Author: / Alan Judd, BTPDate: / 17th November 2010
Location: / London Underground Meeting Room
Alan Judd (AJ)Chairperson/BTP Kings Cross NPT,HUB Sergeant
Paul Garnish (PG)London Underground, Duty Station Manager Kings Cross
Subbarayulu Raja (SR)BTP Kings Cross NPT HUB Police Community Support Officer
Ann-Marie Cunningham (AC)London Underground, Training Specialist
Ray Parnel (RP)London Underground, Training Specialist
Kevin Chapman (KC)London Underground, Kings Cross Staff
Nicholas Holbrow (NH)London Underground, Duty Station Manager Kings Cross
Denzil Williams (DW)Islington Council, Senior Street Management Officer
Fraser Scott (FS)First Capital Connect, Duty Manager
Dexter Brown (DB)Network Rail, Duty Station Manager Kings Cross
Duncan Clarke (DC)East Coast, Deputy Team Leader
Ariane Elaris (AE)Costa Coffee
Photi Pilides (PP)London Underground Workforce Violence, Aldgate
Chris Dobson (CD)Camden Street Warden
Santiago Gamboa (SG)West Cornwall Pasty Company
Sue Nelson (SN)Community Safety Partnerships Ltd
Ian McCammont (IM)BTP Kings Cross NPT, HUB Sergeant
Tim Ramskill (TR)BTP Crime Reduction Officer
Outstanding PSG’s and PSP’s
AJ provided an update on the current PSP’s being progressed by the Kings Cross Hub team with both actions completed and further actions planned.
Outstanding actions from previous meeting
AJ provided an update on the outstanding actions from previous PACT minutes.
During this update AJ asked for comment from London Underground representatives due to this being their first involvement in the Hub PACT meetings.
PG highlighted that when Kings Cross was an end location for football then staff received good support from Police due to resources deployed from the station whereas when Kings Cross was an interchange station for events elsewhere this support was lacking.
PP highlighted that 38% of staff assaults occur on weekends whilst 19% were attributed to events being held in London which offenders were travelling to.
It was highlighted to AJ that London Underground desired visible support at the very busy times due to the one way system being implemented. In addition to this attendees raised concern about the lack of visibility on Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings. AJ informed all attendees that an operation was underway between Kings Cross, St Pancras and Euston which would see officers working overnight.
Hare Krishna van
Due to the absence of interested parties AJ only gave a brief update in relation to steps taken by SR to resolve issues raised in regards a Hare Krishna van providing free food on York Way. SR outlined that the operators of the van had been engaged and as a result they stopped for only five minutes now and provided bins for litter.
Beggars – charity box
AJ updated new attendees of earlier plans to install a charity sponsored donation box. AJ explained that due to a substantial reduction in begging at the station this was not currently a priority but something that would be considered in future.
Whilst discussing the issue of begging around Kings Cross CD stated that during the morning (before 07:00) Pancras Road on the St Pancras side of the road was like the ‘Wild West’. AJ stated he would pass this on to the St Pancras team and include it in briefings for the night duty shifts being run up until Christmas.
CD asked whether St Pancras sent a representative to the local council tasking meeting which targeted street activity and was informed by AJ that they did not.
Police attendance – London Underground
PG and other representatives from the London Underground raised concerns in relation to Police attendance times to Kings Cross underground station. AJ acknowledged he was aware of problems during the transition into a Hub team and that calls were not always passed on the correct radio channel. AJ explained that the Hub team should have officers present at Kings Cross between 07:00 and 23:00, seven days a week. AJ offered attendees the dedicated Hub team mobile for staff to call.
The existence of shop watch radios at other stations was highlighted however AJ explained that this was a system funded by the shops themselves and due to the redevelopment at Kings Cross the implementation of a similar system would not be practical. An offer was made to AJ for officers to sign out a London Underground radio for their shift. AJ was very supportive of this idea and raised an action to implement it immediately.
Theft of passenger property (in addition to the update in the PSP section)
Theft of passenger property was discussed as part of an update for the ongoing PSP as well as it being a general and fundamental problem for the whole Hub site.
AJ explained that under Operation Yale the Hub team would continue to hold engagement events to reduce crime especially among the occasional traveller who are believed to targets for this type of crime. PP highlighted that females were also a major target on the Underground and stated that Police activity needed to utilise multiple tactics to target the problem and include visual displays and engagement. A DVD created for the London Underground was highlighted and acknowledged by AJ who stated he wished to show it to staff across the site. AJ also highlighted the fact that an animated slide would be introduced on displays in the mainline station and that he would direct officers to hold engagement events in the Underground station as well.
Problem solving groups are for those long term ongoing issues, that tend to not have an impact on the community, but they will affect BTP and particular community groups. These also tend to be the biggest crimes.
Problem Solving Plans are for the short term issues that can hope to be solved in a 6-8 week period.
OUTSTANDING PROBLEM SOLVING GROUPSProblem Solving Plan reference / Progress / Owner
Theft Passenger Property
OPEN PSG / Theft of Passenger Property continues to be the main crime at Kings Cross however reductions are being achieved with 20% less crime being recorded in the last six months against last year.
An awareness PSP has been opened and is currently active in connection with this problem.
This was not discussed and will be removed from the minutes as Theft of Passenger Property is not a solvable problem in this form. There also appears to be no formal record of a PSG being opened therefore it would be improper to discuss it as one. / NPT
Problem Solving Plan reference / Progress / Owner
Bike Thefts
OPEN PSP / AJ updated attendees to inform them of the work done to remove in response to this PSP.
It had been raised following consultation with FS and Mark McKevitt who were concerned about the overcrowding of cycle racks and increase in cycle thefts.
Attendees were informed that abandoned bikes from the cycle racks had been removed and that they had been donated to a charity. This had led to increased CCTV recovery and as such suspects were being identified.
AJ outlined his plan to approach FS and Mark McKevitt / Network Rail following consultation with cycle rack users who would be asked to complete a questionnaire. / PC Gina Denyan-Watkins / PS Alan Judd
Theft of Passenger Property Awareness OPEN PSP / AJ gave an update on actions taken in this PSP and those planned prior to it closure. He also highlighted the current aim of targeting occasional travellers as opposed to commuters as they were seen as a main target.
The actions to date were to:
-Have PCSOs patrol on trains from Peterborough to Kings Cross providing advice and reassurance to passengers which it was hoped would then be born in mind during their whole journey.
-Pass an animated slide to Network Rail that was to support the current BTP message around theft of passenger property.
-Initiate voice announcements in support of the animated slide.
-Arrange and hold two static engagement events at Kings Cross (mainline) station.
AJ then highlighted the recent operation started in order to tackle theft of passenger property; namely Operation Yale. He explained that as a result of this additional engagement events would be put in place on both the mainline and underground stations prior to the next PACT meeting.
A spike in theft offences was highlighted by AJ during October which ended with arrests for thefts committed at Costa Coffee and also on the mainline concourse.
PP later raised the point as to whether the discovery of thefts at Kings Cross that actually occurred would skew these results. AJ explained that crime figures recorded against the NPT site were those that occurred at the station whilst those committed over a route were recorded elsewhere. / PCSO Jason Sheehan / PS Alan Judd
OUTSTANDING PROBLEM SOLVING PLANSProblem Solving Plan reference / Progress / Owner
Warrant Card Use
OPEN PSP / AJ outlined the progress of this PSP as PS McCammont was due to update but received a late call to attend Crown Court.
It was explained that this PSP had been opened following both identified use by warrant cards by officers not entitled to free travel and on one occasion the use of a forged warrant card.
AJ highlighted recent arrangements to support London Underground revenue staff at Kings Cross where warrant the checking of warrant cards was one of the aims.
AJ asked for the views of PG, KC and NH who stated that the improper use of genuine warrant cards by officers was not perceived as a large problem for them as long as they assisted when called upon. AJ asked whether the routine checking of warrant cards was viable for staff however it was agreed that it was best to be continue these checks during Police supported revenue operations. / PC Peter Obiorah / PS Ian McCammont
Blocking of Ticket Machines OPEN PSP / AJ outlined the progress of this PSP as PS McCammont was due to update but received a late call to attend Crown Court.
AJ explained that the current primary aim of this PSP is to have stickers placed on vulnerable ticket machines informing passengers that should they encounter problems with the machine that are to not leave it but instead call a specified number. KC highlighted the main area for this problem were the Metropolitan Line booking hall machines.
There were concerns raised that any sign should be of a corporate format so AJ proposed to have the matter discussed outside of the PACT meeting as part of the PSP process.
FS highlighted enquiries made by FCC in regard to this problem; namely the alteration of the note mechanism to return through the same slot as it is fed into. / PC David MacGregor / PS Ian McCammont
/ DEADLINERNIB training / AJ highlighted that this training had been held for free previously and had garnered positive feedback however that they had since quoted prices up to £1000 to give the training. AJ explained that at present he would not be able to obtain funding. / PCSO Paul Cleveland / Ongoing
Hull Trains / JD will inform us and provide an update on the dry train’s policy.
** JD did not attend this meeting or the previous one** / JD / Carried over
Improve working relationships between TOCs / AJ explained that this had been subject to PSP’s earlier in the year and that joint working continued with NWR, FCC and East Coast. AJ asked for comment from LU representatives due to the new creation of a HUB team at Kings Cross and this formed the first topic of conversation (see section 3). / All / Ongoing
LN Inside News: / Due to inconsistent representation from stakeholders at PACT meetings AJ and other BTP officers chairing the meeting will continue to address this and update the mailing list accordingly. / AJ / Carried over
Bike Thefts PSP / Update provided by AJ. / AJ / Completed
TPP Awareness PSP / Update provided by AJ. / AJ / Completed
Black History Month October / AJ provided a brief update that the Kings Cross HUB had invited local school choirs to the mainline station to support an engagement event aimed at raising awareness of Black History Month. AJ highlighted the positive feedback received and attention garnered by the performances. / PC Gina Denyan-Watkins / Closed
Unfamiliarity of vendors with local BTP teams / AJ passed this information to PS Ioannou outside of PACT. / AJ / Closed
Finsbury Team / AJ provided an update to David Cockle outside of PACT. / AJ / Closed
Hare Krishna / AJ provided an update. / AJ / Closed
AJ asked each attendee whether they wished to raise or add anything else at the meeting.
PG asked how many times a person needed to be seen or dealt with before an ASBO could be obtained. AJ explained that if a person was identified more than once then they would be noticed and considered as a target. AJ highlighted the importance of recording this information in the BTP provided book and that evidence gathered would be forwarded to the ASBK department if suitable.
Workplace violence workshops
AC asked if BTP could attend workplace violence workshops held at Kings Cross on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. AJ confirmed that Hub team officers would attend and requested that AC send invites when dates were confirmed. No dates are set in the upcoming weeks due to strike action.
Poster of team
AJ was asked whether the Kings Cross team could produce / display a poster showing which officers were assigned to the Hub team. The poster produced for the St Pancras Neighbourhood team was raised as an example. AJ explained that although it may be difficult to have a poster produced he would provide a print out an excerpt from the website which showed officers and their names and that he would add other useful information to this.
York Way
DW provided an update on his teams work on York Way following previous concerns linked to the Hare Krishna food van. He explained that they were targeting enforcement around littering offences but this however was mainly concerned with smokers discarding cigarettes.
Response times to NWR incidents
DB stated that he was aware of two recent incidents where BTP had failed to attend calls at Kings Cross. AJ explained that he was not aware of the exact reasons for this non attendance however that on one recent occasion a call had coincided with a fatality and as a result units had not been dispatched. PG raised a concern that the control room were understaffed however AJ stated that this was not the case and asked that should the service provided not meet expectations then he be informed so an explanation be sought and provided.
PP stated that AJ should look into the problem now as it had been raised by two stakeholders however AJ said he could not look into a problem without specific examples. AJ stated that he could give general response time targets and performance.
AJ again offered to provide the telephone number of the Hub team as an alternative means of contacting the Hub team.
In addition to this London Underground attendees requested clarification of at what point calls were passed to the Metropolitan Police.
Leaflets to tenants
AE asked whether leaflets pertaining to theft of passenger property could be provided and displayed by tenants at the station. AE explained that when staff challenged poor property handling by passengers it may be useful to have leaflets available to reinforce the message. AJ was happy to do this however explained that further leaflets would need to be ordered.
West Cornwall store theft
SG highlighted recent thefts from the fridge at the front of the West Cornwall Pasty stand during busy periods and on the weekends. AJ stated that he would have an officer attend and review the problem whilst requesting that incidents be reported to BTP for investigation.
/ DEADLINEEvents Policing / AJ is to identify current approach to event Policing and considerations given to incorporate the HUB Team. / AJ / Next meeting
St Pancras Team Meeting Attendance / AJ to request St Pancras Team attendance at the fortnightly targeting and tasking meeting with Camden council. / AJ / Next meeting
Ticket Machine Meeting / IM to ensure that a follow up meeting is held to discuss the possibilities of placing stickers on ticket machines requesting customers remain by the machine in the event of money becoming stuck in it. / IM / Next meeting
Community Engagement / PCSO Jason Sheehan is to ensure that upcoming community engagement events aimed at Theft of Passenger Property are held in the Underground station (with consideration being made to place them near the cash machines in the Northern ticket hall). / AJ / Jason Sheehan / Next meeting
Leaflets to Tenants / AJ to contact BTP Media with a view to obtaining theft of passenger property leaflets for delivering to tenants. / AJ / BTP Media / Next meeting
Workplace Violence Workshop / AJ and IM to ensure BTP HUB team attend workshops at Kings Cross. / AJ / IM / Ongoing
Team Poster / AJ / IM to provide printed copy of team photos to NWR, East Coast, FCC and London Underground. / AJ / IM / Next meeting
Response Times / AJ to obtain information on BTP response targets and current performance. / AJ / Next meeting
Control Room Procedure / AJ to obtain an update from Force Control Room London in regards to the procedure around passing calls to the Metropolitan Police. / AJ / Next meeting
West Cornwall Pasty / IM to arrange for an officer to attend the West Cornwall Pasty Company and discuss recent thefts. / IM / Next meeting
Station Radios / AJ and IM to implement procedure for HUB team to collect and use station radios used by London Underground and NWR staff. / AJ / IM / Next Meeting