Welcome to OCCSA
This introduction will help you set up and navigate the program.
It is a detailed program you can adapt to suit your company needs.
The type in blue in this introduction is the action required to work the program. The rest is information.
General information
It will be helpful to have the OCCSA website open so you can follow the instructions.
Once you have understood the process you will need to instruct staff on the processes they are involved in.
All control measures are to be filled in by administrator only.
Navigation - Consult the left menu to find the section you want to work in.
You can click on which area you require. It will immediately go to that area opening the required page.
Page Heading Menus - Once you have opened the page you will navigate using the heading menus. The heading menu will have the following format.
Guidelines- Register – New Forms
Guidelines - you need to read each one at the beginning of each section. Review each year or when necessary. Your company may not require all the guidelines. There is a section of the complete guidelines accessed by the left menu.
Register - is where you can view all the staff details after filling in forms. It includes - viewing, editing, and print buttons.
New forms - You need to save as you go and at the end of the form press the complete button. If you press the save button at the end of the form your work will not be complete, as this enables you to come back later and complete the form. Once you press the complete button the program will automatically take you to the Register form which stores the information. You can then view details, edit or print what is stored there. The section on control measures on new forms is to be filled in by the WH&S Administrator only. The results are to be conveyed to the staff member via email.
Ways to action the forms -
a) You can print a hard copy and give it to staff to fill in. They will return it after checking details. You then electronically record the details in the WH&S OCCSA records.
b) You can copy the form scan it and email it to staff. They can email it back for you to add to WH&S OCCSA records.
c) You can turn on the Workflow and follow the instructions to have the form electronically completed and transferred to WH&S OCCSA records.
Commencing the program.
Scrolling the left margin menu.
Overdue events - Commence with clicking on Event Management in the left menu. Read the outstanding overdue events for action - choose the outstanding event for action and go to question mark and it will give you the name of the form for action. Click on the question mark - it will take you to the form to be filled in. When you have filled in the form go back to the overdue events for action. If the process is incomplete the done button will be light blue colour and you cannot press this Done button. When you have completed the form, the colour of the button will change to dark blue and you can press this Done button, after that this event will be removed from the list of forms for action. Each year the new list of forms to be filled in will appear with the new yearly date.
Up and coming events - You add the event by clinking on the add button. You click on the question mark button to see details of the coming event. When the event is over you click on the delete button.
Complete list of guidelines - The following guidelines do not appear in the heading of each menu section pages but are to do with your company.
- Introduction to Guidelines - gives you a list of the national WH&S organisations you can contact to find out up to date information on new policies and further your knowledge of WH&S processes and protocol.
- Legal Responsibilities -this outlines in brief your duty of care under the law and your duty to inform staff by various means of contact.
- Sample Draft Policy -You will need to develop a Safety Policy and other policies e g. workers’ responsibilities, incidents/injury, hazards, bullying, smoking, and others which your company may deem necessary to be in included in your company’s existing Staff Contract or Employment Agreements.
The steps to complete each section of the program
1st step - Company details - You will have filled in your company details on registration. If you need to edit these, do so, and then at the end of the document press save to save your details and print hard copy for your Records.
2nd step - Departments. - Go to Tools and set up all your departments via add department button. You will need these for staff registration.
3rd step - Staff details - scroll down the left menu to staff and click. Fill in new staff member, starting with yourself. You should mark yourself as Admin. Save as you go and at the end click on Complete. Make sure you allocate each staff member a position as a staff member. Check staff members details are in Staff register. You can view and if incomplete you can edit and save at the end and again check the register. You will need to complete this action with all your staff members and print hard copy for your records.
4th step - Staff training - scroll down the left menu, click on training. The training guideline page will appear. Read these guidelines and implement what is applicable to your company.
New training form - click and fill in the details. Save as you go and press complete. The program will take you to training register, check that all details are complete. You will need to follow the procedure for all staff so you have complete company records of training and printed hard copies. Each year or when an individual appraisal is due you may discuss updating training so staff may improve their learning. You will then need to update your records.
5th step - Induction training - first read the guidelines. You will need to set up a program for new staff. The training needs to be completed in the first week of employment. You can purchase DVDS or make up a power point to demonstrate various points of policy and safety in your company.
We have developed Two Questionnaire forms: New Induction form and Work Station layout questionnaire form.
1. New Induction Questionnaire – a form for staff to complete and return to WH&S management. Staff are required to sign the form with the WH&S Administrator witnessing and signing the form to demonstrate the staff member accepts responsibility for understanding and abiding by the company’s WH&S procedures. This form demonstrates that the company’s WH&S program has covered
All the necessary safety requirements. The form has “yes” and “no” questions and comments. Management is required to check the form and act upon any comments. Each comment needs to be initialled on the form when the action it is completed and they have consulted with the staff member. Printed hard copies need to be kept for company records in WH&S office.
2. Work station layout - the staff member completes this to alert management about any health and safety needs at their work station. The format is the same as the Induction Questionnaire. Any comments or problems are to be identified immediately and to be initialled on the form by the management to say they have been completed and staff member consulted. Print hard copies need to be kept for company records.
6th step - Hazards - Not all hazards can be prevented. In any workplace there are hazards which need to have warning signs in place and identification and risk and rating assessments.
In the guidelines there is information on identifying hazards, rating their level of risks and charting a risk assessment. All staff should be encouraged to inform management immediately of any hazards and to understand the risks and rating technique.
New Hazard form - includes control measures for management. Management is required to document the hazard problem and control measures required to prevent the accident or injury. This form and the register follow the protocol for all other similar forms.
Annual Hazards Questionnaire form - This form is to be sent to staff to fill in each year to assess the health and safety problems in the company. Management will decide how they act upon the results of the forms. Any hazards will be recorded on a hazard form and control measures will be documented and checked. Staff will be informed of the results.
All Safety Checklist forms are to be filled out by WH&S management annually and appear on the overdue events list till completed. These forms give a good overview of all the procedures and action that need to be in place to prevent incidents/injury and hazards and to keep the office in a safe environment. To view the results follow the format for the Questionnaire register.
7th step - Emergency Planning. It is important to follow the guidelines strictly and to have in place all necessary plans to protect staff. There are fire companies that for a fee will help you plan your emergency program and annually check your fire regulations are up to date.
The New Emergency Checklist form will help you to ensure you have all the necessary requirements in place. Follow the usual procedure for completing the form and check the details in the emergency register.
It is important that all staff have a list of emergency telephone numbers at their work station for easy access. It is recommended that you fill in your form with appropriate numbers and distribute to staff. A list of emergency numbers to include in your company’s emergency list are found in the first aid guidelines.
Procedures for Emergency Practice - The following procedural guidelines for medical, electrical, chemical, gas, explosion, machinery, natural disasters provide information to educate staff to help in an emergency situation.
8th step - Injury Management - Read the guidelines for injury management. It is important to act promptly, administer first aid and call for medical help. You should have someone trained in first aid or a doctor you can contact. Keeping detailed records is important, as is acting on the control measures and documenting prevention procedures. Management must be informed of the incident/injury as soon as possible.
New Injury form - Follow the procedure and check details in Injury register.
Read the first aid guidelines to understand requirements.
9th step - Bullying and Harassment - It is important that all staff are made aware that bullying in any form will not be tolerated. The guidelines include the steps for staff to apply in reporting bullying. As a result of the circumstances of the incident you may need to include a mentor person from outside the organisation. Control measures may include counselling for staff, education or reformatting staff departments. New bullying form - follow the procedure and check details in injury register.
10th Step - Forms - Another way to view or access forms is via this list of all the forms. On the forms page go to the section you want, find the form and click the form and you will be taken to the form immediately.
11th step - Uploading files - Fill in the form, click on browse you will immediately go to file backups, select the file and open. You will then return to new form and click on upload. The file you have chosen will automatically appear in Upload register. This enables you to upload medial reports, C.V.S or staff photos.
12th step - Tools
1. Work flow forms - These are a list of all the forms you are able to access by the workflow system – which will enable you to sending emails from department staff to managers, to WH&S management and to return for further information.
2. Register of the departments - Click add button to add new department. All boxes for easy access.
3. Settings - This enables you with a “yes” or “no” answer to choose to use save button on forms and the other use is to show deleted buttons on forms.
13thStep - Documents - It is important to keep all documents in a safe place and review annually. To complete this action-go to menu - click on Company details. Then click on new documentation location entry - fill in the form and save - the program will take you to the new documentation register so you can check the details. In the document register you can check who checked the new form by clicking on checked and the details will come up. The document register will give you an over view of all the different sections and their documents, where the documents are held and how many years they need to be retained. You can change the number of years by clicking on the edit button. To add a new document name go to Document Register and press button at end of page. Fill in form and save and check in register.
14th Step - Audits - Each year you are required to complete an audits form to check you have the required details for all the sections and have carried out the necessary action. The Audits reminder will appear on overdue events.
Complete the new audits form, save as you go and then press complete when finished. The audits register will appear and you can check the details or edit.
Now you have completed the overview instruction of the program.