Management History Research Group Annual Workshop, 2017

July 10-11th 2017, People’s History Museum, Manchester, Left Bank, Spinningfields, M3 3ER (tel. 0161 838 9190)

JULY 10th 9.00-9.30 / Arrivals and registration
9.30-11.00 / Keynote Address: Hannah Barker, University of Manchester
Family and Business During the Industrial Revolution / Chair: Leo McCann. Location: Coal Store
11.00-11.30 / Tea / Coffee Break
11.30-1.00pm / Paper session 1A: Competition, Ownership and Collaboration
Chair: Mitch Larson, Location: Coal Store / Paper Session 1B: Anarchism and Workers’ Self-Management
Chair: Des Williamson, Location: Meeting Room
Jose Corpuz / John Quail
Allegiance for Sale: Bribe Payments, Preferential Treatment, and Competition in Slave Trade Before the Glorious Revolution in 1688 / Organising co-operation without hierarchy and authority: Some anarchist organisational structural models and their possibilities and limits
Philip Garnett, Simon Mollan and Ben Richards / Peter Hampson
Taking Over Hillards / The Crisis of Chartism: How the failure of Chartism created businessmen out of workers
Chris Corker / Brian Wierman
Exploring Historical Instances of Coopetition: Examples from the British Armaments Industry, 1890-1930 / We are using an alternative: Anarchism’s hidden influence on management innovation
1.00-2.00pm / Lunch
2.00-3.30pm / Paper Session 2A: Labour, Management and Democracy
Chair: Peter Hampson, Location: Coal Store / Paper Session 2B: Strategies, Numbers, Codes and Machines
Chair: Chris Corker, Location: Meeting Room
Swapnesh Masrani and Linda Perriton / Joseph Lampel, Ali Bayat and Mercedes Bleda
Getting together, living together, thinking together: Tata Sons’ Staff College in the 1940s / The National Response to Global EducationalMetrics: When Do Governments Fall into Line?
Nicola Bishop / Philip Garnett and Simon Mollan
The Middle-Class Clerk as British Cultural ‘Everyman’ / The Business of Cryptography
Bill Cooke / Kevin Tennent
McCarthyism and Loyalty Oaths 2.0: Signs and Strategies from History / Le Corbusier, the town planners, and the corporate strategists. Or, the Corporation as a Machine for Working In
3.30-4.00pm / Tea / Coffee Break
4.00-5.00pm / Keynote Address:Stephen Linstead, University of York
Black Snow: Filming History, Memory and Community / Chair: John Hassard. Location: Coal Store
7.00pm / Conference Dinner at Evuna, Deansgate, Manchester, M3 4EW
Tel. 0161 819 2752
JULY 11th 9.30-11.00 / Paper session 3: Communities, Crises and Survival. Chair: Des Williamson. Location: Coal Store
John Singleton
Approaches to Safety Management in Early 20th Century British Coal Mining
Jack Southern
Survival and protectionism: Industrial communities and cotton weaving in Lancashire c1850-1950
David Weir
One Family: Management and Crisis, the Men of 1914
11.00-11.30 / Tea / Coffee Break
11.30-1.00pm / Paper Session 4A: Entries, Exits, Breakages
Chair: * . Location: Coal Store / Paper Session 4B: Histories of International Business and Colonialism
Chair: Mitch Larson. Location: Meeting Room
AashishVelkar / AdéleCarneiro
Popular Politics and Managing Britain’s entry into the EEC during the 1970s: Some Lessons from Social History / From private to public development: alternatives for the development of administrative knowledge in the managerial context in Brazil
Simon Mollan and David Smith / Ryosuke Takeuchi
Zero Sum: What the business history of Donald Trump can teach us about the Trump era / Why did some multinational subsidiaries fail in subsidiary evolutions in Japan? The case of foreign multinational enterprise in Japan, 1950s-1990s
Claire Frampton / Billy Frank
How do live events about current issues i.e. about the migrant crisis keep museums in touch with audiences? / State vs. Private Development Corporations in British Africa: 1945-1960
1.00-2.00pm / Lunch
2.00-3.30 / Discussion Panel: The University in Ruins? Histories of Management in Higher Education. Chair: Bill Cooke. Location: Coal Store
Speakers: Mary Evans, LSE;Thomas Docherty, University of Warwick;Stuart Jones, University of Manchester
3.30-4.00pm / Tea/Coffee break
4.00-5.00pm / MHRG Annual General Meeting. Location: Coal Store