Award Winner Welcome Pack
‘Our mission is to reach out and unleash the potential of individuals who want to change the world in which they live. We call these people social entrepreneurs.’
Congratulations and Welcome!
Congratulations on receiving your UnLtd Award!
UnLtd invests in exceptional individuals with passion, commitment, determination and enthusiasm to overcome challenges and find innovative solutions to pressing social problems facing communities across the country. We only invest in individuals we believe have the ability and drive to change the world in which they live.
This is you!
We believe supporting social entrepreneurs both financially and non-financially are key ingredients to success. During the course of your Award you will have a dedicated Awards Manager to work with you – acting as a source of impartial advice and support. We aim to provide a supportive and flexible framework which allows you to develop your own skills and abilities.
This is our commitment to you!
Our experience of working with social entrepreneurs tells us that change and risk are inherent components of delivering social change. Ideas and approaches change and can be adapted to meet complex and changing situations. You will be able to draw upon our assistance as you meet your goals and build your project.
This guide will provide information about your UnLtd Award and we hope it will be a useful reference for you.
The pack is split into two sections:
Before you receive your first payment
During your UnLtd Award
Contact details for all of UnLtd’s regional offices are found at the back of this pack.
We look forward to working with you.
Before you receive your first payment
In order to accept our offer of an UnLtd Award please complete, sign and return the following paperwork. This must be completed before we can make your first payment. The Terms & Conditions of your Award state that you must do this within 90 days of receiving your Award offer letter.
UnLtd Terms and Conditions
This document defines the Terms and Conditions of your UnLtd Award. It is important that you read it carefully and clarify any queries you may have with your Development Manager.
Awards Payment Form
If you are receiving your Award as an individual, payments will be made directly into your personal bank account only. We are unable to pay your Award into a business account.
If you are receiving your Award as a group of individuals, we can pay into personal bank accounts or a project bank account. The bank account must have at least two signatories and these must be people from your group.
Please make sure that the bank details you provide us with are accurate. Should you be unsure, please contact your bank or building society.
Please break down your Award amount into two, three or four instalments dependant on your project needs, we are unable to make one off payments. You may wish to discuss your Payment Schedule with your Award Manager.
If you are receiving your Award as a group of individuals, the Payment Schedule must be signed by at least two group members.
Payments are made on or around the last working day of the month.
We have already requested your references. We must have received both of your references to enable us to release your first instalment. To find out the status of your references please contact the office as they may need chasing up.
During your UnLtd Award
Working with your Award Manager
Your main point of contact and support during the course of your Award will be your Award Manager. During the early stages of your Award you will meet with your Award Manager and agree a support package which will outline key areas where you feel you would benefit from additional support. Our approach to support is non-prescriptive. It is individually tailored to the needs of each Award Winner.
Being Contactable
It is important that we are able to contact you during the course of your Award so please make your Awards Administrator or Awards Manager aware of any changes to your contact details, for example, address, telephone numbers or email address.
During your award you should aim to keep in touch with your Award Manager as much as possible via telephone and email with updates on your project and to let them know of any developments or support needs you have. Please contact us at any point if you are experiencing any difficulties in completing your project or if you need any advice.
Alongside this ongoing support you will need to be available for the following meetings to take place during the course of your project.
Project Shaping Meetings
One to one meetings will be scheduled to help you develop and shape your project as well as implement a personal development plan. Please contact us at any point if you are experiencing any difficulties in completing your project or if you need any advice.
Financial Management Meetings
At relevant points during your project we will arrange meetings with you to discuss your project finances. It will be necessary for you to produce all receipts, quotes, bills and your project budget at these meetings. You must keep an accurate record of expenditure. Your Award Manager must be satisfied with your project finances before further payments are released.
Transitioning Meetings
Towards the end of your Award you are required, as part of your Terms and Conditions to complete a transitioning questionnaire, either at a meeting, by post or email. This will help you and UnLtd to evaluate the success of your Award and the support services you received.
Making Changes to Your Project
We have agreed to make an Award to you based on the information provided in your application form and subsequent interview. No changes can be made to the project aims and objectives, or project budget without prior agreement. Should this situation arise please contact your Award Manager in the first instance.
UnLtd believes that social entrepreneurs are often best placed to help each other, as Award Winners often face similar challenges. A key aspect of this Awards programme is therefore our network and your support of other Award Winners as well as the promotion of social entrepreneurship in general.
Reciprocity may be achieved in a number of ways, including:
· Acting as an ambassador or speaker
· Providing honest and open referrals of our work and its impact to funders, partners and other potential supporters
· Collaborating with our research initiatives as a provider of feedback, insight or expertise in particular areas
· Providing in kind support to other Award Winners
· Advice and knowledge sharing with other Award Winners who may benefit from the sharing of skill sets or your experiences in a particular field
· Passing on of equipment purchased with your Award to social initiatives or other Award Winners
Online Resources
UnLtd has a series of online resources at ranging from a directory of Award Winner case studies to information and free downloadable publications. UnLtd research also publishes regular bulletins on the website, previous articles include ‘What is Social Entrepreneurialism?’, and ‘What are the Barriers to Social Entrepreneurs?’
To help you advertise your project, news, or to request support on a wider scale, there are regional and national bulletin pages. Contact your Awards Manger for further information.
Sharing Your Contact Details
We are always keen to facilitate links between Awardees. Due to the Data Protection Act we are unable to pass on your contact details to other Award Winners without your permission. From time to time we may contact you requesting to pass on your contact information to another Award Winner, or asking that you contact one of our Award Winners who has shown an interest in your project or the work that you do. Please make an effort to respond as any contact is likely to be of mutual benefit. You are under no obligation to share your contact details if you do not wish to do so.
Recognising and Promoting this Awards Programme
We believe that recognising and supporting this Awards programme in your communication materials is mutually beneficial. Please contact your Awards Manager when designing any kind of communication or publicity for your project and we will provide you with all relevant logos.
Co-branding policy:
When producing a range of communication to be distributed in large scale, usually nationally, UnLtd’s Board of Trustees must first approve this communication, particularly in situations where the UnLtd brand is to be used in conjunction with brands of other organisations or products. This process is not necessary for press releases and local flyers.
Financial Guidelines
After receiving your Award, your Award Manager will arrange a meeting with you to review the financial side of your project. During this meeting your Award Manager will help you to focus your finances by reviewing your budget and expenses. A copy of your agreed budget is included with your terms and conditions which you will receive in the post.
You must make available to us at any time the following:
· Receipts for any items bought using your Award money
· Receipts for any ‘services’ bought using your Award money
· An updated budget plan for the remaining project.
If you need help in drawing up a budget plan your Awards Manager will be happy to help you with this
The following expenses will not be considered:
· Formal academic qualifications, tuition fees and bursaries
· Development of academic courses or curriculum
· Funding of places on programmes, e.g. Raleigh International or Common Purpose
· Training – unless it is in support of the project (this is at the funder’s discretion)
· Top-up funding for an existing project
· Payment for loss of earnings, professional fees or other costs leading to personal financial gain
· Payments to contractors or third parties. Funds may be used to employ others where it is integral to the project and the applicant retains primary responsibility
Capital Purchases
If you buy general assets for your project we will ask that at the end of your project you return it to us or donate it to the community (e.g. a school or community centre) unless the project continues, when it can remain with the project.
Working With Us
UnLtd aims to provide a supportive and flexible environment which enables social entrepreneurs to flourish and develop. As an UnLtd Award Winner you are part of a national network of like-minded people striving for social change across a whole range of sectors. We believe social entrepreneurs are often best placed to help each other, as Award Winners often face similar challenges. We believe in developing reciprocal relationships with our Award Winners which help to promote the work of Award Winners, UnLtd and the concept of social entrepreneurship, as a vital force for social change.
UnLtd Ventures is the in-house consultancy division of UnLtd. It provides business support to a number of outstanding social entrepreneurs, helping them to scale up or replicate their organisations. The individuals we work with have already established successful social ventures with innovative solutions that meet society’s challenges. Within UnLtd Venture there are a number of programmes which you will directly come into contact with and might want to know more about.
UnLtd Connect is a service to help social entrepreneurs realise their potential. We provide connections to mentors and experts, including social entrepreneurs, who offer their time and advice for free. Key partners include the professional services firm, Ernst & Young and the international law firm, DLA Piper.
Working with a connect volunteer is a professional relationship which requires commitment and responsibility, but the benefits are great and can help you to develop your skills and your enterprise to become more sustainable. Your development manager can help you identify areas where Connect could help you.
We believe that in-depth research into the individuals we support, their learning, needs and impact is the best way to ensure that we can improve our work to enhance the contribution which early start social entrepreneurs make to the world.
Lauren Adams