• Lodgesare to hold Annual Meetings in December and elect officers for the upcoming year. The election process is governed by rules which are reflected in the KSKJ Lifebylaws. Said rules are referenced within this document for your review. A full copy of the officialbylaws can be found on our website.
  • All officers of local lodges shall be elected at the regular meeting in December of each year and shall assume office at the next meeting. Newly elected officers shall hold office for one year, or until his or her successoris elected and qualified. Election shall be by public nomination and secret ballot. A majority of the votes cast shall be required to elect.
  • There are a minimum of three (3) required officer positions: President, Financial Secretary, and Fraternal Activities Coordinator. A lodge may combine the positions of Financial Secretary and Treasurer into one position. Note: term of the President is limited to 12 consecutive years.
  • To maintain active status, lodges must also appoint members to a Lodge Membership Committee that is active in recruiting/engaging potential new members and providing referrals to local agents or to the Home Office.
  • Lodges are encouraged to seek members to accept additional leadership positions including (but not limited to): Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Communications/Voice Reporter, and other positions helpful to lodge operations.
  • All active lodge members in good standing are eligible to be elected. Attendance at prior meetings is not required.
  • The eligibility rules for lodge officers read as follows: “No person is eligible to hold any elective position in a local lodge who is, at the same time, holding or occupying an elective position in any other fraternal insurance or burial organization, on the national or local level, or a life insurance company full-time captive agent, subagent, or an employee engaged in sales or underwriting other than KSKJ Life.” Please note: the reference to agent or employee refers to other company agents who are employees of other insurers and not KSKJ Life lodge representatives who are independent producers.
  • The Spiritual Advisor and Sergeant-at-Arms may be appointed by the lodge President.
  • Five active members must be present for a quorum and the meeting to be valid. To be considered active, lodges must:
  • Maintain the minimum of three (3) required number of elected officers
  • Hold a minimum of four valid meetings each calendar year
  • Be active in sponsoring KSKJ Life fraternal and charitable programs
  • Have an active Lodge Membership Committee, providing member referrals to agents
  • Reasonably comply with all bylaw provisions and board directives.
  • Local lodges receiving this notice who are inactive, that is, lodges that do not hold at least four valid meetings with a quorum present, or cannot secure a full complement of officers, etc., should nevertheless return the “2018 Lodge Officers” form with appropriate notation thereon – either “NoMeeting Held” or “No Officers Elected.”

The2018 Lodge Officers election formshould be returned to the HomeOffice within 5 days of election.