-Rapid Logistics Assessment –





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Final Checklist for Road Assessment Activities / Done / Comments
1 / List and map roads of potential use to and within the emergency zone
2 / Issue/update distance and time matrix for various types of vehicles you will use from the main port of entry and logistics hubs to disaster/operation area
3 / List secondary road options in case of closure of main/usual roads
4 / If applicable – consult with the Ministry of Roads/ Transport/ Infrastructure/ Urban Development to initiate repairs to damaged roads

Road Network Assessment

Where can you find information on roads?

  • In the LCA, chapter “Road Assessment”: road and inventory, distance matrix, weighbridges, axle load limits.
  • Ministry of transport
  • In the LOG:
  • Google Earth
  • Logistics Cluster website: Road Transport and Corridor maps, Concept of Operation (CONOPS).
  • WFP GeoPortal maps.
  • Other UN agency websites: UNOCHA, UNDAC, WFP, UNHCR, UNICEF, ReliefWeb.
  • Other humanitarian organisations
  • Main users of road network (private or government companies, truck transporters) will provide you information about: access, condition, time between locations, weighbridges, axe load limits, security.
  • Donors involved in road rehabilitation projects (World Bank, bilateral cooperation…).
  • Taxi, bus and truck drivers
  • Police and militaries (if not involved in a conflict)
  • Communities

Useful tips:

  • Maintain close contact with various sources of information for regular updates (Logistics Cluster meetings)
  • If you have doubts regarding road condition status, send a team for a short assessment and check security constrains.
  • Be aware that in some countries there are informal arrangements for controlling and managing the local markets and transport businesses. This could be by region, districts, villages, or small towns where certain groups (ethnic, tribal, clans, etc.) control some businesses.

Road Assessment
From/to (names) / From To:
GPS Waypoint: GPS Waypoint:
Total Distance (kms) / Is the route passable? / Normal travel time (hrs/days) / Current travel time (hrs/days) / Is there an alternate route? (Please complete a separate road assessment for alternate routes)
YesNo / YesNo via:
Are there any security concerns?
(Where and of what nature) / YesNo If yes please elaborate -
What type of vehicles can travel this route? / Truck + Trailer (>20 T) Heavy Truck (<20 T) Light Truck (<10 T)
4WD (<3.5 T) Motorbike Non-motorized traffic
What is the type of the road? / Paved Unpaved Compacted - smooth
Compacted - Rough Uncompacted – dry Uncompacted - Mud Snow -Ice
Are their axle load limits on this route? / YesNo If yes please list -
Are there any other dimensions limitations? / Weight If ticked please indicate the limitation-
Width If ticked please indicate the limitation-
Length If ticked please indicate the limitation-
Height If ticked please indicate the limitation-
What particular constraints are there on the route / Bridges and tunnels Restricted depths (rivers) Ferry capacities Steep hills Floods, landslides, snow Landmines Necessary transhipments Checkpoints
Seasonal/weather factors Tide schedule Roadblocks
Other (please indicate)
How is the present volume of traffic compared to the one previous to the event? / Hardly any less than usual NormalMore than usual
How can we explain the difference? / Disaster related Weather Logistics issue Political
What bottlenecks exist?
  1. Location (between x and y/distance from town)

Nature of bottleneck (damage to bridge, road, high pass)
What possibilities are there for re-opening and/or increasing movement capacities?
What materials, equipment, expertise would be required?
What would it cost and how long would it take?
  1. Location (between x and y/distance from town)

Nature of bottleneck (damage to bridge, road, high pass)
What possibilities are there for re-opening and/or increasing movement capacities?
What materials, equipment, expertise would be required?
What would it cost and how long would it take?
  1. Location (between x and y/distance from town)

Nature of bottleneck (damage to bridge, road, high pass)
What possibilities are there for re-opening and/or increasing movement capacities?
What materials, equipment, expertise would be required?
What would it cost and how long would it take?
Any additional information on route?

Copy and paste this table as many times as needed.

-Rapid Logistics Assessment –





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Final Checklist for FUEL Assessment Activities / Done / Comments
1 / List and map Fuel supply points of potential use to and within the emergency zone
2 / Summarize available types of fuel to operate vehicles and planes/ helicopters

Where can you find information on fuel?

-The existing LCA: Contacts details of distributors and testing company

-Truck transporters, taxi companies, electricity production unit

-Major distributors

-Station services

-Logistique Cluster website and meeting

-Ministry of transport website

-If you know main distributors in country, check for related information on the company web sites or contact them directly. For example: www. bp.com, These website often have links and contacts which can provide you with information about the situation in your area of deployment related to fuel, suppliers, prices and availability.

-Ministry of Oil, Gas, Natural Resources

-Ministry of Finance

Useful tips:

-Get feed-back about the fuel availability and quality from transporters and taxi companies.

-Fuel wholesale and retail sales are very lucrative businesses – be aware of the groups dominating or controlling this business in the country.

-Considering strategic importance and sensitiveness attached to the fuel, it may have political dimension and leverage attached to it.

-If you plan to store large quantities of fuel and/or distribute by your own means, make sure that the place, location and facilities meet the necessary safety regulations.

FUEL Assessment
Are diesel fuel and gasoline available at all operation locations? Yes No
If no, list the missing ones:
Fuel Depot 1 / Fuel Depot 2 / Fuel Depot 3 / Fuel Depot 4
Name / Address GPS viewpoint
GPS Viewpoint
Ownership – contact details
What stocks are held in various locations? / DieselQuantity………
Jet-A1 Quantity………
Other Quantity………
……………… / DieselQuantity………
Jet-A1 Quantity………
Other Quantity………
……………… / DieselQuantity………
Jet-A1 Quantity………
Other Quantity………
……………… / DieselQuantity………
Jet-A1 Quantity………
Other Quantity………
Is regular replenishment ensured? / YesNo / YesNo / YesNo / YesNo
Frequency? / Weekly Fortnightly
Monthly Other:
Other:…………………… / Weekly Fortnightly
Monthly Other:
Other:…………………… / Weekly Fortnightly
Monthly Other:
Other:………………… / Weekly Fortnightly
Monthly Other:
Means of replenishment? / By Sea
By Road / By Sea
By Road / By Sea
By Road / By Sea
By Road
What is the cost? / Currency:
Diesel: ………………...
Petrol: ………………………..
Jet-A1: ……………………….. / Currency:
Diesel: ………………...
Petrol: ………………………..
Jet-A1: ……………………….. / Currency:
Diesel: ………………...
Petrol: ………………………..
Jet-A1: ……………………….. / Currency:
Diesel: ………………...
Petrol: ………………………..
Jet-A1: ………………………..
What are the payment methods available? / Cash
Account Set up
……………….. / Cash
Account Set up
……………….. / Cash
Account Set up
……………….. / Cash
Account Set up
Are there any of these distribution variations? / Rationing system
National priorities
Weather recurrences
………………………. / Rationing system
National priorities
Weather recurrences
………………………. / Rationing system
National priorities
Weather recurrences
………………………. / Rationing system
National priorities
Weather recurrences
Is there any access facilitation for humanitarian actors (UN or national depot)? / YesNo
How could supplies be obtained directly, transported and stored in field locations?

-Rapid Logistics Assessment –





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Final Checklist for Seaport Assessment Activities / Done / Comments
1 / List and map primary and secondary Seaports of potential use to and within the emergency zone / ☐ /
2 / Establish type, volume, weight of cargo to be transported from where to where / ☐ /
3 / If applicable – consult with the Ministry of Transport/ Infrastructure/ Urban Development to initiate repairs to damaged wharves / ☐ /

Seaports Assessment

Where can you find information on seaport?

  • Ministry of Transport, National Maritime Authority
  • Relevant humanitarian organisations,
  • Contact the national ports authority and/or Maritime authority
  • Ministry of Transport
  • The LCA

Useful tips:

-Liaise with the freight forwarding agent regarding the port procedures and ask for tips.

  • Inform HQ and your suppliers regarding the kind of forms, documents they should provide you with prior shipping the cargo/container.
  • Confirm that containers are all in a proper condition and certified.
  • Check means of loading cargo on your trucks from containers and the containers themselves.
  • Evaluate the access of transport means into the port area.
  • Verify the different port charges, detention and port free time periods.

Seaport Assessment
Seaport name: / Classification III III
Location of the Seaport / GPS Coordinates:
Is the seaport fully operational? Yes No / If yes operating hours …………………………………………………………………
Operational at night? Yes No
Are these structures operational
BerthsYes No
(Un)loading areasYes No
Cargo handling areaYes No / Do they need Rehabilitation?
BerthsYes No
Parking areasYes No
Cargo Handling areas Yes No / If yes, please provide additional details:
Services available:
- CustomsYes No
- Cargo StorageYes No
- Seaport securityYes No / CONTACTS
Customs / Immigration / Cargo Storage facilities / Seaport security / Broker/ Freight Forwarder
Technical Data:
Berth #1
Berth #2
Berth #3 / Length (meter)
…..... / Depth (meter)
…..... / Draught at port
…..... / Draught at berth
Port Cargo Equipment:
Yard trucksYes No
Gantry CraneYes No
Top and/or Side handlerYes No
Belt ConveyorYes No
Shipboard craneYes No
Dockside CraneYes No
ForkliftYes No
Silo FacilitiesYes No
Containers facilities Yes No / Operational:
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No / Numbers:
Other comments:
Storage type/ area
Capacity………………… M3 Bonded Covered Cold Chain Handling Equipment
Other/ Comments:
Security: Fence Guards Light Alert Procedures Fire services Communications
Other comments:
Road access to Seaport: Impossible Weather dependantNeed rehabilitation Good
Rail access to Seaport: Impossible Weather dependantNeed rehabilitation Good
Other general comment:

-Rapid Logistics Assessment –





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Where can you find general information on procurement?

-In the LCA- chapter “Local supplies market” you will find list of suppliers (food and others)

-Organisations’ procurement guidelines, rules and regulations.

-Government Chambers of Commerce

-Other humanitarian organisations

-Yellow pages

Useful tips:

-Make sure that the supplier is licensed and registered.

-Preferably source locally rather than import, taking into account quantity and quality available.

-Get feed-back from other clients.

-Develop pre-supply agreement (frame agreements) for essential commodities and high turn-over commodities (strategic commodities)

-Ensure inspection and documentation of goods received

-Maintain clear documentation of all steps in the procurement process for memory and audit purposes

-Enact simplified emergency procurement procedures to speed up the procurement process (Before activating any emergency procurement procedures, first check the donor requirements and restrictions for specific projects) and if appropriate:

-Increase limits of approval and authorisation for purchases.

-Increase checks signatory limits.

-Suspend the requirement for multiple quotes-authorise single or sole-source purchases where justifiable.

-Suspend sealed and public bidding procedures (if this is part of your normal process).

-Decentralise procurement to enable larger-scale procurement at the field level.

-Immediately process payments due to vendors, as any delay in payments might hinder the delivery of goods.

-Relax check-run dates for emergency purchases to help with immediate payments.

Final Checklist for Road Assessment Activities / Done / Comments
1 / Establish a list of items and equipment required for:
-Programmes needs in response to emergencies
-Prepositioning of stocks (if needed)
2 / For each items/equipment, determine clear, precise and accurate specifications: physical attribute, technical specifications, and intended use.
3 / Based on your organization guidelines/policy, consider appropriate purchasing criteria:
Quality/availability/price/reliability/capacity/ packaging and marking/delivery time
4 / Identify possible procurement sources from:
1) local manufacturers, suppliers and vendors;
2) manufacturers, suppliers and vendors from neighbouring countries and region;
3) international or global procurement and existing supply agreements;
4) humanitarian logistics and relief items hubs and stockpiles;
5) bilateral in-kind contributions and donations by companies and states
6) borrowing from other stocks and donations.
5 / Based on the above, evaluate vendor performance
Suppliers Assessment and Procurement Needs
Local Suppliers Assessment
Supplier: / Contact Details: / LTA in place?
YesNo / If yes, please indicate end date-
What items do they have in stock or in the pipeline / S = Stock P= Pipeline
Water and Sanitation (WASH) / SHELTER / FOOD
Water Tank kits / Tents / Wheat Flour
Bladder / Shelter kits / Corn Flour
Pipe + fittings / Blankets / Oil
Tap stands+ fittings / Rubhall/ wiikhall / Beans
Buckets / Kitchen sets / Sorghum
Water pumps / Hygiene kits / Plumpy Nut
Waste pumps / Tarpaulins sheets / CSB
Generators / Tarpaulins roll / High Energy Biscuits
Jerry cans
Collapsible? Y N / Construction tools / Salt
Water purification tablets / Mosquito nets / Rice
Water quality Testing Kit / Lanterns / Sugar
Latrines slabs / Lentils
Hand Wash dispenser
Vector Control sprayer
Other in stock: / Other in pipeline:
How often do they replenish their stocks?
What (other) services can this supplier provide? / Transport Customs clearancePackaging/ marking
Has this supplier been working with other humanitarian organisations / relief operations before? / YesNo / If yes, please give details:
Any additional information: e.g. access, availability of additional storage facilities etc.
Supplier: / Contact Details: / LTA in place?
YesNo / If yes, please indicate end date-
What items do they have in stock – food and NFI’s? / S = Stock P= Pipeline
Water and Sanitation (WASH) / SHELTER / FOOD
Water Tank kits / Tents / Wheat Flour
Bladder / Shelter kits / Corn Flour
Pipe + fittings / Blankets / Oil
Tap stands+ fittings / Rubhall/ wiikhall / Beans
Buckets / Kitchen sets / Sorghum
Water pumps / Hygiene kits / Plumpy Nut
Waste pumps / Tarpaulins sheets / CSB
Generators / Tarpaulins roll / High Energy Biscuits
Jerry cans
Collapsible? Y N / Construction tools / Salt
Water purification tablets / Mosquito nets / Rice
Water quality Testing Kit / Lanterns / Sugar
Latrines slabs / Lentils
Hand Wash dispenser
Vector Control sprayer
Water Tank kits
How often do they replenish their stocks?
What (other) services can this supplier provide? / Transport Customs clearancePackaging/ marking
Has this supplier been working with other humanitarian organisations / relief operations before? / YesNo / If yes, please give details:
Any additional information: e.g. access, availability of additional storage facilities etc.