MATC 1200

Calculus for Business and Social Sciences

Spring Quarter 2009


Instructor: Annette Locke


Phone: (303) 871 – 4001 (Office)

Office Location: JGH 305

Office Hours: 11 – 1 MW, 2:30 – 3:30 TTH and by appointment

Instructor Website:

MATC 1200 Website:

Teaching Assistants: See

You have access to and support from many teaching assistants. You are encouraged to attend the office hours of any of the MATC 1200 teaching assistants.

Textbook: Calculus for Business and Social Sciences, S.T. Tan.

If you buy a new book, do not throw away the red and white slip of paper that is bundled with your book. There is an access code on that paper that you will need. If you buy a used book, you will need to buy an access code online at

Calculator: For quizzes, exams, and homework, you will be allowed use of the scientific calculator "TI-30X IIS" made by Texas Instruments and available at the bookstore. You are required to purchase this calculator for the class. Use of technology other than the required TI-30X IIS calculator is not allowed on quizzes or exams and will result, at a minimum, in failure of the assignment. (Note: You may use the TI-30X IIB which is the same calculator but is battery, rather than solar, powered). If you fail to bring your calculator for a quiz/exam then you must take the quiz/exam without one. Sharing of calculators will not be allowed.

Software: Scientific Notebook 5.5 available at the bookstore checkout. You will be installing the software in your first lab. If you do not attend the first lab, installation instructions for Windows users are on the MATC 1200 website. If you have a MAC you must get a login id from your teaching assistant.


Homework / 10%
Labs / 20%
Quizzes / 10%
Exam 1 / 20%
Exam 2 / 20%
Final Exam / 20%

Homework: Homework will be assigned every Tuesday and Thursday and will be due one week later. Each assignment will be worth 10 points. Homework assignments will be completed in WebAssign ( and will be graded automatically. You will be allowed 4attempts on each problem. You may ask for a maximum of 2 automatic extensions through WebAssign up to one week after the due date. Each request will give you two days extension with a two point deduction for each extension. Your lowest two homework scores will be dropped. To log into WebAssign the first time you will need the class key which is du 2618 0765.

Labs: Labs will meet once a week for 1 hour and 50 minutes beginning the first week of classes. Bring your laptop. I also suggest bringing an Ethernet cord as sometimes the wireless connection can be unreliable. You are required to attend your scheduled lab and you will not be allowed to attend any other lab. Lab assignments will be posted on the MATC 1200 website.Lab assignments are designed to be completed during the lab and no extensions of time will be given. With the exception of Lab 1, you may work in groups of two on the lab assignments and turn in one write-up for you and your partner. Your lowest two lab grades will be dropped. There will be no make-up labs. If you miss a lab, then that will be one of your dropped grades. However, if you miss a lab, you should still work through the lab as you are responsible for the material covered in the lab.

Quizzes: There will be anin-class quiz every Thursday, except obviously, if we have an exam that day.You will need to bring your calculator to class every Thursday in order to complete the quizzes. Your lowest two quiz grades will be dropped. There will be no make-up quizzes.

Exams: There will be two in-class exams and a final exam. I will replace one of your exam grades with your final exam grade if you perform better on the final exam. There will be no make-up exams.

Course Content:

Chapter 2 / Functions, Limits, and the Derivative
Chapter 3 / Differentiation
Chapter 4 / Applications of the Derivative

Academic Integrity: Cheating of any kind is taken very seriously. The minimum penalty for cheating is failure of the course.See the DU Honor Code at

Important Points to Remember:

  • You may receive up to two extensions on homework within one week of the due date. There is a penalty for each extension.
  • There is a quiz every Thursday so bring your calculator.
  • There are no make-ups on labs, quizzes or exams so please don’t ask.
  • Cheating of any kind will result in failure of the course (yes, the entire course, meaning you will receive an F for the course on your transcripts). Is it worth it?