COURSE – Sixth Grade Social Studies

TEACHER – Mrs. Jones

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The Social Studies curriculum provides students with an understanding of their role in the community, state, country, and world. It also helps them to understand the role of our history and the history of others in making the world what it is today. At Chapel Hill Middle School, we want to prepare students to be active citizens in our democratic society, to teach students “HOW” to think, not “WHAT” to think, to empower students through geography to understand the world and to realize we are globally interdependent, and to promote awareness and acceptance of others, both nationally and internationally.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: The sixth grade curriculum objectives are based on the Georgia Performance Standards written by the Georgia Department of Education. For a detailed analysis of these objectives, refer to the Department of Education website, Major objectives for the year include the following topics:

Concepts Used in Global Studies

Map Skills: Use of different types of flat maps and the globe

Basic Economics: Students will study basic economic concepts

Forms of Government: Students will study different types of governments



Europe’s Historical Influence

Europe Today

Europe’s Environmental and Economic Forces

Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America’s and Caribbean’s Culture

Latin America’s and Caribbean’s Environment and Economic Forces

Latin America and Caribbean Today

Geography of select Caribbean and South American Countries

Discussion of the history and geographic features of each area

North America

Canada Today

Canada’s Environment and Economic Forces


Australia’s Culture

Australia’s Environment and Economic Forces

Your Financial Future

Personal Financial Management

Students receive instruction in Black History during the month of February.

CDA TESTS: Periodically, students will take a CDA (County Distrtict Assessment). The purpose of the test is to analyze how well students are learning or how much students have learned and remembered. After the CDA, Social Studies teachers have meetings to analyze and discuss the grades and curriculum taught.

TEXTBOOK: World Cultures and Geography, McDougal Littell Publishing Company

Textbooks will mostly be used in class only. Students will not be issued a textbook to take home on daily basis. However, if a student needs to finish an assignment, he/she will be able to take the textbook home and return it upon completion.

GRADING POLICY: Grades are based on the following:

On-Level Classes Advanced/Gifted Classes

Homework: 15% Homework: 15%

CATS: 10% CATS: 10%

Classwork: 45% Classwork: 40%

Tests/Quizzes/CDAs/Projects: 30% Tests/Quizzes/CDAs/Projects: 35%

End of Nine Weeks Grade Total = 100%

**BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS: Students are required to maintain self-control and to follow class procedures that are discussed during the first week of school and reinforced periodically. Guidelines are outlined in the CHMS Parent and Student Handbook about behavior and discipline procedures. (Note: Parent/Guardian, please read the CHMS Parent and Student Handbook).

CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: Conferences are scheduled as needed with students and parents. The agenda book is used daily for assignments and notes to parents. Parents are encouraged to write notes to the teacher as well. Children benefit tremendously when parents and teachers have open lines of communication. (Special Note: please view your child’s agenda book every school night for homework assignments and other notes).

HOMEWORK POLICY: Homework is assigned to reinforce and extend skills and concepts taught in the classroom; students must complete homework assignments and return the assignment on the due date. Four types of homework assignments are:

Preparation = Helps students inform themselves about the next day’s lesson.

Practice = Provides students with the needed review and reinforcement about material

presented in a previous lesson.

Extension = Guides students so that they extend concepts taught in class.

Creative = Students come up with their own ideas related to a class topic and then share

those ideas with the class.