Junior Golf programs

Club Support

The Port Gardner Senior Golf Club has been a supporter for junior golf for many years. The following are the two clubs, for both boys and girls, that we help support:

Joe Richer Golf Club

This club is named after a local teacher (Joe Richer) who dedicated much of his life working with kids and there is also a local foundation that helps raise funds too. This club has both a players club and players in training club. The funds not only support a portion of the player’s costs to play or learn but more important, help fund the total cost of the players who can’t afford it. This includes lessons, passes, and golf clubs. Over the years many of the players have gone on to college with scholarships. These players are taught the Rules of Golf, respect for themselves and others and most importantly respect for the game.

It is important to note that the Men and Women of the Port Gardner Club, along with the Olympic View Club (Walter Hall) started this golf club and have/had worked at it for many years. The Port Gardner Senior Club currently has a team represented in the Joe Richer Memorial fund raiser golf tournament (as well as the dinner and Auction). This Joe Richer Junior club is over 16 years old with around 200 players each year. The Junior clubs could use your support financially to help bring Juniors to the game of golf.

Washington Junior Golf Association, WJGA.

The WJGA is a players club that focuses on the Rules of Golf and proper respect for themselves and others. It has 6 districts, state wide, with over a 1000 players. We are in District #1 with around 200 players. There are over 70 volunteers annually that work this program. WJGA has been in existence for around 40 years and is supported through donations. We have supported it over the years financially, as well as volunteers to help with scoring, rules, etc. The Senior club specifically has supplied two trained rules officials, one with over 20 years and the other over 10 years of service.


Any questions or comments please contact: Joe Pauley. . Member of the Senior’s Club.