Chap 9 Reading Quiz
1) In the seventh century, the Byzantine Empire lost Egypt, Syria, and Tunisia to 241
A) Kievan armies.
B) Russian armies.
C) Viking raiders.
D) Arab armies.
2) The schism of 1054 between the Eastern and Western churches was caused primarily by disagreements over 241
A) how mass should be celebrated.
B) the jurisdiction of the western papacy.
C) monophysitism.
D) Arianism.
3) The goal of the Christian Crusades was to
A) evangelize the Africans.
B) conquer Asia Minor.
C) increase papal territories.
D) retake the Holy Land from the Muslims
4) Among the Byzantines' cultural achievements is (are) 254
A) the spread of Orthodox Christianity among the Slavs.
B) the introduction of Islam to southern Europe.
C) their shipbuilding and epics about the wars of the Mediterranean Sea.
D) a dynamic painting style conveying deep emotion and spiritual yearning.
5) The Main unifying institution in medieval Europe was the
A) Monarchy.
B) Roman Catholic Church
C) artists’ guilds.
D) University of Paris
6) Agricultural workers who belonged to the manor and were obligated to the lord were 246
A) satraps.
B) serfs.
C) mobads.
D) bailiffs.
7) Which area did not endure Viking raids? 245
A) England
B) France
C) Muslim Spain.
D) Constantinople
8) One of the most important effects of monasticism was
A) the preservation of literacy and learning, particularly with regard to ancient Latin texts.
B) the new hierarchy it imposed on the church.
C) the aggressive missionary efforts of Benedictine monks.
D) the creation of a religious warrior class.
10) Which of the following is not true about the Crusades? 259-260
A) They were a series of religiously inspired campaigns.
B) Prior to the Crusades, Muslim leaders generally protected Christian pilgrims.
C) Economic forces such as the desire to increase trade and land hunger were contributing factors.
D) The Crusaders failed to capture Jerusalem.
11) As a result of the Crusades, Europeans were exposed to all of the following except 260-261
A) Arabic translations of ancient Greek science and philosophy.
B) access to a variety of classical Latin works, particularly those of Aristotle, heretofore unknown in western Europe.
C) pasta, paper, refined sugar and colored glass.
D) new land cultivation techniques.
12) After the collapse of western Roman authority,
A) Germanic tribes established regional kingdoms.
B) a greater pan-Germanic empire was established.
C) the Visigoths created imperial unity.
D) the Byzantine empire expanded into the west to recreate a lasting imperial state.
13) One factor that contributed to the split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church was
(A) the acceptance of married priests in the Roman Catholic Church.
(B) the fear of the growth of Islam.
(C) disagreement about the veneration of icons.
(D) the rejection of Papal authority by the Byzantine Emperor.
14) The Byzantine Empire achieved which of the following?
A) The introduction of Monasteries in Ireland
B) The conversion of many Slavic people to Christianity
C) The Unification of Christians under the Pope in Rome
D) The legal toleration of religious minorities
Questions 15-16 are based on the following passage.
“The evil-disposed in these districts [of England] began to rise, saying, they were too severely oppressed; that at the beginning of the world there were no slaves, and that no one ought to be treated as such. . . . This they would not longer bear, but had determined to be free, and if they labored for their lords, they wanted to be paid for it. A crazy priest in the county of Kent, called John Ball, who for his absurd preaching, had been thrice confined in prison, inflamed those ideas. He would say: ‘Are we not all descended from the same parents, Adam and Eve? and what can the lords show, or what reasons give, why they should be more the masters than ourselves? ”
Jean Froissart, account of a peasant revolt in England, 1381
15. The description of the peasant revolt best supports which of the following conclusions?
(A) Peasants were hostile to the idea of wage labor.
(B) Peasants used religious beliefs to justify their resistance.
(C) Peasant demands for equality were supported by the highest levels of religious leaders.
(D) Peasant revolts were more frequent in England than elsewhere in this period.
16. The point of view of the author can best be described as
(A) sympathetic to the peasants
(B) hostile to the peasants
(C) indifferent to the peasants’ grievances
(D) sympathetic to the leaders of the revolt