1. Fungi have an ______mode of nutrition which requires the secretion of ______, also called ______, which break down food molecules in the environment so that the smaller molecules can be taken in, meaning that fungi are (autotrophic/heterotrophic).
  1. Fungi destroy ______% of the world’s fruit harvest.
  1. Why is a large surface area important for fungi?
  1. How do fungi and plant cell walls differ?
  1. Define:














  1. What are some examples of specialized hyphae?
  1. Draw the general fungal life cycle.
  1. What ploidy is present at each portion of the life cycle? What is the dominant ploidy?
  1. How are fungal phyla determined?
  1. What are the 3(out of 5) phyla of Fungi that we discussed in class and how do they differ?
  1. How do endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae differ?
  1. What features are characteristic of all animals?
  1. True or false: All animals have tissues.
  1. True or false: All animals reproduce sexually.
  1. Draw the order of early embryonic development. Important words to be used: zygote; blastula; gastrulation; gastrula; blastopore; cleavage. After what process are germ (tissue) layers formed? What are the 3 possible germ layers?
  1. What is a “coelom”? How is a coelom beneficial?
  1. Say you have 3 worms—one was a coelomate, one was a pseudocoelomate and one was an acoelomate. Draw the 3 types of tissue in each cross-section of each type of worm.

CoelomatePseudocoelomate Acoelomate

18. Acoelomates are characterized by

  1. the absence of a brain.
  2. the absence of mesoderm.
  3. deuterostome development.
  4. a coelom that is not completely lined with mesoderm.
  5. a solid body without a cavity surrounding internal organs.

19. Which of the following subdivisions of the animal kingdom encompasses all the others in the list?

  1. Protostomes
  2. Bilaterians
  3. Radians
  4. Eumetazoans (those with true tissues)
  5. Deuterostomes

20. Which characteristic below is shared by plants, fungi, and animals?

  1. They all have cell walls.
  2. All are eukaryotes.
  3. All obtain nutrition through ingestion.
  4. All possess the same types of tissues.

21. During the development of most animals, cleavage leads to _____.

  1. the formation of a zygote
  2. the formation of a blastula
  3. the formation of a gastrula
  4. fertilization
  5. metamorphosis

22. Which example below is a common feature of all animals?

  1. bilateral symmetry
  2. obtain nutrition through absorption
  3. a true coelom
  4. dominant haploid stage
  5. none of the above

23. Ectoderm can give rise to _____; mesoderm can give rise to _____; endoderm can give rise to _____.

  1. muscle ... the outer covering of the animal ... the central nervous system
  2. the lining of the digestive tract ... muscle ... the outer covering of the animal
  3. the central nervous system ... the outer covering of the animal ... the lining of the digestive tube
  4. muscle ... the outer covering of the animal ... the lining of the digestive tube
  5. the central nervous system ... muscle ... the lining of the digestive tube

24. A true coelom is _____.

  1. a body cavity lined with tissues derived from the endoderm
  2. a body cavity lined with endoderm and mesoderm
  3. a body cavity lined with mesoderm
  4. any coelomate, pseudocoelomate or acoelomate

25. The difference between pseudocoelomates and coelomates is that pseudocoelomates _____, whereas coelomates _____.

  1. do not have a body cavity ... have a body cavity
  2. exhibit radial symmetry ... exhibit bilateral symmetry
  3. are protostomes ... are deuterostomes
  4. have a body cavity partially lined with tissue derived from mesoderm ... have a body cavity completely lined with tissue derived from mesoderm

26. The presence of a coelom is advantageous because _____.

  1. it allows for a third embryonic germ layer
  2. it permits the development of an open circulatory system
  3. it allows room for the development and movement of internal organs
  4. it is necessary for a complete digestive tract
  5. all of these

27. Which example below is not a major feature of animal body plans?

  1. symmetry
  2. type of eye
  3. organization of tissues
  4. body cavities
  5. mode of development (protostome or deuterostome)

28. Protostomous animals are those in which the _____.

  1. blastopore forms the mouth
  2. blastopore forms the anus
  3. ectoderm forms the muscles
  4. digestive tract is incomplete
  5. mesoderm forms appendages

29. One of the two taxa that molecular studies divide the protostomes into is called Ecdysozoa. What characteristic is this taxon named for?

  1. a horseshoe-shaped crown of ciliated tentacles
  2. a trochophore larva
  3. the secretion of stiff external skeletons that must be shed to allow for growth
  4. segmented bodies


Body Plan Category / Phylum Porifera / Phylum Cnideria
Tissue Organization
Body Cavity Type
Pattern of Embryonic Development

31. How do Porifera acquire food? What specialized cells are used?

32. What is the important evolutionary trend between Phyla Porifera and Cnidaria?

33. What are the two body forms of Cnidarians?

34. How do Cnidarians acquire food? What specialized cells help? What is a nematocyst?

35. How do corals differ from other Cniderians?

36. Platyhelminthes contains 4 classes. What is each class’s mode of life?





37. How do the organs of parasitic and the organs of free-living platyhelminths differ? Why is there such a difference??

38. T or F: Parasites have good reason to and often try to kill their hosts.

39. What is the significance of the final host of a parasite? It’s intermediate host(s)?

40. What disease do Trematodes cause? What are the hosts for this disease?

41. To increase a parasite’s chance of being transmitted, a parasite can not only increase its reproductive effort, but also ______

42. The lancet liver fluke, part of the class ______, has what 3 hosts?

43. Cestodes, a.k.a. ______, are found in what type of animal? Where in these animals? ______What are the 2 main parts of these cestodes, and what function do they serve?



44. The pork tapeworm is bad for humans how? How do humans get it?

45. All annelids have ______circulatory systems. What does this mean?

46. Two adaptations in annelids are very well-developed. How are they important?



47. What is the ecological importance of earthworms?

48. Each mollusk has 5 parts. What are they? Are they the exact same for each species?






49. How do freshwater mussels reproduce (sexually)? What is a glochidium?

50. How do Cephalopods acquire food? What modifications are needed?

51. How are Cephalopod shells different from other mollusks?

52. All lophotrochazoans have the following characteristics EXCEPT

  1. Protostome
  2. Bilateral
  3. Diploblastic
  4. Trochophore larvae stage
  5. Lophophore adult stage
  1. Which of the following Platehelminthes classes are free-living?
  2. Cestoda
  3. Monogenea
  4. Turbellaria
  5. Tremetoda
  6. Bivalvia
  7. Which of the following is INCORRECT about Cephalopods in general?
  8. Class in Phylum Annelida
  9. Closed Circulatory System
  10. Predators
  11. Have a shell
  12. Have a radula associated with jaws
  13. What is the glochidium?
  14. Lure to attract host organisms
  15. Connection point between two shells of bivalves
  16. Rasp-like organ to scrap food
  17. Visceral mass on top of the foot
  18. Parasitic freshwater mussel larvae
  19. Which of the following is true of Phylum Mollusca?
  20. Includes Annelids
  21. Coelomate
  22. Gastrovascular cavity
  23. Largest animal Phylum
  24. Segmented body parts
  25. Which of these is NOT characteristic of Phylum Mollusca?
  26. Pharynx
  27. Mantle
  28. Foot
  29. Visceral mass
  30. Shell
  31. Platyhelminthes are
  32. Bilateral
  33. Flattened dorsoventrally
  34. Acoelomate
  35. A and B
  36. All of the Above
  37. How do parasitic flatworms differ from free-living flatworms?
  38. Free-living flatworms feed off of a host.
  39. Parasitic flatworms are deuterostomes while free-living flatworms are protostomes.
  40. Parasites have more of their body devoted to reproductive structures than free-living flatworms.
  41. Free-living flatworms have reduced organ system size compared to parasites.
  42. The Trematode lifecycle involves
  43. Intermediate and final hosts
  44. Sexual and asexual reproduction
  45. Cyst stage
  46. A and B
  47. All of the Above
  48. Which group causes cysts in human brains?
  49. Annelida
  50. Platehelminthes
  51. Cestoda
  52. Tremetoda
  53. Turbellaria

62. Which of the following is not a characteristic of most members of the phylum Annelida?

  1. hydrostatic skeleton
  2. segmentation
  3. pseudocoelom
  4. closed circulatory system
  5. all of the above are characteristics of Annelida

63. Which phylum is characterized by animals that have a segmented body?

  1. Cnidaria
  2. Platyhelminthes
  3. Porifera
  4. Arthropoda
  5. Mollusca

64. Which of the following characteristics is responsible for the incredible diversification and success of insects on land?

  1. Segmentation
  2. Specialized mouth parts
  3. Metamorphosis
  4. Flight
  5. All of the above

65. Which of the following combinations of phylum and description is incorrect?

  1. Nematoda-roundworms, pseudocoelomate
  2. Cnidaria-radial symmetry, polyp and medusa body forms
  3. Platyhelminthes-flatworms, gastrovascular cavity, acoelomate
  4. Porifera-gastrovascular cavity, coelom present

66. Which of these statements is true of sponges?

  1. They have an open circulatory system.
  2. They are segmented animals.
  3. They have no true tissues.
  4. They are pseudocoelomates.

67. Which of these statements is true of cnidarians?

  1. They have radial symmetry.
  2. They have three tissue layers (they are triploblastic)
  3. They have a complete digestive system.
  4. They are segmented.
  5. They have an exoskeleton composed of chitin.

68. Which of these statements is true of nematodes?

  1. They lack a skeleton.
  2. They lack a body cavity.
  3. They have a digestive system with two openings.
  4. Their body plan has two main tissue layers.
  5. They are segmented.

69. Earthworms are in the phylum _____.

  1. Nematoda
  2. Annelida
  3. Platyhelminthes
  4. Arthropoda

70. Which of these statements is true of earthworms?

  1. They have a body cavity.
  2. They have a bony skeleton.
  3. Their body plan consists of two tissue layers.

71. Snails are classified in the phylum _____.

  1. Chordata
  2. Mollusca
  3. Cnidaria
  4. Arthropoda

72. Which of these characteristics is common to both Mollusca and Annelida?

  1. an open circulatory system
  2. segmentation
  3. two tissue layers
  4. an exoskeleton
  5. bilateral symmetry

73. Grasshoppers are classified in the phylum _____.

  1. Annelida
  2. Mollusca
  3. Nematoda
  4. Arthropoda

74. Animals in Cnidaria _____.

  1. exhibit bilateral symmetry
  2. exhibit radial symmetry
  3. exhibit no symmetry
  4. lack a digestive system

75. Sponges feed by _____.

  1. filtering small particles from water
  2. scraping bacteria and algae from hard substrates
  3. paralyzing small crustaceans with stinging cells
  4. absorbing nutrients from the guts of their hosts
  5. performing photosynthesis

76. Sponges lack _____.

  1. a complete digestive tract
  2. germ layers
  3. true tissues
  4. all of the above

77. Which characteristic is not true of sponges?

  1. They have collar cells.
  2. They have holes, or pores, in specialized cells, through which water enters.
  3. They generally show no regular symmetrical pattern.
  4. All of the above are characteristics of sponges.

78. Some cnidarians go through both a motile and a sessile (attached) stage during their life cycle. The attached stage is called a(n) _____.

  1. embryo
  2. medusa
  3. larva
  4. polyp

79. The choanocyte of a sponge and the nematocyst (of a cnidocyte) of a cnidarian both function in _____.

  1. reproduction
  2. locomotion
  3. obtaining food
  4. locating mates
  5. sight

80. Which of the following statements does not describe the phylum Cnidaria?

  1. The bodies of its members have a gastrovascular cavity.
  2. This phylum has more species than any other phylum.
  3. The life cycles of many of its members alternate between a feeding polyp and a reproductive medusa.
  4. The bodies of its members are radially symmetrical and show no cephalization.
  5. All of these statements describe the phylum Cnidaria.

81. Tapeworms are highly specialized worms that make their living as endoparasites. To which of the following phyla and classes do the tapeworms belong?

  1. phylum Annelida
  2. phylum Nematoda
  3. phylum Platyhelminthes

82. Which of the following classes is (are) totally parasitic?

  1. Cestoidea
  2. Turbellaria
  3. Trematoda
  4. Cestoidea and Trematoda
  5. all of the above

83. An active marine predator is found possessing these characteristics: a series of tentacles (modified from the foot), a highly developed nervous system, and elaborate eyes. To which of the following animal classes does this organism most likely belong?

  1. Chelicerata
  2. Crustacea
  3. Cephalopoda
  4. Bivalvia

84. Cephalopods are the only molluscs _____.

  1. without a mantle
  2. with a closed circulatory system
  3. with segmented bodies
  4. that are hermaphrodites

85. Annelids _____.

  1. include earthworms
  2. have characteristically long bodies with segmentation
  3. use their coeloms as hydrostatic skeletons
  4. have a mouth that is separate from the anus.
  5. all of the above

86. Which choice includes three different phyla of organisms commonly known as "worms"?

  1. Nematoda, Mollusca, Platyhelminthes
  2. Cnidaria, Arthropoda, Porifera
  3. Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Nematoda
  4. Nematoda, Arthropoda, Platyhelminthes
  5. Mollusca, Porifera, Platyhelminthes

87. Animals such as _____ are the simplest animals to have _____.

  1. sponges ... bilateral symmetry
  2. flatworms ... a body cavity
  3. jellies ... a complete digestive tract

88. An unidentified species of animal displays the following characteristics: bilateral symmetry, determinate embryonic cleavage, a complete digestive system, an open circulatory system, and distinct body segmentation. To which one of the following animal phyla does this species most likely belong?

  1. Cnidaria
  2. Platyhelminthes
  3. Porifera
  4. Annelida
  5. Arthropoda

89. The arthropods superficially resemble earthworms in that both groups _____, yet the two are distinctly different because arthropods, but not earthworms, _____.

  1. have prominently segmented bodies ... have jointed appendages
  2. have closed circulatory systems ... have bristles
  3. are cephalized and bilaterally symmetrical ... create casts in the dirt
  4. have a true coelom ... are protostomes
  5. are acoelomates ... are segmented

90. The majority of animal species are _____.

  1. insects
  2. deuterostomes
  3. marine
  4. acoelomates
  5. vertebrates

91. What characteristics do all organisms in the clade Ecdysozoa share?

92. All nematodes are covered with a(n) ______, move by ______, have a(n) ______digestive system and are ______coelomates.

93. What are 3 ways in which Nematodes are important?




94. What causes a loss of $500 million/year for soybean farmers? ______

95. We discussed three specific nematode parasites. State how they’re contracted and what they do to their host.

Cause of trichinosis:

Cause of elephantiasis (lymphatic filariasis):

Guinea worm:

96. What is the most common parasite in humans? ______Where does it live most of its life? How do we avoid getting it? ______


97. What is the most effective way to stop the life cycle of parasites? ______

98. Class ______contains more species than all other groups of organisms combined.

99. What are the 3 major adaptations that are the key to insect success?




100. How do insects have an ecological and economic effect?

101. What are the four characteristics that describe the incredibly successful arthropods? How are these characteristics important to their success?





102. Fill in the following table with information about each clade of the arthropods.

Clade / Species? / Body Regions / Antennae / Legs