World-class infrastructure strengthens Victoria as a globally connected economy, an equitable society and an environmental leader.
The Secretary
Department of Premier and Cabinet
1 Macarthur Street Melbourne, Victoria, 3002
Information in this document is available at the Victorian Infrastructure Plan website.
ISBN978-1-925551-47-1 (Print)
ISBN978-1-925551-48-8 (pdf/online)
Authorised and published by the Victorian Government
1 Treasury Place, Melbourne, 3002
© State of Victoria 2017 (Department of Premier and Cabinet)
You are free to reuse this work under a Creative commons Attribution 4.0 licence, provided you credit the State of Victoria (Department of Premier and Cabinet) as author, indicate if changes were made and comply with the other licence terms. The licence does not apply to any branding, including government logos.
Catalyst projects
Victoria is investing in state-shaping infrastructure projects that will have positive and long-term benefits for all Victorians. These projects will stimulate economic growth, create jobs, ensure we feel safe and secure in our communities and maintain our high standard of living.
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The $11 billion Metro Tunnel will transform Melbourne’s public transport system. Regional rail investment of $1.3billion and $1.5billion over the last two budgets will ensure all Victorians have access to high quality public transport.
Over $5 billion in our schools over the last three budgets including $2.5 billionfor school infrastructure. Now all students and their families can benefit from modern, well-equipped education facilities.
$6.9 billion to remove Melbourne’s 50 most dangerous level crossings and $100million for the first stages of the North East Link. This will reduce congestion and get people where they need to be quickly and safely.
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Homes for Victorians makes a $2.7 billion investment in housing and homelessness support. It includes stamp duty reductions to help first home buyers break into the housing market and social housing initiatives to support the most vulnerable in our state.
The $5.5 billion West Gate Tunnel project will provide an alternative to the West Gate Bridge and direct access to the port, generating an $11billion boost to the Victorian economy. $109 million for bridge upgrades elsewhere in Victoria will help meet freight demand, which is expected to increase by 125% over the next three decades.
More than $2 billion for frontline police, including an additional 3,100 officers on the street, ensuring all Victorians can feel safe and secure.
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$264 million in community sporting facilities investment, and $445 million for high performance sport centres and major event infrastructure.
Over $2 billion in additional health infrastructure funding will ensure that Victorians receive first class health service now and in the future, wherever they may live.
Over $500 million of investments in tourism and creative state infrastructure will help the visitor economy, which is projected to expand from around $20 billion in 2016 to $36.5 billion by 2025.
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$72.3 million is being invested to improve communications infrastructure for our emergency services across Victoria. Over $45 million will address the digital divide in regional Victoria and support small businesses in the digital economy.
$537 million is budgeted to implement Water for Victoria, $273 million to reduce bushfire risk and $86 million to protect Victoria’s biodiversity. These investments will help us to be better prepared for the impacts of climate change on our environment and water resources.
$558 million from the Premier’s Jobs and Investment Fund supports economic growth and job creation across Victoria. $273million funding will support the sectors that have capacity to attract investment to Victoria and create highly skilled, quality jobs for Victorians.
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Victorian Infrastructure Plan | page 1