member of the

squadexcept those in the right file moves to a position from which

the lower portion of the face of the second person to the right can

just be seen. Correct covering is taken up by glancing to the front

without moving the head. The interval is correct when the closed

hand is touching the left shoulder of the person on the right.

c.The Flight Sergeant:

(i)steps off, wheels to the right, and marches six paces to the

right of the right flank, wheels to the left and halts, facing the

front and in line with the front rank.

(ii)turns left and dresses the front rank. When the front rank is

dressed, the flight sergeant orders “FRONT RANK-


(iii)turns left, and keeping his arms at the side, paces off the

interval, halts, turns right, and dresses the center rank. The

flight sergeant then orders “CENTER RANK-STEADY”.

(iv)turns left, and keeping arms at the side,again paces off the

interval, halts, turns right, and dresses the rear rank. The

flight sergeant then orders “REAR RANK-STEADY”.

d.The Flight Commander then orders “EYES-FRONT”; and

e.The flight will act as ordered. The Flight Sergeant will step off and

by a series of wheels, march to his original position in the rear of

the flight.

2.When the flight sergeant is in command of the flight and orders the right

dress, the procedure above is followed. The command, “EYES-FRONT”

is ordered by the flight sergeant after he returns to his position in front of

the flight.



1.Practice the movement with the squad.

Test Details - Each cadet will be checked independently and will be required

to order a flight on parade and to dress a flight in line, as


1.It is essential that all individual and collective mistakes be corrected in order that these mistakes do not become a habitual pattern.

2.Drill has an overall assessment upon completion of training for this PO; therefore, emphasis must be placed on practice and the correction of mistakes.


WHAT:In this lesson you have learned the correct procedures for ordering a flight on parade, and dressing a flight in line.

WHY:It is important to be able to order a flight on parade correctly. Ordering a flight on parade generally marks the beginning of a parade. Dressing a flight in line is important because it ensures correct spacing.

WHERE:Ordering a flight on parade will be done prior to a parade. Dressing procedures will be used when a flight is ordered on parade and/or the spacing between ranks is incorrect.


1.Comment on actual student performance. (Identify strengths and points that require



1.Your next lesson will be PO/EO 401.04, conduct an inspection of a flight.


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