University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire August 29, 2005


Garry Leonard Running IV
Associate Professor
Department of Geography and Anthropology
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Eau Claire, WI54702-4004
Office phone: 715-836-2731
Office Fax: 715-836-6027
Home phone: 715-836-9501


Doctor of Philosophy, Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,

Wisconsin, May, 1997; Minor: Distributed (Soils, Archaeology, and


Dissertation title: “Geomorphology, Stratigraphy and Landscape Evolution of the Sheyenne

Delta, Southeastern North Dakota: Implications for Holocene Paleoenvironmental Change on the Northeastern Great Plains”.

Dissertation Advisor: Vance T. Holliday.

Master of Science Magna cum Laude, Geography, University of North Dakota,

Grand Forks, December 1988; Minor: Distributed (Archaeology and


Thesis title: “Late Holocene Climatic Episodes of the James RiverValley, North Dakota”.

Thesis Advisors: John Wyckoff and William A. Dando.

Bachelor of Science cum Laude, Geology and Geography, BemidjiState

University, Bemidji, Minnesota, February 1984; Minor: Anthropology.


2001 to present Consulting Geoarchaeologist: LaRamie Soils Service, Inc. P.O. Box 255Laramie, Wyoming82073 Email: Phone: 1-888-750-1635 307-742-4185 (office) 307-761-0399 (cell) 307-742-4484 Fax: 307-742-2090

1999 to present Adjunct Faculty: Department of Geography, BrandonUniversity, 270

18th Street, Brandon, Manitoba, CanadaR7A 6A9 (office: 204-727-9774). Teaching responsibility: Field Techniques in Geography (Geography 400).


1996 to present Assistant Professor: Department of Geography, University of

Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI54702-4004 (office: 715-836-3244). Teaching experience includes: Geography 491: Applied Soil Geomorphology, Geography 360: Geomorphology, Geography 350: Soils, Geography 325: Regional Landscapes of North America, Geography 186: Natural Landscapes of North America, Geography 178: Conservation of the Environment, Geography 104: The Physical Environment.

1995 to 1996 Physical Scientist: United States Geological Survey—Water

Resources Division, 8505 Research Way, Middleton, WI 53562-3581 (office: 608-821-3873).

Co-Principal Investigator: FortMcCoy and Joliet Training Area Geomorphologic Survey projects (with Ty Sabin, USGS-Water Resource Division).

Co-Principal Investigator: Wetlands Geomorphology of the Driftless Area (with Randy J. Hunt, USGS-Water Resource Division and John O. Jackson, Wisconsin Department of Transportation).

Purpose of the projects is to provide GIS-based baseline landscape evolution, paleoenvironmental, and geoarchaeological potential data to cultural and natural resource managers at military installations, and to determine the geomorphic setting of restored/created wetlands in the Driftless Area respectively. Field experience in: the Driftless Area of west-central Wisconsin (sandstone controlled landscapes, Pleistocene periglacial and glacioeolian landforms and stratigraphy, and wetland hydrogeomorphology) and late-Pleistocene ice-contact and glaciofluvial depositional stratigraphy and Holocene fluvial landform reconstruction in northeastern Illinois.

1995 Lecturer: Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison,

Science Hall, 550 N. Park St., Madison, WI 53706-1491 (office: 608-262-2138). Teaching Experience: Landforms and Landscapes of North America (Geography 329).

1994 Lecturer: Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison,

Science Hall, 550 N. Park St., Madison, WI 53706-1491 (office: 608-262-2138). Teaching Experience: Global Physical Environments (Geography 120).

1991-1995 Project Assistant: Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-

Madison, Science Hall, 550 N. Park St., Madison, WI 53706-14911995 (office: 608-262-2138). Principal Investigator: Vance T. Holliday. Field/ Laboratory Assistant and Giddings soil-coring machine operator. Extensive experience in geomorphological, paleopedological, and geoarcheological methods in eolian and fluvial settings on the Southern High Plains of west Texas and eastern New Mexico (including geoarcheological experience at the: Clovis Site—Blackwater Draw Locality 1, Plainview, Midland, Folsom, Lubbock Lake, Milnesand, Lipscomb, Mustang Springs, Poverty Hill, Miami, Elida, Winkler 1, San Jon, and Mark’s Beach PaleoIndian sites). Laboratory responsibilities included the performance of the following analyses: particle-size, organic carbon, and carbonate as well as day to day management and maintenance of the laboratory facility.


1991 to 1995 Ph.D. dissertation researchon the Sheyenne Delta of Glacial Lake

Agassiz in southeastern North Dakota. Field experience includes: geoarchaeology, geomorphology, soils, landscape evolution and paleoenvironmental reconstruction using interdisciplinary approaches (including pollen core extraction, plant macrofossil flotation, stable isotope analysis, and phytolith sampling) in fluvial, eolian, alluvial, glaciolacustrine, and glaciodeltaic settings.

1994 Field Assistant/Giddings drill-rig operator: under Mike Kolb, Great Lakes

Archeological Research, Inc., at the Heltior Mammoth Site in southeastern Wisconsin. Responsible for operating a Giddings soil coringmachine and assisting with the interpretation of stratigraphic relationships/site formation processes in a complex, vertically compressed glaciolacustrine setting in southeastern Wisconsin.

1989 Geomorphological Consultant: under Mike McFaul, LaRamie Soil Service,

at the Smilden-Rostberg Site (32GF123). Responsible for assisting with the

interpretation of local diamicton and fluvial stratigraphy, and site formation

processes at an Early Archaic site in alluvial fan and fluvial sediments in

eastern North Dakota.

1988 Geomorphological Consultant: under Dave Kuehn, University of North Dakota

Archeological Research West, TheodoreRooseveltNational Park Cultural Resource Inventory. Responsible for conducting a geomorphologic reconnaissance survey to locate, map, and model the distribution of early and mid-Holocene fluvial and eolian sediments in a badlands setting.

1986 to 1987 Assistant Grant Coordinator/Seminar Coordinator: Principal

Investigator: William A. Dando, University of North Dakota, Department of Geography. Responsible for a team of graduate and undergraduate students who prepared, shipped, and analyzed a nation-wide survey of middle school science teachers as part of the Middle School Earth Science/Meteorology and Climatology Materials Development Project funded by the NSF.

1986 to 1987 Research Assistant: Department of Geography (Principal Investigator:

William A. Dando, University of North Dakota, Department of Geography), Responsible, with a team of Master Teachers, for the preparation of the teaching manual to be included in the Middle School Earth Science/Meteorology and Climatology Materials Project, funded by the NSF.

1987 Instructor: Climatology Laboratory, (Geography 333), University of North


1986 to 1987 Instructor: Weather & Climate Laboratory (Geography 101), University

of North Dakota, and Grand Forks Air Force Base.

1986 to 1987 Instructor: Physical Geography Laboratory (Geography 100), University

of North Dakota, and Grand Forks Air Force Base.

1985 to 1986 Instructor: Meteorology Laboratory (Geography 330), University

of North Dakota.

1985 Research Assistant: Principal Investigator: Larry Loendorf, Department of

Anthropology, University of North Dakota, Department of Anthropology). Responsible for map design and archeological profile drawings in archaeological report.


1981-1984Student Assistant/Archeological Surveyor and Excavator: under Alan

Brew, BemidjiStateUniversity, Department of Anthropology. Experience in all aspects of Phase I - III cultural resource management in a diverse array of geomorphologic settings in northern Minnesota.

1983 Participant: Geology field camp at Ranch A (South Dakota School of Mines).

Exposed to geologic field techniques in plutonic, metamorphic, and sedimentary terranes in the Black Hills and surrounding area.

1980 Participant: Archeology field camp (BemidjiStateUniversity, Department of

Anthropology). Exposed to archeological field techniques at the Marquette Site, in southern Beltrami County, Minnesota.


Running IV, G.L., Havholm, K., and Faulkner, D. 2005. The Gowen Project, 2005 Field Season: Geoarchaeological Investigations to Expand the Search for Mid- Holocene Dunes and Gowen Occupations in the Glacial Lake Hind Basin, Manitoba. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates Grant - $5,400.00.

Running IV, G.L., and Havholm, K. 2004. SCAPE 2004 Field Season Geoarchaeological Investigations: Interaction of Dunes, Streams and People, Glacial Lake Hind Basin, Manitoba. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates Grant - $4,400.00.

Hollon, R, Kolis, M, Eierman, R., Running IV, G.L., and Dale, H. Communicating

Scientifically. A U.S. Department of Education, ESEA Title II Higher Education Grant. $63,038.00

Running IV, G.L. 2003. Origin and Distribution of Fluvial Terraces along the Saskatchewan and SouthSaskatchewanRivers: A GIS and GPS Approach. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,300.00.

Running IV, G.L. 2003. Karst Hydrogeology: An Investigation of the Origin of Lake "What-the-Hell", Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota. A University of Wisconsin- Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,000.00.

Running IV, G.L., and Barth, R. 2003. Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in Eau Claire County: A GIS-based Geoarchaeological Approach. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $2,700.00.

Eierman, R., Hollon, R., Hendrickson, J., Havholm, K., and Running IV, G.L. 2003. Physical and Earth Science Teaching Opportunity-Assessment. A U.S. Department of Education, ESEA Title II Higher Education Grant. $63,450.00

GRANTS (continued):

Running IV, G.L., and Faulkner, D. 2003. Sedimentological Evidence of Holocene

Environmental Change in Alluvial Fans, PlatteRiverValley, Southwest Nebraska. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Grant - $6,640.00.

Running IV, G.L., and Havholm, K. 2003. SCAPE 2003 Field Season

Geoarchaeological Investigations: The St. Louis Bridge site to the Confluence, Forks Locality, Saskatchewan. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Grant - $4,400.00.

Running IV, G.L., and Havholm, K. 2002. Geologic and Geographic Investigations of Holocene Terraces along the lower South Saskatchewan River, Central Saskatchewan, Canada. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $2,730.00.

Havholm, K., and Running IV, G.L. 2002. Field Trip: Holocene Geomorphology and

Environmental Change in South-Central Saskatchewan. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Special Projects grant, and College of Arts and Sciences grant - $867.00.

Running IV, G.L., and Havholm, K. 2002. SCAPE 2002 Field Season

Geoarchaeological Investigations: The Forks Locality, Central Saskatchewan, Canada. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Grant - $4,050.00.

Bergstrom, N., Havholm, K., and Running IV, G.L. 2001. Analysis of Early Holocene

Dune Sediments, Glacial LakeHindBasin, SW Manitoba. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,430.00.

DeChaine, R., Running IV, G. L., and K. Havholm. 2001. Topographical and

Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Hokanson Archaeological Site, Tiger Hills, Southwestern Manitoba. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,500.00.

Orzech, C., Running IV, G.L., Havholm, K., and L. Theo. 2001. ModernLand Use

in the Glacial LakeHindBasin. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University

Research: Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,5,00.00.

Bergstrom, N., DeChaine, R., Orzech, C., Running IV, G.L., Havholm, K., and H. M. Jol.

2001. SCAPE Project Geoarchaeological Investigations: The 2001 Field Season. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Sponsored Programs: Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Grant - $7,025.00.

Bergstrom, N., Havholm, K., Running IV, G. L., and H. M. Jol. 2000. Documenting

Holocene Environmental Change, Flint Stone Hill, SW Manitoba. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,000.00.

GRANTS (continued):

Lahner, J. T., and G. L. Running IV. 2000. Boundaries and Features of the Pembina

Spillway, Southcentral Manitoba. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,000.00.

Long, K., and G. L. Running IV. 2000. Paleovegetation Reconstruction of the Elkwater

LakeBasin Locality, Cypress Hills, Southeastern Alberta. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,000.00.

Ollendick, C., and G. L. Running IV. 2000. Surficial Geology and Land Use of the

Glacial LakeHindBasin. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,000.00.

Running IV, G. L. 2000. Geoarchaeological Investigations of Four Archaeological

localities in the Canadian Prairie Ecozone. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Research and Creative Activities Grant - $3,611.00, and a Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Grant - $4,985.00.

Running IV, G. L. 2000. The Plainsong Farm Project: Sustainable Agriculture and

Land-use in Southeastern Minnesota. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Small Research Project Grant - $400.00.

Running IV, G. L. (Collaborator). 1999. Changing Opportunities and Challenges:

Human-Environmental Interaction Within the Canadian Prairies Ecozone. A Major Collaborative Research Initiatives Grant funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, $2,500,000 (CN). With Project Director: Bev Nicholson (Brandon University), and Co-Investigators: Alwynne Beaudoin (Alberta Provincial Museum), Andrea Freeman (University of Calgary), Scott Hamilton (Lakehead University), David Meyer (University of Saskatchewan), Gerry Oetelaar (University of Calgary), and Dion Wiseman (Brandon University).

Running IV, G. L. 1999. Mid-Holocene Paleoenvironment at the Flint Stone Hill Site,

Oak Lake Sand Hills, Southwestern Manitoba: The Fossil Freshwater Ostracode Record. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,623.00.

Running IV, G. L. 1999 (summer). Reconstructing Post-Glacial Paleoenvironment

of the Oak Lake Sand Hills, Southwestern Manitoba. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: University Research and Creative Activities Grant - $3,820.00, and a Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Grant - $7,120.00.

Running IV, G. L. 1998 (summer). Geoarchaeological Investigation of the Flint

Stone Hill Site: A Stratified Mid to Late-Holocene Occupation in Southwestern Manitoba. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research: University Research and Creative Activities Grant - $3,580.00, and a Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Grant - $5,960.00.

GRANTS (continued):

Robinson, J. S. and G. L. Running IV. 1998. Assessing Construction Site Soil

Erosion Control Practices in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research, Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,165.00.

York, L. R., D. M. Wenzel, and G. L. Running IV. 1998. The Karner Blue

Butterfly: A GIS-Based Habitat Conservation Plan for Eau Claire County, Wisconsin. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research, Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,450.00.

Miller, K. K., and G. L. Running IV. 1997 (summer). Identification of Reference

Wetland Type Localities in the Kickapoo and PineRiver Watersheds,

Southeastern Wisconsin. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research, Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $2,123.00.

Dettman, J. E., and G. L. Running IV. 1997 (summer). A Wetland Habitat Restoration

Project in Bloomer. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research, Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $2,523.00.

Running IV, G. L. 1997 (Fall). A Project to Develop Soil Analytical Capabilities for Soil

and Geomorphic Research and Undergraduate Teaching in Phillips Hall, Room P282. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research, Laboratory Modernization Grant - $26,000.00.

Kelley, B., and G. L. Running IV. 1997. Geoarchaeological Investigations of the

Dell’s Pond Ridged Field Site in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. A University of

Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research, Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,891.15.

Knauf, E., and G. L. Running IV. 1997. Organic Carbon in Reseeded Prairie

Soils at Muddy Creek Wildlife Area, Dunn County, Wisconsin. A University

of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of University Research, Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,430.02.

Steffan, A. J., and G. L. Running IV. 1997. Soil Genesis, Morphology, and

Catenary Relationships in a Sandstone Bedrock-Controlled Landscape,

Glenwood City, Wisconsin. A University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Office of

University Research, Student/ Faculty Collaborative Research Grant - $1,948.75.


USGS -Geological Division (Dan Muhs and Tom Stafford—Denver) funded AMS radiocarbon analyses of

eolian sand samples from the Sheyenne Delta.

Sigma Xi, Grant-in-Aid-of-Research (#21174), 1994.

An NSF grant supported archeological investigations at the Rustad Quarry Site (32RI775), (Principal

Investigator: Mike Michlovic, MoorheadStateUniversity, Moorhead, Minnesota). I discovered the site and wrote the geomorphology/pedology/paleoenvironment section of the grant proposal.

Sigma Xi, Grant-in-Aid-of-Research (#9212), 1993.


Michlovic, M. and Running IV, G.L. (editors). In Press. Archaeology and Paleoenvironment at the Rustad Site. Plains Anthropologist Memoir.

Michlovic, M.G. and Running IV, G.L. In Press. Chapter 1: Introduction: Archaeological and

Paleoenvironmental Studies at the Rustad Site (32RI775). In, Archaeology and Paleoenvironment at the Rustad Site. Plains Anthropologist Memoir. edited by Michlovic, M., and Running IV, G.L.

Running IV, G.L. In Press. Geoarchaeological Investigations at the Rustad Site (32RI775). In, Archaeology and Paleoenvironment at the Rustad Site. Plains Anthropologist Memoir. edited by Michlovic, M., and Running IV, G.L.

Running IV, G. L., Sabin, T., and Ripley, J. L. In Press. Geomorphology of Fort McCoy, Wisconsin.

U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report. USGS: Washington D. C.

Sabin, T.J. and Running, G.L. In review. Relation Between Landforms and Preservation of Cultural Resources, Joliet Training Facility, Joliet, Illinois. US Geological Survey Open-File Report.


Havholm, K. G., and Running IV, G. L. 2005. Stratigraphy,Sedimentologyand Environmental SignificanceofLate Mid-HoloceneDunes, LauderSandHills,GlacialLakeHindBasin, SouthwesternManitoba. Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 42: 847-863.

Boyd, M., Running IV, G.L., and Havholm, K.G. 2003. Paleoecology and geochronology of glacial Lake Hind during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition: context for Folsom surface finds on the Canadian Prairies. Geoarchaeology, 18(6): 583-607.

Havholm, K.G., Bergstrom, N.D., Jol, H.M., and Running IV, G.L. 2003. GPR survey of a Holocene

aeolian/fluvial/ lacustrine succession, Lauder Sandhills, Manitoba, Canada, pp. 47-55. In, Bristow, C.S. and Jol, H.M. (eds.), Ground Penetrating Radar in Sediments, Geological Society of London, Special Publications, 211: London. 330 pp.

Nicholson, B.A., Nicholson, S., Hamilton, S., and Running IV, G.L. 2002. Vickers Focus environmental choices and site location in the parklands of southwestern Manitoba. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, 56(2-3): 315-324.

Running IV, G.L., Havholm, K.G., Boyd, M., and Wiseman, D.J. 2002. Holocene stratigraphy and geomorphology of Flintstone Hill, Lauder Sandhills, glacial Lake Hind Basin, Southwestern Manitoba, Canada. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, 56(203): 291-304.

Wiseman, D.J., Running IV, G.L., and Freeman, A. 2002. A paleoenvironmental reconstruction of Elkwater Lake, Alberta. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire, 56(2-3): 279-290.

Wolfe, S.A., and RunningIV, G.L. (Ed.). 2002. Preface: Drylands: Holocene climatic, geomorphic, and cultural change on the Canadian Prairies. Geographie Physique et Quaternaire,

56(2-3): 131-134.

Jol, H. M., and G. L. Running IV. 2002. A Ground Penetrating Radar Investigation of Mound K,

the West Prairie Mound Group, FortMcCoy, Monroe County, Wisconsin. A Report Submitted to the Department of Defense, United States Army Reserve Command, Directorate of Training and Mobilization, FortMcCoy. 29 pages, CD-rom, and appendixes.

Nicholson, B.A., Springer, R., Running IV, G.L., and Hamilton, S. 2002. A Welded Tuff Core

Fragment from the Flint Stone Hill Site in Southwestern Manitoba. Manitoba Archaeological Journal 12:(1): 8-16.

PUBLICATIONS (continued):

Viavattine, A. P., Haughton, P. V., Jol, H. M., and G. L. Running IV. 2002. A Ground Penetrating

Radar Investigation of Mound B, the West Prairie Mound Group, FortMcCoy, Monroe County, Wisconsin. A Report Submitted to the Department of Defense, United States Army Reserve Command, Directorate of Training and Mobilization, FortMcCoy. 30 pages, CD-rom, and appendixes.

Holliday, V. T., G. L. Running IV, J. C. Knox, C. R. Ferring, and R. D. Mandel. 2001. The Central

Lowlands and Great Plains, pp.335-362 . In, L. Orme, Ed., Physical Geography of North America. OxfordUniversity Press: New York. 551 pp.

McFaul, M., Running IV, G. L., and White, M. 2001. Geoarchaeological Coring Program at the West Berkeley Shell Mound (Ca-ala-307), Berkeley, California. Laramie Soils Service Investigative Report prepared for, Garcia and Associates, 1 Saunders Avenue, San Anselmo, California94960. Report On File with Laramie Soils Service, Laramie, WY.