Since 2008 more than £80,000 has been awarded to clinicians and scientists conducting 23 projects.
Lead investigator / Project / FundingProf Kevin Munro
Manchester / Does functional imagining show evidence of brain plasticity in the adult auditory system after unilateral earplug experience / £3000
Dr Ruth Brooke
Leeds / Repeatability of neck and lower limb sound induced vestibular evoked myogenic potentials / £3000
Dr Veronica Kennedy
Bolton / Management of paediatric tinnitus: a survey of working practice in the UK / £1903
Dr Louisa Murdin
London / Genetics of migrainous vertigo / £3000
Dr Stefan Bleeck
Southampton / Tinnitus in cochlear implantees: cognitive behavioural therapy for cochlear implant users / £3000
Dr Christian Fullgrabe
Nottingham / Speech segregation in elderly normal-hearing listeners: Effect of cognitive load / £2697
Dr DilysTreharne
Sheffield / Auditory and audio-visual Speech Reception Threshold in Children and Adolescents / £3000
Dr WaheedaPagarkar
London / Study of ocular and cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in healthy school-age children / £3000
Dr Doris Bamiou
London / Hearing Evaluation And Rehabilitation after Stroke (HEARS / £2950
Dr Katie Ireland
Reading / Can cortical auditory evoked potentials reliably measure access to speech using frequency compression hearing aids? / £2940
Prof Deb Hall
Nottingham / Consensus on hearing-aid fitting candidature for mild hearing loss with and without tinnitus: Delphi review / £1428
Dr Mel Ferguson
Nottingham / Development and evaluation of an interactive video tutorial for hearing aid users and their communication partners / £4296
Rachel Knappett
Cambridge / Is it possible to improve hearing handicap in patients with single sided deafness / £5032
Hannah Cooper
Reading / Imaging Auditory Pathways in children with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder / £3263
Dr Nick Thyer
Leeds / The influence of advances in hearing aid technology on models of service delivery for hearing impaired adults in the NHS / £4908
Dr Michael Maslin
Manchester / Perceptual consequences of plasticity in binaural systems: evidence from adults with unilateral deafness / £4561
Sally Dawson
London / Otosclerosis: Evaluating candidate genes identified by whole exome sequencing in a cohort of familial otosclerosis patients / £4967
Dr Derek Hoare
Nottingham / Watchful waiting and tinnitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis / £3201
Mat Daniel
Nottingham / What is important to parents of children with glue ear? / £4960
Dr Amanda Hall
Bristol / Development of a patient decision aid for shared decision making in adult audiology services / £4485
Stephanie Greer
Wrexham / Evaluation of live voice auditory training in a randomised controlled trial of existing hearing aid users / £3414
Owen Brimijoin
Glasgow / Establishing the preferences of high intelligibility audio mixes of BBC television programmes among hearing impaired individuals / £4337
Jackie Young
Winchester / A clinical practice comparison of the amplification dispensed at adult hearing aid fitting using (i) live real ear measures with custom ear moulds vs (ii) real ear to coupler difference (RECD measures with foam inserts / £3252