Middle & High School: Literature in Mathematics
Leonor's literature
/ Grade /Comments
A Gebra Named Al / Isdell / 6-8 / AlgebraWebsite
Equal Shmequal / Kroll / 6-8 / Weight; balance; algebra equations; statistical mean
Knots on a Counting Rope / Martin & Archambault / PK-3 / Problem solving; algebra; Native American tale
Tuck Everlasting / Babbitt / 4-8 / Time, exponential numbers, graphing, ratio, proportion, rates
Decimal, Percent, Ratio & Proportion /
/ Grade /Comments
Animal Farm / Orwell / 6-8 / Percent of increase in foodstuffs (p. 81)Gulliver's Travels / Swift / 7-12 / Ratio, proportion, measurement Webpage
Holes / Sachar / 6-8 / Ratio, proportion, data collection, percent
Math Curse / Scieszka / 6-12 / Permutations, problem solving, timeline, average, sequence, percent, vocabulary, volume
The Phantom Tollbooth / Juster / 4-6 / Ratio & proportion; many other mathematical concepts
The Principal's New Clothes / Calmenson / 6-9 / Permutations; ratio; proportion
Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp / Shields / 6-10 / Measurement; ratio; proportion; coordinate system; symmetry; transformation; area & volume; statistics; 3-D figures; perspective
Tuck Everlasting / Babbitt / 4-8 / Time, exponential numbers, graphing, ratio, proportion, rates
Fractions /
/ Grade /Comments
Fraction Action / Leedy / 6-8 / Fractions, equivalent fractions, numerator/denominator, operations on fractionsWebsite
Geometry /
/ Grade /Comments
A Cloak for the Dreamer / Friedman / 6-7 / Patterns, geometric shapes, tessellation, tilingWebsite
A Wrinkle in Time / L'Engle / 4-8 / Dimensions
Catherine called Birdy / Cushman / 6-12 / 2-D shapes; length; metric system conversion; Fibonacci sequence
Chasing Vermeer / Balliett / 4-10 / Geometric shapes, patterns, symmetry, Roman numerals, pentominoes, secret messages, historical mathematics
Chronicles of Narnia / Lewis / 8-12 / Perimeter; circumference; radius; area; Venn diagram
The Fly on the Ceiling / Glass / 5-9 / Coordinate grid; plotting points
Grandfather Tang's Story / Tompert / 6-8 / Geometric shapes, spatial reasoning, perimeter, problem solving
The Hands-On Marvelous Ball Book / Hansen-Smith / 4-8 / Geometric constructions with paper plates and hairpins
Harry Potter books / Rowling / 4-8 / Add/subtract; fractions; statistics; money conversion; geometry Webpage
Imperial Earth / Clarke / 8-12 / Pentominoes in chapter 7
Pentominoes Online
Jim & the Beanstalk / Briggs / 4-6 / Coordinate plane; Pythagorean theorem
Maps, Tracks and the Bridges of Konigsberg: A Book About Networks / Holt / 6-12 / Networks; graph theory; problem solving
More Murderous Math (Spanish) / Poskitt / 4-8 / Measurement; geometry
Mummy Math: An Adventure in Geometry / Neuschwander / 6-8 / Geometric solids & shapes; nets; spatial reasoning
Rubber Bands, Baseballs, and Doughnuts: A Book About Topology / Froman / 6-12 / Topology; rubber sheet geometry
Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp / Shields / 6-10 / Measurement; ratio/proportion; coordinate system; symmetry; transformation; area & volume; statistics; 3-D figures; perspective
Sir Cumference & the Dragon of Pi / Neuschwander / 6-10 / Geometric shapes, construction, deconstruction, spatial visualization
Sir Cumference & the First Roundtable / Neuschwander / 6-10 / Geometric shapes; construction/ deconstruction; spatial visualization
Sir Cumference & the Great Knight of Angleland / Neuschwander / 6-10 / Obtuse angles, right angles, acute angles, straight angles, protractor
Sir Cumference & the Sword in the Cone / Neuschwander / 6-10 / Geometric solids; cones; volume; Euler's Law
The Warlord's Puzzle / Pilegard / 6-12 / Measurement; area; perimeter; fractions; geometric figures
Weslandia / Fleischman / 6-8 / Time; protractor; angles; number system; sundial
What's Your Angle, Pythagoras? A Math Adventure / Ellis / 6-12 / Pythagorean Theorem, right triangles, angles
Logic & Reasoning /
/ Grade /Comments
5-Minute Math Problem of the Day / Miller & Lee / 4-8 / Brainteasers to start classA Tangled Tale / Carroll / Ten mathematical story puzzles
Chasing Vermeer / Balliett / 4-10 / Geometric shapes, patterns, symmetry, Roman numerals, pentominoes, secret messages, historical mathematics
Grandfather Tang's Story / Tompert / 6-8 / Geometric shapes, spatial reasoning, perimeter, problem solving
Mathematical History: Activities, Stories, Puzzles, and Games / Gonzales, Mitchell & Stone / Mathematical activities, puzzles, stories & games from history
Moja Means One / Feelings / 5-8 / Number systems; problem solving; logic & reasoning; measurement; conversion
More Sideways Arithmetic from Wayside School / Sacher / 4-8 / Puzzles for logic & reasoning
Sideways Arithmetic from Wayside School / Sacher / 4-8 / Introduction to variables; logic & reasoning
The Sneaky Square & Other Math Activities for Kids / Sharp / 4-6 / 139 mathematical activities; estimation; problem solving; puzzles; calculator exercises
The Warlord's Puzzle / Pilegard / 6-12 / Measurement; area; perimeter; fractions; geometric figures
Measurement /
/ Grade /Comments
Araminta's Paint Box / Ackerman / Maps and milegeCatherine called Birdy / Cushman / 6-12 / 2-D shapes; length; metric system conversion; Fibonacci sequence
Counting on Frank / Clement / 6-8 / Estimation; nonstandard measurement; probability
Equal Shmequal / Kroll / 6-8 / Weight; balance; algebra equations; statistical mean
Grandfather Tang's Story / Tompert / 6-8 / Geometric shapes, spatial reasoning, perimeter, problem solving
Gulliver's Travels / Swift / 7-12 / Ratio, proportion, measurement Webpage
How Much & How Many / Bendick / 5-9 / History of weights/measures
Math Curse / Scieszka / 6-12 / Permutations, problem solving, timeline, average, sequence, percent, vocabulary, volume
Moja Means One / Feelings / 5-8 / Number systems; problem solving; logic & reasoning; measurement; conversion
One Hundred Hungry Ants / Pinczes / 6-8 / Measurement, multiplication arrays, division, converting units, money
Webpage Webpage
Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp / Shields / 6-10 / Measurement; ratio & proportion; coordinate system; symmetry; transformation; area & volume; statistics; 3-D figures; perspective
Spaghetti & Meatballs for All! A Mathematical Story / Burns / 6-8 / Perimeter, area, arrangements
The Warlord's Puzzle / Pilegard / 6-12 / Measurement; area; perimeter; fractions; geometric figures
Number Sense /
/ Grade /Comments
A Grain of Rice / Pittman / 6-9 / Place & face value; powers of twoWebsite
Alice in Wonderland / Carroll / 6-12 / Exponents; scientific notation; logarithms
Video#2: Alice to the Moon
Anno’s Hat Tricks / Anno / Binary logic
Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar / Anno / Factorials
Lesson Website
Best of Times / Tang / 6-8 / Multiplication facts, number sense
Catherine Called Birdy / Cushman / 6-12 / 2-D shapes; length; metric system conversion; Fibonacci sequence
Chasing Vermeer / Balliett / 4-10 / Geometric shapes, patterns, symmetry, Roman numerals, pentominoes, secret messages, historical mathematics
How the Other Half Thinks / Stein / Imaginary numbers
Imperial Earth / Clarke / 8-12 / Pentominoes in chapter 7
Pentominoes Online
Math Curse / Scieszka / 6-12 / Permutations, problem solving, timeline, average, sequence, percent, vocabulary, volume
Moja Means One / Feelings / 5-8 / Number systems; problem solving; logic & reasoning; measurement; conversion
More M&M Chocolate Candies Math / McGrath / 6 / Bar graph; estimation; average; multiplication; division
Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure (Spanish) / Enzensberger / 6-12 / Numeracy from interesting number sequences to exponents & matrices
Tuck Everlasting / Babbitt / 4-8 / Time, exponential numbers, graphing, ratio, proportion, rates
Uno's Garden / Base / 1-8 / Sequences, prime numbers, multiplication as repeated addition, squared and cubed numbers
Probability & Statistics /
/ Grade /Comments
"A Rice Sandwich" from A House on Mango Street / Cisneros / 4-8 / Permutations; estimation; money; multiplicationWebsite
All Mixed Up! / Gukova / 4-7 / Permutations
A Million Fish...More or Less / McKissack / 6-8 / Bar graph; statistics; data table; mean/median/mode; scatterplot; trend line
A Wrinkle in Time / L'Engle / 4-8 / Data analysis & probability
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County / Twain / Mean, median, range
Counting on Frank / Clement / 6-8 / Estimation; nonstandard measurement; probability
Dinosaur Data Book / Lambert / Graphs
Do You Wanna Bet? / Cushman / 5-8 / Probability; chance
Equal Shmequal / Kroll / 6-8 / Weight; balance; algebra equations; statistical mean
Guinness Book of Records / Time Inc / 4-12 / Graphs
Harry Potter books / Rowling / 4-8 / Add/subtract; fractions; statistics; money conversion; geometry Webpage
Holes / Sachar / 6-8 / Ratio, proportion, data collection, percent
Jumanji / Van Allsburg / 4-8 / Data analysis & probability
Math Curse / Scieszka / 6-12 / Permutations, problem solving, timeline, average, sequence, percent, vocabulary, volume
Moja Means One / Feelings / 5-8 / Number systems; problem solving; logic & reasoning; measurement; conversion
More M&M Chocolate Candies Math / McGrath / 6 / Bar graph; estimation; average; multiplication; division
Pit and the Pendulum / Poe / 9-12 / Data in T-table; graphing; prediction; problem solving
The Principal's New Clothes / Calmenson / 6-9 / Permutations; ratio; proportion
Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp / Shields / 6-10 / Measurement; ratio; proportion; coordinate system; symmetry; transformation; area & volume; statistics; 3-D figures; perspective
Tuck Everlasting / Babbitt / 4-8 / Time, exponential numbers, graphing, ratio, proportion, rates
Historical /
/ Grade /Comments
A Grain of Rice / Pittman / 6-9 / Place & face value; powers of twoWebsite
American Girl series / (various) / 6-8 / Historical based facts & figures
Alice in Pastaland / Wright / Accompanying "Pasta Math" ideabook
Chasing Vermeer / Balliett / 4-10 / Geometric shapes, patterns, symmetry, Roman numerals, pentominoes, secret messages, historical mathematics
Mathematicians are People Too / Reimer & Reimer / 3-7 / Biographies of mathematicians
The Fly on the Ceiling / Glass / 4-6 / Historical fiction; Descartes; coordinate plane
The Man Who Counted / Tahan / 4-6 / Collection of Arabic Nights adventures
Tuck Everlasting / Babbitt / 4-8 / Time, exponential numbers, graphing, ratio, proportion, rates
Uncle Petros & Goldbach's Conjecture / Doxiadas / 9-12 / Aboy & his uncle attempt to solve the famous Goldbach conjecture
Miscellaneous /
/ Grade /Comments
Boss for a Week (oop) / Handy / 6-8 / Days of week, calendarCaptives of Time / Bosse / 7-10 / Time travel; first clock
Chasing Vermeer / Balliett / 4-10 / Geometric shapes, patterns, symmetry, Roman numerals, pentominoes, secret messages, historical mathematics
Harry Potter books / Rowling / 4-8 / Add/subtract; fractions; statistics; money conversion; geometry Webpage
Jayden's Rescue / Tumanov / 4-6 / Fantasy novel; problem solving
Math Talk: Mathematical Ideas in Poems for 2 Voices / Pappas / Mathematical poems to be read aloud by 2 people
The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics / Juster / 4-6 / A mathematical romance
The Essential Arithmeticks
(Spanish) / Poskitt / 4-6 / Series of funny stories about math
Pythagoras Eagle and the Music of the Spheres / Nolting / 6-8 / Mathematically talented orphan interacts with patterns in math, nature and music
Sideways Stories from Wayside School / Sacher / 4-8 / Crazy short stories; 30 floors in school
Tuck Everlasting / Babbitt / 4-8 / Time, exponential numbers, graphing, ratio, proportion, rates