2017-08-09 Council Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

TheAugust CouncilMeeting of the Congregation Council of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Ardmore, Pennsylvania was held on Wednesday, August09at 7:15 pm in the 2nd floor Meeting Room.


Don Parman called the meeting to order at 7:18pm. Council member attendance is captured in the table below:

Name / Committee Chair / Council Role / Present / Absent
Ashburn, Carolyn / Staff Personnel / X
Dry, Daniel / Property / X
Ertner, Robert / Treasurer / X
Freestone, Patrick / Technology / Secretary / X
Hammarberg,Carol / Stewardship / Vice President / X
Hampson, Emily / Social Ministry / X
Martin, Linda / Worship and Music / X
Muller, Claudia / Christian Education / X
Parman, Don / Finance / President / X
Pierce, Louise / Cemetery / X
Wilson, David / Financial Secretary / X
Yeung, Stephanie / Evangelism / X

Also present were:

  • Pastor Laura Tancredi


Pastor Laura led devotions by liking September to the start of a new church year and asking council members to think of resolutions for this new beginning. Several members of council provided resolutions for the upcoming year. Then Pastor Laura led the group in a prayer.


Linda had drafted the minutes and shared with council ahead of the meeting.MOTION:Bobmade the motion to approve the minutes from the prior meeting.The motion was seconded. Don noted a few modifications indicated by Gale Feustel. Pat agreed to update Linda’s draft. The draft with the modifications wasapproved by council.


Committee / Report
Pastor /
  • Pastor Laura noted that it was a busy summer including a couple of youth trips. David asked about timing for next summer’s trip to Houston. Pastor Laura indicated that it would be in late June (June 27 – July 1, 2018)

Administration /
  • Don thanks all of the council members that assisted with coffee hour the prior weekend.
  • Don noted that since the last meeting the Executive Committee approved the work for the A/C for the sanctuary without a second bid (2nd bid typically required for work over $5,000). This was approved due to the emergency nature of the work and the long-standing relationship with the vendor.

Worship & Music /
  • Don noted Andy’s celebration.
  • He also noted the service time change after Rally day.

Property /
  • Dan reviewed the A/C replacement that Don had already mentioned.
  • Dan reviewed the work on the farmhouse. He noted that there was some additional rotted wood work that increased the cost, but that this increase still kept the overall cost almost entirely within the initial request. He noted that painting would be most cost effective to do now. He noted that Tom DeJohn’s quote was just over $5,000 ($5,375).
  • MOTION: Dan moved to waive the second bid rule given that the expectation was that any second bid would be procedural (given that it would be more expensive, since this painter could use the scaffolding in place for the porch work). Bob seconded the motion. David asked about whether or not it is financially prudent to invest so much money in the farmhouse to rent. There was a discussion around this topic, including money that comes in versus costs. After discussion, the motion was approved by council.

Stewardship /
  • Carol reviewed the 2 events that the committee is planning for September. The first is the cottage dinners. She noted that they have a number of hosting volunteers, but are still looking for more. The dinners will start on September 14th.
  • The second event will be an estate planning event following the service on September 24th. Carolyn asked about how long the event would be. Carol noted that it would be about an hour.

Cemetery /
  • Don reviewed Louise’s e-mail and indicated that things were normal.

Christian Education /
  • Claudia noted that VBS went well.
  • She noted that Sunday school would be starting soon. Don asked about the use of a fund for Children books and whether it could be expanded to other materials. Claudia indicated she would follow up and Dan indicated that he could provide some recommendations on new books.

Evangelism /
  • Stephanie reviewed some options for the new picture directory through LifeTouch. The request she posed was for council to decide which option should be selected: a full size book with activity pages or a half size book without. The group also discussed a phone application option that comes with either and the general desire to do this. All of the options are free to the church.
  • MOTION: Stephanie moved to proceed with LifeTouch and the smaller booklet. This was seconded by Carolyn and approved by council.

Financial Secretary /
  • David reviewed contributions for the year through July. Weekly envelopes were $251K vs $243K last year. Total revenues were $284K vs $288K last year (includes total giving, rental income, miscellaneous income). He noted that we were basically in line with last year, but a little behind where we should be year to date as compared with the normal pattern for the last decade.

Treasurer /
  • Bob reviewed his report. He noted that our cash position is as good as he’s seen it in about 20 years.

Finance Committee /
  • Don reviewed the dashboard. For the year, we are $69K favorable. He noted that the endowment continues to perform well. He noted that a distribution from Paul Moock’s of ~$666K was contributed to the church, with another similar distribution expected next year.
  • Don noted that we had accidentally moved Building on Blessing money into the endowment even though it was restricted for republication of the church history. The plan recommended by the committee is to move money from the unrestricted gifts fund to the restricted gifts fund to cover this amount $15K. MOTION: Carol moved for this transfer to be made. Stephanie seconded the motion. This was approved by council.

Staff Personnel /
  • Carolyn stated that the mutual ministry committee had its second meeting. The focus is on the backup training for Judi. Carolyn asked Bob about the extent to which he wants to be involved in the training.

Social Ministry /
  • Emily noted that social ministry partnered with VBS for the upcoming empty bowl dinner as well as the freezer project. The effort raised over $500. The committee has also found out that it can obtain a free freezer. The current effort is working through property committee concerns over how to set up an externally accessible freezer. The group discussed the pros and cons of adding the externally accessible freezer. The discussion covered topics such as safety, insurance, legality, and rodents. The decision after the conversation was to likely take the freezer but focus on whether to put it inside or outside.
  • Don noted that the Rise Against Hungerevent would be before the next council meeting.

Technology /
  • Pat reviewed the status of the video streaming. He noted that he had given up on getting audio from the camcorder to work and is moving on to purchasing a separate microphone setup.
  • Pat noted that the Technology Committee determined that it’s initial focus should be on the website. He also noted that there are two registered change requests for the website: using the new logo and restructuring the menus. He requested that other committees provide input before changes are made. The group agreed to provide feedback at the September council meeting.
  • Pat also reviewed the pros and cons of us updating the website ourselves versus using Ed Muntz again.


  • 2016 Audit Committee
  • Don indicated that Jim van Horn had volunteered to assist with the audit committee. David noted that Jim Stetler was another person with experience performing the audit.
  • Martin Luther Celebration
  • Pastor Laura noted that October is the 500th anniversary of the reformation.
  • St. Matthew’s in Springfield is planning an event on October 29th at 3pm. The church invited all congregations and choirs. Our plan is to advertise their event rather than hold our own competing event.
  • Nominating Committee
  • Don indicated that the nominating committee would be the officers and those council members rotating off of their posts. He stated this so council members had the opportunity to switch chairs if so desired.


  • MAP Project activities schedule
  • Don indicated that we would need to review the NFL schedule for the fall. The group discussed some options for other sporting events.
  • Synod Capital Campaign
  • Don noted that the aim is still to have a presentation to the congregation in the fall and potentially ask the congregation for approval of some amount in February.
  • Pastor Laura distributed some handouts related to the Synod Capital campaign.


MOTION: Stephanie moved for the adjournment of the meeting. The motion was seconded and approved by council.

Pastor Laura led the Lord’s Prayer to close the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Patrick G. Freestone


Meeting Minutes

























Pastor’s Report

9 August 2017

  1. Vacation Bible School was held June 19-23. It was a great success, thanks in large part to our great leadership from Claudia Muller and Missy Perry. Our theme was Hero Central and we learned how we can be heroes for God. 60 kids and many adult and youth helpers had a great week!
  2. Many thanks to the Worship and Music and Staff Personnel committees for Andy Heller’s 20th anniversary celebration! Also, special thanks to Jessica Lennick for organizing the choir. It was a fitting tribute for Andy’s many years of dedicated service at St. Paul’s and a fun morning of fellowship for everyone.
  3. July 9-14 I spent with 10 of our youth and Stu Krissinger on our service trip in Philadelphia. Thanks to everyone who’s support made it possible. The kids had a great experience, both of learning and serving and also getting to know our city better. We focused not just on service but on understanding the institutional causes of hunger in our city, and our calling as Christians to seek justice for everyone.
  4. St. Paul’s garden has been producing a wonderful amount of vegetables for the Ardmore Food Pantry. So far this year we have donated over 100 lbs. of produce! Our fall planting will be August 25th at 10:00 am. Many thanks to Bob Burns who has become our unofficial head gardener, and makes sure that watering and harvesting are attended to.
  5. I spent last week at Bear Creek Camp in the Poconos as a chaplain with Tim. Bear Creek is a ministry of the Southeast and Northeast PA synods, and has been attended by four St. Paul’s kids this summer. The 2017 theme was “Restored,” and we learned how God makes all things new.
  6. A lot of my time these next few weeks of August will be dedicated to planning for the program year: confirmation, youth group, Sunday school, Women’s Bible Study, and adult education opportunities. This includes, of course, our big Rally Day kick-off on September 10th, with service project and picnic.
  7. Meetings/Events attended: Stephen Ministry, Dunwoody service, Pub Theology, seminary closing worship, Stephen Ministry, Pub Theology, mutual ministry.
    Visits: 8
  8. Attendance:
    6/4: 169 (Confirmation)
    6/11: 92
    6/18: 95
    6/25: 126 (Andy’s celebration)
    7/2: 75
    7/9: 86
    7/16: 70
    7/23: 84
    7/30: 77

Respectfully submitted,

Laura Tancredi


Social Ministry Committee Meeting

Agenda 8/2/17

Attendance: Helene, Emily, Jody, Ingrid, Laura, Roman

Education in Kenya project

  • Building new desks
  • Alternative gift fair
  • Desk march during lent?

Ardmore Food Pantry

  • Increased number of volunteers in July after Temple Talk

Empty Bowl Dinner:

  • VBS made about 30-40 bowls
  • Additional time/event to make bowls in September/October
  • Dinner to take place in January/February


  • Volunteers needed for 8/16 and 10/15

AFF/The Cool Project:

  • VBS raised $528.13 towards shed
  • We can obtain freezer for free through AFF
  • AFF Temple Talk on 9/24 (people from AFF coming)
  • Property committee would like to discuss keeping freezer inside church, we’ll discuss with our group and then with council in September

Coffee Hour

  • We are scheduled for 8/27 and 9/24

Community Garden Updates

Next Meeting

  • 9/7 at 6:30


St. Paul’s Technology Committee Report – July, 2017

Members: Patrick Freestone, Michael Cassidy, Beth McElvenney, Belle Miller

Meeting: There was no meeting in June or July. The current plan is to regroup on the website after input from council.


  • Troubleshooting audio issue with video streaming. I’ve come to a point where I’m giving up on the audio working from the camcorder we have. Our options seem to be:
  • Purchase a separate microphone for the balcony and connect it to the Cerevo (not sure how good the sound quality will be).
  • Contract a company to wire the speaker in the balcony into the Cerevo.
  • Purchase a nicer camcorder that is easier to use.
  • Consolidate duplicate Flickr accounts and get Beth McElvenney set up to contribute photos


  • Pursue website redesign proof-of-concept.
  • Pursue finding webmaster for site content.
  • Set up centralized credential management.


No report this month.


Hello Council,

I would like to present a few brief updates from the Property Committee and an agenda item for the August Council meeting.

·The A/C servicing Fellowship Hall failed in July. The emergency replacement of two units by Bob Cermignano Air Conditioning and Heating, Inc. was required, and the cost of $8,475 was handled within the current YTD Property budget. The A/C is now functioning normally.

·The Large Farm House roof replacement (Hynes Roofing) and front porch demolition / replacement including front stucco removal and replacement (Hyrig and Sons) is underway, as funded by a 2016 Endowment Request for $35,000. During the stucco replacement, Hyrig and Sons found rotted wood at the windows and front door, therefore additional work was permitted to repair and cap the windows and front door for $1,523. This addition puts the total cost of the project at $35,078. Property Committee will take the $78 overage under budget.

·Also, due to the readily-observable deterioration of the paint on the wood surfaces of the house (eaves, underhang, small windows, doors, etc.), and the current availability of scaffolding from the porch project, the Property Committee requested a quote for painting from Hyrig and Sons’ recommended painter Tom DeJohn. This is the same painter who did the painting of the Parsonage in 2016, and at that time his quote was significantly lower than the competing bids. The quote from Tom DeJohn is $5,375.

I have an item for the agenda:

The Property Committee would like to request a waiver from the requirement to seek and consider two bids for projects exceeding $5,000, in the case of the above proposed painting of the Large Farmhouse exterior wood surfaces by Tom DeJohn for $5,375. Tom DeJohn has established business history with St. Paul’s and offered the lowest bid for the Parsonage painting in 2016. He also frequently works with Hyrig and Sons, the current contractor for the porch, and can use their scaffolding which is currently built. Also, the Committee would like to inform the Council that this work, combined with the overage noted above on the porch rebuilding, amounts to $5,453 in expenses that will be taken on by the Property Committee as a 4.5% incremental increase to the annual Property budget. Through June 30ththe Property Committee was $8,025 under budget YTD, however the A/C repair approximately matches this amount. Therefore the potential for an approximate 5% overage in Property Budget is possible.

There are no formal minutes to present from the Property Committee, as no meeting has been held in July or August. All internal communication has been handled within the Committee via email and phone.

Kind regards,



Stewardship Committee Report for June & July

The Stewardship Committee has met informally around the two events that we will be focused on during September.

After a successful event last fall with the cottage groups that met in people’s homes, it was decidedwe would offer that opportunity again. We will begin with a meeting of the hosts for a planning dinnerat Carolyn and Michael Ashburn’s on September 9th.

The dates selected for the gatherings are as follows: September 14, 15, 16, 17 and the followingweek September 21, 22, 23. Invitations will be sent to the congregation and people can select the day they wish to attend. We will have one of the meetings at the church for those who wish to meet during the day. We have confirmation of the dates for most of the hosts. There is still opportunity for people to sign up to be hosts.