Lárionad na nGael Cois Tyne

Constitution of

Tyneside Irish Centre Limited

Registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965

Register No. 28346R

This constitution is based upon, and is complementary to, the Tyneside Irish Centre’s Mission statement.

DRAFT 110913


  1. Name
  2. Objectives

Section B:Membership

  1. Members
  2. Application for membership
  3. Rules
  4. Temporary membership
  5. Life Members
  6. Register of Members
  7. Cessation of membership
  8. Conduct

Section C:Meetings

  1. Annual General Meeting
  2. Ballots and voting
  3. Extraordinary General Meeting
  4. Resolutions
  5. Notice

Section D:Management

  1. The Committee

Section E: Administrative

1. Powers of the Centre

2. Seal

3.Value Added Tax

4. Licensed Hours

5.Registered Office

6. Dissolution

7. Amendment to Constitution

8. Indemnity

9. Notice

Structure of the Centre


1. Name

The society shall be called Tyneside Irish Centre Limited (referred to herein as “the Centre”), and shall trade under the name Tyneside Irish Centre. The Gaelic version of the name, Lárionad na nGael Cois Tyne, may also be used.

2. Objectives

The objectives of the Centre shall be:

  • to promote the values of Irish culture, especially through music, literature, language, dance, poetry, education, sport and custom;
  • to provide a welcoming and positive environment for members to enjoy socialising
  • to provide wider support and advice for members particularly, but not exclusively, those of Irish descent and their families
  • to promote traditional Irish family values in a modern context, and particularly with a view to providing support for emigrants, the elderly, disabled and needy
  • to cooperate with our colleagues in other appropriate Irish orientated organisations to promote cultural and educational activities and to maintain and express the traditional values of Irish identity for the benefit of the Irish community as a whole
  • where possible, to support relevant charitable, educational and philanthropic endeavours in the local community, with a view to strengthening the bonds between the Centre and the broader North East of England region

Section on “Powers of the Centre” has been moved in its entirety to Section E – Administrative.

1. Members

1.1The Centre recognises the diverse backgrounds and origin within the Irish Diaspora. It acknowledges the intrinsic value of each individual. Discrimination or the causing of offence to another Member or their Guest based on their gender, skin colour, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, political or religious beliefs, age or personal characteristics will not be tolerated.

1.2The Members of the Centre shall be the persons whose names are for the time being entered in the Register of Members.

1.3. It is an ongoing condition of membership that Members must:

1.3.1commit to helping the Centre achieve its aims and objectives;

1.3.2abide by the rules of the Centre and to behave in a manner that does not, nor is likely to bring the Centre into disrepute, and

1.3.3. pay the annual membership subscription as specified by the Committee.

2. Application for membership

2.1Individuals wishing to apply for membership of the Centre should complete a Membership Application Form, and submit to the Management Committee the completed form together with a Membership Proposal from an existing Member.

2.2An individual who is unable to procure a proposal from an existing member should in the first instance apply in writing directly to the Management Committee.

2.3 Any Member wishing to propose an individual for membership should obtain a Membership Application Form from a member of the Management Committee, and seek a seconder for the nomination. This form, along with the relevant membership fee, will then be submitted to the Membership Secretary and then the application for membership will need to be ratified by the Management Committee. The Committee reserve the right to request the attendance of any applicant for membership at a committee meeting.

2.4Applications for membership will be considered by the Management Committee at the first meeting following receipt. The Management Committee decision will be conveyed to the applicant within 14 days of the Management Committee’s meeting. The Committee shall not be obliged to provide reasons for the decline of any membership application.

2.5Where approved by the Management Committee, membership will be granted on a provisional basis lasting not less than three calendar months from the date of ratification. Such membership will automatically transfer to full membership at the end of this period, except where there has been a matter that comes to the attention of the Management Committee and which gives cause for concern. In such circumstances, the person applying for full membership will be required to attend a Management Committee meeting where their application for membership will be considered and responded to.

3. Rules

3.1Within opening hours, any Member may have access to the premises of the Centre, and will at all times be bound by its rules.

3.2An existing Member may introduce up to two Guests, subject to each such Guest agreeing to abide by the rules and aims of the Centre. A member introducing Guests will be responsible for the conduct of these Guests. Should there be any breach of the Centre’s aims or rules by Guests, then the member introducing them may be subject to sanction within the rules.

3.3The Centre reserves the right to refuse access to any guest, and during exceptionally busy periods to all guests.

3.4 The Management Committee shall, from time to time, review the rules of the Centre and inform members of a proposed change of rules at a general meeting convened for that purpose.

4. Temporary Membership

For individuals wishing to participate in the activities of the Centre, temporary membership may be from time-to-time available. All temporary members will be bound by the rules and objectives of the Centre, and membership may be withdrawn in the event of behaviour unbecoming of a member. The Centre reserves the right to refuse temporary membership to any individual. (“Rule on temporary members needs to accord with licence regulations. It doesn’t at the moment. There is a waiting period - think it’s 48 hours”)

5. Honorary Members

The Management Committee is empowered to bestow the honorary title of Life Member or Senior Member on those individuals whom in the considered opinion of the Management Committee through that individuals status, service or commitment and dedication, have brought honour and standing to the Centre or to the wider Irish community. Life membership will be accorded to those individuals who have attained the age of 70 years on the 1st of January in the relevant year and who have had 20 years continuous membership of the Centre. Honorary membership will continue in perpetuity, provided that the honorary member informs the Management Committee each year, during the period of membership renewals, that they wish their membership to be continued but subject at all times to the reaffirmation of the Management Committee.

6. Register of Members

6.1The Centre shall keep a register of all Members in which shall be entered the following minimum information:

6.1.1The names, addresses and contact details of Members, and

6.1.2The date on which each person was entered as a Member;

This information is confidential and must not be shared with any third party without the express permission of the Management Committee, within the constraints of current data protection legislation.

7. Cessation of Membership

7.1A person shall cease to be a Member of the Centre and be immediately relieved of voting rights and any other rights of membership in the event of :-

7.1.1serious or persistent breach of any of the Rules of the Centre;

7.1.2non-payment of their annual membership subscription within the period for renewing memberships as stipulated by the Management Committee. Unless decided differently by the Management Committee, the date by which membership shall be renewed is the 1st March each year. After that date it will be at the discretion of the Committee whether the applicant for membership should pay a late penalty or should have to re-apply for membership.

7.1.3by their membership being withdrawn by the Management Committee;

7.1.4by their resignation, or

7.1.5upon their demise.

8. Conduct

8.1It is incumbent on all Members, and their Guests, to behave in a manner that does not nor is likely to bring the Centre into disrepute.

8.2Any committee member, or member of the Centre’s management staff, can insist that a person remove themselves and/or that person’s Guests from the Centre and its environs, if this is considered to be appropriate and proportional for the safe and proper functioning of the Centre. Any Member so requested, may also be subject to the Centre’s disciplinary processes.

8.3The Committee is empowered to enact such rules as it considers appropriate for the proper management and safe functioning of the Centre. A written copy of all of therules of the Centre shall be held within the Centre which, on request, shall be available for inspection to any member. These rules apply, equally, to Members, committee members and staff of the Centre.

8.4The Management Committee is empowered to deal with any infringement of any of the rules of the Centre as it sees fit.

8.5When considering any matter concerning a member with provisional membership (normally the first three months), the Management Committee will, except in exceptional circumstances, withdraw that membership. In other cases it may be deemed appropriate to extend the period of provisional membership, by up to an additional three months.


1. Annual General Meeting

1.1The Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Centre shall be held before the end of March each year, on a date to be fixed by the Management Committee, for the transaction of the following business:

1.1.1To consider and approve (with or without amendment) the minutes of the previous AGM.

1.1.2 To receive and approve a report from the Management Committee on the affairs of the Centre since the previous AGM.

1.1.3 To receive and approve the Centre’s books of account for the preceding financial year and where necessary in law or where the Members require the Auditors’ report thereon.

1.1.4To elect the Chairman, Vice-chairman and Treasurer for the coming year.

1.1.5 To confirm any elections of Honorary Members made by the Management Committee during the preceding year.

1.1.6 To elect Members of the Management Committee for the coming year.

1.1.7Where necessary in law or where the members require: To appoint the Auditors for the coming year, or To consider a resolution disapplying the provisions of the Act relating to the obligation to appoint Auditors.

1.1.8To consider as a special resolution any addition or alteration to these rules duly proposed in accordance with Rule 4.

1.1.9 To consider any other motion or business duly proposed in accordance with Rule 4.

1.1.10 To consider any other business of which due notice shall have been given.

1.1.11 To hear any other relevant matter for the consideration of the Management Committee during the ensuing year, but on which no voting shall be allowed.

1.2At least fourteen days Notice of the AGM shall be given with a copy of the agenda posted, prominently, within the Centre.

1.3The AGM shall hear reports from the Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and / or any other person that the Management Committee deems it appropriate to hear from.

1.4A written copy of the Centre’s Financial Report shall be made available to Members attending the AGM.

1.5Each Member (including Honorary Members but not including Temporary Members) shall be entitled to one vote in any business or motion being conducted at the annual general meeting (or any special general meeting) where a decision is being made based on votes cast by the members present.

2. Ballots and Voting

2.1All ballots shall be carried out under the direction of the Management Committee, by three Scrutineers agreed by the general meeting (none of whom shall be candidates or members of the Management Committee). The Scrutineers shall provide the meeting with a written statement of their findings.

2.2In the event that the number of votes cast is the same for and against any business or motion, the person chairing the meeting shall have a casting vote.

2.3A general meeting may proceed to business if ten members are present within an hour after the time fixed for that meeting, otherwise the meeting is dissolved.

3. Extraordinary General Meeting

3.1The Committee may convene at any time an Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) by giving to all Members 14 clear days Notice thereof stating the date, time and venue together with a schedule of the resolution or resolutions to be moved or other business to be transacted thereat.

3.2 The Management Committee shall also or in the alternative convene an EGM on receipt by the Secretary of a written requisition so to do, duly signed by not less than 100 Members. Each requisition must clearly state the specific resolution to be moved. The meeting may proceed to business once a minimum of 75% of those Members requisitioning the meeting are present together within one hour of the time fixed for the meeting.

4. Resolutions

Amendments to any resolution proposed by the Committee shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary, duly proposed and seconded by Members, a minimum of 48 hours prior to the commencement of an AGM or an EGM. In order to facilitate the functioning of the meeting, at the discretion of the person chairing that meeting, a compromise proposal can be accepted from any individual attending the meeting.

5. Notice of EGM

5.1 A minimum of 14 clear days Notice of any EGM stating the date, time and venue and the resolution(s) to be moved thereat shall be provided by the Secretary within 14 days of the receipt of the requisition.

5.2 Amendments to such resolution(s) shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary duly proposed and seconded by Members in the same manner as is prescribed by Section C,4, above.


1. The Management Committee

1.1 The Management Committee shall have overall responsibility for the management of the Centre.

1.2 The Management Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, and a maximum of a further 15 delegates, all of whom shall have been members of the Centre for a minimum of 6 months.

1.3 Committee members shall hold office for a period of two (2) years and be eligible for re-election. One half of the committee shall retire each year.

1.4The Management Committee will assume office at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting each year.

1.5 Powers of the Management Committee

In addition to and alongside the powers set out in part 1 of Section E below, the Management Committee shall oversee the management of the Centre, and shall have exclusive power to engage or dismiss staff. It shall have power to purchase such articles and do all such things as it may deem necessary for the carrying out of the aims and objectives of the Centre.

The Management Committee shall have due regard to any resolution or recommendation of any general meeting, but shall not be bound to give effect to the same if in its judgment such action would be injurious to the best interests of the Centre. In these circumstances it is the duty of the Management Committee to report, in writing, the reasons for any such decision to the proposer and seconder of the resolution, and to the wider membership of the Centre.

1.6Meetings of the Management Committee

The Management Committee shall meet not less than monthly to discuss matters relevant to the good order of the affairs of the Centre. Each meeting will receive an update on the finance of the Centre, and receive reports from any sub-committees, and these matters shall be standing items on the agenda for management committee meetings.

1.7 Meetings of the Management shall be deemed quorate provided at least one officer is present and not fewer than five other committee members are present.

1.8Election of Management Committee

The election of officers and of the Management Committee shall be by ballot annually and the results declared at the Annual General Meeting.

Four weeks before the Annual General Meeting nomination sheets shall be made available by the Secretary, identifying those members of the Management Committee whose term is ending, and inviting any new nominations. The nomination period will close two weeks before the Annual General Meeting. A list of candidates and ballot papers shall be provided seven days before the Annual General Meeting and ballot boxes will be available for not less than three hours on two consecutive days prior to the Annual General Meeting, and for up to one hour prior to the commencement of that meeting. In order to ensure that the ballot is secret, the polling clerk will register the names of those wishing to cast a vote and will then issue a stamped ballot paper.

1.9Election of Secretary

In the event of the position of Secretary becoming vacant, an EGM will be requisitioned by the Management Committee in accordance with clause 3 in Section C above, and an election will be held in accordance with the voting procedure as outlined at clause 2 in Section C above. Should the situation necessitate it, the Management Committee is empowered to appoint an individual as interim Secretary pending the outcome of the EGM.

1.10Removal of Committee members or Officers

Any Committee member, or any Officer may be removed by the votes of a minimum of two thirds of the members present at a EGM specifically called for that purpose.


No member shall be eligible for nomination unless he or she has been a member for at least six calendar months prior to nominations closing, not including any period of provisional membership, and has been proposed and seconded by two full members who must sign the sheet.

No candidate shall be elected to more than one position.


In the event of the position of Secretary becoming vacant, an election will be held in accordance with the voting procedure as outlined at clause 2 in Section C above.


The ballot shall be carried out under the directions of the Committee and shall be supervised by three Scrutineers appointed by the general meeting who shall not be candidates, committee members or officers.

1.14Who May Vote

Each full member shall have one vote for each vacancy, but no member may give more than one vote to any one candidate. Members who are provisional members may NOT vote in elections