Histon and Impington Parish Council Sustainability Group projects for 2015

Area / Idea / Notes
Energy / Reducing plastic bag use in the village / Ruth to lead but will need a couple of volunteers to visit Managers.
Encouraging businesses to use LED lighting/reduce air conditioning
Recycling / Swish event (clothes swap) / 2 volunteers at the moment but put on hold as they’re having a baby! Nicole can assist with advice.
Promoting recycling charities and businesses ( Emmaus, British Heart, WISER) / Ongoing for our web page. Angela Young is contact ( PC )
Transportation / Cycling route advice / Nicole to compile information for our web page
Bike repair workshops
Guided rides and cycling buddies
Supporting sportives (organised events) and guided rides
Refurbishing and donating old/unused bicycles
Promoting car sharing opportunities / John to work with Cam Share. Post meeting update: John has made contact with this group and we will be promoting car sharing opportunities through our group.
Walking bus to school / Prema but may not now have time to commit. Derek will help with his Early Years contact.
Food / Potential food waste reduction initiatives with village pubs/Tesco/Co-op/Cafes and residents / Ruth to lead and Lynne to help but will need a couple more volunteers to visit Managersetc.
Edible gardening in public spaces/community vegetable patches / Prema, Lynne, Dan and Ruth to work on herb tubs.
Transition Cambridge scheme of sharing excess food with neighbours outside homes or local hotspots ( they want to spread to local villages) / The group expressed an interest in this but nobody identified to lead. Perhaps do this informally from allotment project surplus? Nicola Terry is a good contact from this group and attended the 2014 Sustainability Event.
Chicken keeping workshop / Ruth to lead with assistance from Lynne. We could make it a small event to promote the group.
Allotments / Simon to lead, Christine, Simon, Lynne, Johnand Katharine all expressed interest. Post meeting update: Several plots have been offered, group representatives to decide from options.
Nature and conservation / Advice on making wildlife-friendly gardens / Joint initiative through village Orchard project and Garden Society or Chicken workshop? Dan and Simon to let us know, Katharine, Dan and Lynne expressed interest in the project.
Creating wildflower spaces and verges, general initiative to reduce verge mowing / Katharine to lead, assisted by Ruth, Lynne, Dan and John. Post meeting update: Angela has advised on potential sites. Meeting and tour conducted will discuss further with Environment Committee.
Miscellaneous/Political / Sustainability Group web page within PC site (David Jenkins is the contact for this) and identity (logo?) / Simon to lead assisted by Ruth, with Lynne to proof read material before its put on the site. Post meeting update: meeting was arranged with web editor, Simon to put together a page with the long term aim of having our own website.
Summer get together/barbecue for us and supporters / Can use allotment surplus, just need a venue!
Collaboration with PC and non PC groups e.g. Cambridge Transition / Ruth to lead, will need small group to assist if we put anything on in village. Have contact name of Girton Sustainability Group, Nicole can assist with Cambridge Transition contacts, we can visit Gamlingay eco hub.
Campaigning for removal of P&R parking charges so car/cyclist commuters can park for free and lessen car congestion in town / Ruth would like to lead but would need some volunteers. Perhaps in collaboration with other Sustainability Groups in the area and Cambridge Transition and the Green Party?
Projects arising! / We will get approached to consider involvement in projects both through the public and PC/external bodies.
Finances / Although we may be able to apply for some funding in the future, we should attempt to raise money in the initial stages for projects. We could approach the Feast committee and PC for grants.

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