Subject / Date / Section No. / Page No.Take-Home Patrol Car Program / 614 / 2
I. Purpose:
To provide guidelines for the Department's Take-Home Patrol Car Program.
II. Policy:
A take-home patrol car program offers many benefits to the Edgefield County Sheriff's Office and to the citizens of Edgefield County. Take-home patrol cars reduce the maintenance costs of patrol cars, allow for quicker responses to emergencies by patrol personnel, and deter crime by creating the appearance of an increased police presence. Consequently, it is the policy of the Edgefield County Sheriff's Office to provide for and maintain a take-home patrol car program for Deputies that are assigned a Sheriff’s Office Vehicle,(Patrol, Investigations, Senior Staff, Detention Center Transport Deputies, ETC).
III. Definitions:
Off-Duty Employment - Any Secondary employment that is not conditioned on the actual or potential use of law enforcement powers by off-duty employee.
Patrol Car - A Department vehicle primarily used for the patrol function, including, but not limited to Patrol, Investigations, Senior Staff, and School Resource Officer vehicles.
IV. Procedures:
A. Objectives of the Take-Home Patrol Car Program
1. To increase officer presence in Edgefield County.
2. To identify officers living within the county neighborhoods, thereby encouraging interaction between citizens and Deputies.
3. To improve the ability of Deputies to respond in times of emergencies.
4. To reduce the maintenance cost of patrol cars.
B. Participation Eligibility and Conditions
1. In order to be eligible to participate in the Take-Home Patrol Car Program, sworn Deputies must meet the following minimum requirements:
a. Be assigned to the Uniformed Patrol Division, Investigations Division,
Administration Division ie: Captain, Lieutenants, etc.
b. Reside within the boundaries of Edgefield County, unless otherwise authorized by the Sheriff.
c. If living outside the County of Edgefield, the Deputy will park the vehicle in a safe location in Edgefield County instead of at his/her out of county residence. The location must be approved by the Sheriff or his designee.
2. Each Deputy assigned a take-home patrol car must ensure that any change of address is immediately forwarded to the Administration Director through their supervisor.
3. An Officer's participation is subject to revocation upon failure to comply with Edgefield County Sheriff's Office Policy, excessive accidents, vehicle abuse, or conducting prohibited acts in the assigned vehicle.
4. Assignment of take-home patrol cars is at the discretion of the Sheriff.
C. Limitations and General Responsibilities
1. Use of the take-home patrol car is limited to transportation from the officer's primary residence to and from the officer's work assignment or other authorized Agency function or activity.
2. Except as otherwise authorized by Edgefield County Sheriff's Office Policy, Deputies assigned a take-home patrol car will not be permitted to voluntarily patrol or otherwise perform law enforcement duties while off-duty, unless approved by the on-duty field supervisor.
3. While operating a take-home patrol car off-duty, Deputies are required to monitor the appropriate Department radio frequency and to sign on and off.
4. Deputies driving take-home patrol cars, while off-duty, are expected to provide assistance to all persons in need, including assisting motorists.
5. Deputies are required to respond to any life threatening call for service in their immediate vicinity and remain at the scene until properly relieved.
6. Deputies responding to calls during off-duty hours will not normally be required to remain on the call as the primary unit.
7. Deputies operating a patrol car off duty will dress in a professional manner and have their firearm and agency badge and identification on their person.
D. Edgefield County Sheriff's Office Policies and Off-Duty Authority
1. Deputies operating take-home patrol cars shall adhere to all Departmental Policies, Procedures, Rules and Regulations.
2. While off-duty, Officers operating take-home patrol cars shall adhere to Department Policy 103 "Code of Conduct/Rules & Regulations, Off Duty Conduct: Powers of Arrest."
3. Except as provided for by the Department Policy 103, "Code of Conduct/Rules & Regulations, Off Duty Conduct: Powers of Arrest," off-duty officers, that become aware of any suspected or observed criminal activities, shall contact on-duty personnel to respond.
4. On-duty personnel should take any necessary reports or transport prisoners. If a Deputy takes a report while off-duty, the report should be taken to Headquarters or passed on to on-duty personnel for timely processing.
E. Prohibited Acts
The following activities are prohibited while using take-home patrol cars, unless otherwise authorized by the Sheriff:
1. Visit a bar
2. Assume special privileges, such as violation of traffic and parking regulations
3. Allow the vehicle to become unsightly
4. Use the vehicle in any off-duty employment capacity
5. Allow the operation of the vehicle by unauthorized persons
6. Use the vehicle while the Deputy is, or has been, consuming alcoholic beverages and/or drugs, which materially or appreciatively impair a Deputies physical or mental faculty to operate the vehicle
7. Operate the vehicle in a reckless or careless manner
8. Use the vehicle while purchasing any alcoholic beverage
9. Leave the Edgefield County Sheriff's Office response jurisdiction, unless on official Department business.
F. Passengers
1. Except as provided for by the Edgefield County Sheriff's Office Policy no citizens may ride in a patrol car at any time.
G. Attire and Equipment
1. When operating a take-home patrol car off-duty, Deputies may wear one of the following:
a. Class A (long sleeve) or class B (short sleeve) uniform;
b. Department approved work uniform; or
c. Civilian attire that is appropriate to meet and deal with the public, including long pants and a shirt with a collar. The following apparel is specifically prohibited as Deputies are required to maintain a professional appearance at all times while operating a marked or un-marked Sheriff’s Office Vehicle.
(1) Non-uniform short pants
(2) Cut-off pants
(3) Swim clothing
(4) Athletic gear
(5) Tank tops
(6) Tee shirts
(7) Flip-flops
(8) Shower shoes
2. While operating a take-home patrol car and wearing a class A or class B uniform, Deputies shall wear or carry all uniforms and equipment as prescribed in the Edgefield County Sheriff's Office Policy 112, "Uniforms, Equipment and Personal Appearance."
3. While operating a take-home patrol car and wearing an Edgefield County Sheriff's Office approved work uniform or civilian attire, officers shall:
a. Carry a standard duty or approved off-duty firearm
b. Prominently display a badge and have proper Agency identification on their person; and
c. Have their department issued body armor immediately available.
4. Deputies may be exempt from the above attire and equipment guidelines, when it is necessary to respond to a fire emergency or immediately respond to any life threatening call for service.
H. Accidents Involving Take-Home Patrol Cars
Edgefield County Sheriff's Office personnel involved in a motor vehicle accident, as the operator of a Sheriff's Office vehicle, shall notify the on-duty supervisor as soon as possible and comply with Edgefield County Code of Ordinances.
J. Vehicle Availability
1. Deputies assigned a take-home patrol car will deliver a spare set of patrol car keys to the Captain.
2. The Captain may temporarily re-assign the take-home patrol car when the officer assigned a take-home patrol car is out on leave (vacation, sick, or otherwise absent).
K. Maintenance and Care of the Vehicle
1. Each Deputy assigned a take-home patrol car will be responsible for the proper care and maintenance of the vehicle. Each officer will clean the exterior and interior of their assigned patrol car as needed.
2. General vehicle maintenance, such as oil changes, tires, lubrication, fluids, belts, etc., shall be performed by county vehicle maintenance or an outside vendor authorized and approved by the Sheriff.
3. Maintenance of emergency equipment should be performed by approved personnel.
4. Warranty work shall be coordinated and performed by the service department of the local patrol car dealership.
5. All major repair work, after warranty expiration, shall be coordinated by the county garage. The Captain shall be notified prior to scheduling.
6. Except for emergency repairs, all vehicle maintenance and repairs should take place while the Deputy is on-duty.
7. Deputies shall not alter, repair, or change a patrol car in any way without permission of the Sheriff.
8. Any Deputy who fails to properly maintain his/her take-home patrol car will be subject to disciplinary action.
L. Equipment
1. Take-home patrol cars shall be equipped with the following minimum equipment:
a. Flashlight and traffic wand
b. Traffic vest
c. First Responder Kit (including PPE)
d. Shotgun
2. All equipment not permanently attached to the patrol car, shall be removed from, or stored in the trunk of the patrol car during off-duty hours.
3. Any Deputies desiring to add any personal equipment must have written approval from the Captain.
M. Inspection
1. Prior to going on patrol, Deputies shall inspect their patrol car to ensure that the emergency equipment is functioning properly, and that any issued equipment is properly stocked and in a state of operational readiness.
2. All vehicles used for transporting prisoners shall be searched at the beginning of each shift to ensure it is free of weapons and contraband.
3. Supervisors shall conduct periodic inspections of patrol cars and equipment to insure the proper care and maintenance of the take-home patrol cars. Inspections may include, but are not limited to the exterior, interior, trunk, and glove box area.
N. Record of Off-Duty Activities
1. A record of off-duty activities conducted by personnel assigned take-home patrol cars will be maintained by the Department's Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System.
2. Off-duty Deputies utilizing their take-home patrol car for law enforcement purposes shall advise the Communications Center by utilizing the assigned signal code.
Adell Dobey, Sheriff