- Suggested services that could be merged include: mayoralty, members services, members secretary and elections. Could also be extended to committee services
- Line management needs to be reviewed particularly relating to mayoralty, members services and members secretary
- Need to clearly clarify roles for those involved in members support including leader and deputy to ensure best use of resources and avoid duplication
- Model used in other GM councils for the elections service could be pursued ie. Full time officers seconded to elections at peak times
- Opportunities for committee services to merge with executive services
- Could establish a link officer for all directorates
- Members database needs to be introduced asap some details could be included on website
- Needs to be fully utilised and training on housekeeping offered to members
- Increased use of website is enhancing the service and should be pursued further
- Investigate access to electoral register to give members access to view
- BPR on elections potential for further involvement of BPR to further call centre application
- Review responsibilities for the upkeep of directorate issues on SOLAR
- Consistent approach to SOLAR needed ie all reports should be published and all lead member meetings
- All member related issues would be within one unit eg. Travel arrangements
- Members mail dispatch to be reviewed - collection/re-location
- Re-organise the provision of paper copies of agenda etc
- Central library needs organising effectively and resourced
- Review service provision for lead member briefings to create an authority wide consistency of approach
- Assess the support needed by cabinet and who resources it
- Role of executive unit support to cabinet members to be reviewed
- Inconsistency of current provision to cabinet with gaps identified
- Fragmented approach to research a facility needs to be established
- Review meeting groups and identify which will no longer be required and which will need servicing
- Consistent approach to lead member support needed
- Requirement to service outside meetings to be assessed
- Central diary to be fully utilised and used as remembrancer
- Support to political parties and individual elected members needs to be reviewed and standardised
- Finalise/publish standards relating to advocacy role
- Could be potential for conflict if exec services extended their role to other members
- Need a consistent approach to meetings with outside bodies support needs to be provided to members
- Protocols need to be established between Exec services, committee admin & scrutiny support
- Produce an easy guide to the constitution
- Role of guardian of the constitution needs to be reviewed
- Promote central diary and its use
- Raise profile of central library
- Need to publicise election related issues: arrangements when standing for election, standing as a candidate, changes in legislation and details about polling stations
- Broaden scope of marketing election issues at schools
- Increased use of public relations to promote the mayor
- Role of mayor could be used in community engagement
- Potential for partnership working