
Area: Math Geometry
Strategy: Origami Math
Appropriate Grade Level: 1st – 5th grades
1.) Place a square sheet of paper on the table so it looks like a diamond.
2.) Fold the right point over to meet the left point (fold in half). Unfold. Find the center crease (line of symmetry).
3.) Fold the lower right and left sides to meet at the center crease (line of symmetry).
4.) It looks like a kite. Now fold the apex (top point) down, to the base line to form a small triangle
5.) Fold the right side over to meet the left side.
6.) Put your finger on the bottom as you turn the whale sideways.
7.) Fold the end point up to make a tail.
8.) Draw a happy face
Use the whale in connection with A Whale of a Tale by Barbara Pearl to teach concepts about geometric shapes, spatial sense, patterns, and connections
Other uses for Origami when teaching math include:
Develop Shape, Size, and Color Recognition
Develop Geometric Fundamentals
Develop Math Concepts and Vocabulary
Develop Symmetry - Congruence - Angles
Develop Fractions - Ratio - Proportion - Measurement
Develop Problem Solving, Analytical and Critical Thinking Skills
Investigate 3-Dimensional Objects - Spatial Relationships
Explore Patterns and Make Connections
Comments and/or tips: go to to find more ideas on incorporating Origami in math lessons, Origami math puzzles, games and different Origami patterns that teach math. It is always helpful to try the pattern first to make sure you can help students who have difficulty, and make a finished model for them to use as a guide. Have student unfold their creations at the end of the lesson and look for patterns and sequencing steps they used.
Chen, K. (2006). Math in motion: Origami math for students who are deaf and hard of
hearing. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 11, 262-266.