School Council Minutes, December 14, 2015
Present: K. Paleologos (Principal), D. Morgan (Vice Principal), Nancy Crooks, PrathapAnnadanam, Harsh Thakkar, Brenda Morrison, Jay Boehmer, Jennifer Cowie Bonne
1)Welcome and Introduction: K. Paleologos shares a new PDSB video as a kick off to parent council
2)Principal’s Report
- Share the Joy: in-school activities will be held on December 18 to celebrate the end of term, including a dance, a movie room, a coding room, and a homework room
- Symphony: K. Paleologos and D. Morgan will be taking AA Martin students to the Living Arts Centre on December 20th. The tickets were a gift provided by a charitable organization
- My Blueprint course selection is beginning for grade 8 students in the new year
- IBT information night for incoming grade 6 students will be held on January 12th
- PA Day on January 18 for Report Card Writing Day
- AA Martin Spelling Bee is January 15, 2016
- Preliminary Rounds start December 15
- Over 200 student participants
- Health Curriculum
- Principal shares a reference guide
- Parents on council are supportive of new curriculum
- Concern that if we host an information night, it may raise unsettled feelings where currently there are none
3)Items for Discussion:
- School Council Elections: over 15 parents put their names forward to be members of School Council. As only six parents showed up, it was moved to table the election of Chair until next meeting, which was approved unanimously. It was also suggested that the parents who volunteered get a personal phone call to ask if they are still interested in being involved. D. Morgan volunteered to make those phone calls.
- It was also suggested that the schedule for School Council meetings be placed in the January Newsletter, which was approved.
- EQAO Parent Information Night will be held in February
4)Teacher’s Report:
- As no teacher has volunteered to serve as of yet, Principal discussed #ChooseAction.
- Wali Shah spoke at our school regarding #ChooseAction
- Principal shows Mr. Shah’s #ChooseAction video
- Principal shared our #ChooseAction pledges
5)Parent Concerns:
- Is it possible to have an Open House to help build a link between new families and the school, as an Open House wasn’t held in the fall
- Recording of homework: teachers are using a multitude of platforms, including MyClass and Edmodo, to share class and homework with families. Is it possible to streamline these sites onto one platform?
- Traffic on Ogden is a concern, as there is no crosswalk, and parents are dropping their students off on the street rather than through the Kiss and Ride. Can we station our NPU on the street in the morning to enforce traffic laws
Meeting adjourned. Next Meeting is January 11, 2016.
Future Meeting Dates:
January 11: School Council Elections
February 8: EQAO Parent Information Night
March 11: Health and Physical Education Information Night
May 9: End of Year and Graduation Preparation