Institute for Educational Inquiry
Videotape Order Form
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Videotape Title / Price / Qty. / Total /Equity and Excellence
Comments on the issues of democracy, diversity, and equity from panel dialogues held during the June 1999 “In Praise of Education” conference (2000) / 50.00
Standards and Educational Renewal
Comments on the issue of standards and educational renewal from panel dialogues held during the June 1999 “In Praise of Education” conference (2000) / 50.00
Education and Journalism: Ensuring a Well-Informed Public
Thoughts on the commonalities and differences between education and journalism from a panel dialogue held during the June 1999 “In Praise of Education” conference (2000) / 50.00
Developing Democratic Character In the Young
John I. Goodlad (moderator), Mary Catherine Bateson, Beno Csapo, Robert Hoffert, Stanley Katz, Nel Noddings, Roger Soder, Kathleen Staudt, Paul Theobald, Julie Underwood (1999) / 55.00
Renewing Schools: Students Are Learning
Patricia A. Wasley (moderator), James P. Comer, Carl D. Glickman, Linda Johannesen, Henry Levin, George D. Nelson, Sophie Sa, Theodore R. Sizer (1999) / 55.00
Renewing Schools: Equity and Democracy
Roger Soder (moderator), Eugene Cota-Robles, Amy Gerstein, Vinetta Jones, Warren Simmons, Barbara Smith, Marilyn Watson (1999) / 55.00
The University’s Responsibility to Its Community
Richard L. McCormick, President, University of Washington (1999) / 55.00
Renewing Teacher Preparation: Making Progress
David G. Imig (moderator), Nancy Zimpher, Allen Glenn, Willis Hawley, Kenneth Howey, Richard Kunkel, Ann Lydecker, Richard Wisniewski (1999) / 55.00
Collaborating in the Schools: Partnerships for Progress
Mona Bailey (moderator), Richard Barnes, Michael Fullan, Anne Hallett, Paul Heckman, Jeffrey Patchen, Steve Seidel (1999) / 55.00
Journalists, Educators, and the Renewal of Schools and Teacher Education
Pamela Katims Steele (moderator), Janet Bingham, Milton Chen, Bruce Christensen, Larry Cuban, Donna Dunning, Dale Mezzacappa (1999) / 55.00
Technology and What It Means to Be Human
Neil Postman, Author and Professor, New York University (1999) / 55.00
The Educated Citizen of Tomorrow’s World
Diana Natalicio and Susana Navarro, UTEP (1999) / 55.00
In Praise of Education
John I. Goodlad (1999) / 55.00
Learning for Life
Mary Catherine Bateson (1997) / 55.00
Accelerated Schools Project: Don’t Remediate—Accelerate!
Henry Levin (1997) / 55.00
Access to Knowledge and the Human Conversation
Gary D Fenstermacher (1997) / 39.00
Creating Renewing Communities
Linda Darling-Hammond (1997) / 39.00
Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner (1997) / 39.00
School Power
James P. Comer (1997) / 39.00
The Public Purpose of Education and Schooling: A Symposium
Benjamin Barber, Linda Darling-Hammond, Gary Fenstermacher, John Goodlad, Donna Kerr, Ted Sizer, and Roger Soder (1996) / 89.00
The Mission of Schooling and Teacher Education in a Democratic Society
John I. Goodlad (1996) / 39.00
Evaluation and the Ecology of Schooling
Kenneth A. Sirotnik (1996) / 39.00
What School Leaders Can Do to Help Change Teacher Education (1995) / 25.00
Better Teachers, Better Schools: Introduction to the Leadership Program (1995) / 15.00
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