MINUTES OF THE MEETING – TUESDAY 19th DECEMBER 20170.6.15111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Present: Gordon Guest – Chair; Michael Speirs – Vice Chair; Cathy Penharris – Vice Chair; Jenny Penharris – Secretary;Lou Maddocks– Administrator;Eileen Andrews – Town Council; Roy Gould – Town Team; Anne McClements – Senior Voice; Martin Smith – Town Team; Paul Weston – Consultant
In attendance: Paul Brockway – MDDC Project Leader for Culm Garden Village
Paul announced that the NP would be receiving financial help from MDDC through the capacity funding for the Garden Village. This will be in two tranches - £5000 immediately and another £5000 after discussion on progress and remaining tasks. Paul particularly discussed the proposals for the Swimming Pool on the NW Extension. Agreed that we would meet with MDDC Officers, Paul Scoble and SPC members early in January.
- Apologies
Steve Hellier – Highways England
- Acceptance of the Minutes of meeting 8th November 2017
Tina Maryan requested that an amendment be made to the statement under Item 5 as such: “Tina Maryan said that in principle the rugby club site may be suitable for housing, subject to its suitability being assessed under the planning process, and there are likely to be developer funds available towards sporting provision such as a new rugby club within the garden village”
Prop:Gordon GuestSec:Cathy PenharrisAll in favour
- Matters Arising
No matters arising.
- Cullompton NP Reg. 14 Policy Proposals
7 policies that may require major changes were discussed.
- HT1 –Prop: Gordon GuestSec:Cathy Penharris A/F
That we retain Policy
- HS4 – Prop: Gordon GuestSec:Martin SmithA/F
That we retain Policy
- EN4 – Prop: Gordon GuestSec:Cathy Penharris A/F
That we retain Policy
- EN3 – Prop: Martin SmithSec:Ann McClementsA/F
That we retain Policy
EN3 – Prop: Cathy PenharrisSec:Martin SmithA/F
That we add Headweir Road (adj to No. 75) and St.Andrews Hill
- WL03 – Prop: Gordon Guest Sec:Cathy PenharrisA/F
That we remove Policy and expand as a paragraph in Sport and Wellbeing
- WL07 – Prop: Cathy PenharrisSec:Eileen AndrewsA/F
That we retain Policy but modify under a NP Development Order and subject to further discussion and evidence
- WL02 – Revise especially (ix) and (x). (vi) to include satisfactory vehicular access. Defer approval until changes have been made.
- CNP Project Plan
Paul went through the final stages of the Plan.
Ann said she would have to resign from the Steering Group due to other commitments. However she has agreed to stay on the committee but through electronic involvement only.
Meeting closed at 8.30 pm.
Date of next meeting Wednesday 10th January 2018.