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WTO/AIR/389010 february 2012

SUBJECT:dispute settlement body

the next meeting of the dispute settlement body will be held in the centre william rappard on wednesday,22 february2012,starting at10a.m.

the following items are proposed for the agenda:

  1. surveillance of implementation of recommendations adopted by the dsb
  2. united states – section 211 omnibus appropriations act of 1998: status report by the united states (wt/ds176/11/add.111)
  3. united states – anti-dumping measures on certain hot-rolled steel products from japan: status report by the united states (wt/ds184/15/add.111)
  4. united states – section 110(5) of the us copyright act: status report by the united states (wt/ds160/24/add.86)
  5. european communities – measures affecting the approval and marketing ofbiotechproducts: status report by theeuropeanunion (wt/ds291/37/add.49)
  6. united states – measures relating to zeroing AND SUNSET REVIEWS: status report by the United states (WT/ds322/36/add.29)
  7. UNITED STATES – CONTINUED EXISTENCE AND APPLICATION OF ZEROING METHODOLOGY: status report by the united states (wt/ds350/18/ADD.26)
  8. united states – laws, regulations and methodology for calculating dumping margins ("zeroing"): status report by the united states (Wt/ds294/38/add.20)
  9. china – measures affecting trading rights and distribution services for certain publications and audiovisual entertainment products: status report by China (wt/ds363/17/add.13)
  10. United States – anti-dumping administrative reviews and other measures related to imports of certain orange juice from brazil: status report by the United States (wt/ds382/10/Add.2)
  11. United States – Definitive Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Products from China: Status report by the United States(WT/DS379/12/Add.1)
  12. Philippines – taxes on distilled spirits
  13. implementation of the recommendations of the DSB
  14. united states – continued dumping and subsidy offset act of 2000: implementation of the recommendations adopted by the dsb
  15. statements by the european unionandJapan
  16. United States – anti-dumping measures on corrosion-resistant carbon steel flat products from Korea
  17. request for the establishment of a panel by Korea (wt/ds420/5)
  18. European Union – anti-dumping measures on certain footwear from China
  19. report of the panel (wt/ds405/r)
  21. report of the panel (wt/ds415/r –wt/ds416/r –wt/ds417/r –wt/ds418/r and add.1)
  22. China – measures related to the exportation of various raw materials
  23. report of the appellate body (wt/ds394/ab/r) and report of the panel (wt/ds394/r and corr.1 and add.1)
  24. report of the appellate body (wt/ds395/ab/r) and report of the panel (wt/ds395/rand corr.1 and add.1)
  25. report of the appellate body (wt/ds398/ab/r) and report of the panel (wt/ds398/rand corr.1 and add.1)
  26. appointment of appellate body members
  27. election of chairperson

members of the wto and observer governments to wto bodies are requested to inform the secretariat of the names of their representatives as soon as possible.
