1.The cost is $5.00 per person, per night. Bars will supply the quarters($12) for all league games

2.A point system will be in effect. A total of 12 available points between each team shooting that night

3.If a sub starts, he or she will finish ALL games for that night

4.Anyone can sub for any team as long as both team captains agree with the substitution. A sub cannot be a permanent member of another team. Substitutes are responsible for paying the $5

5.Bars are to give all 4 shooters for each team a drink chip to be used that night

6.Any team who forfeits a night will be responsible for paying the money due for that night’s match

7.Home team will shoot first in the first game and all odd games following, away team will shoot all even games.

8.There are score sheets provided, and more can be printed out online. Shooters must follow the lineup on the score sheet as this has been created to make sure everyone shoots each other evenly.

9.It is the team Captain’s responsibility to make out the shooting roster

10.It is up to team captains to settle ALL disputes during a match.

11.All dart boards must be measured (8 Feet from the line marked towards the back of the board), and foul lines must be VISIBLY Marked with duct or gaffers tape

12.All games must start at 7:00pm. If a team cannot make it, they must find substitutes or forfeit. All games should start no later than 7:15pm. If the other team does not show up by 7:15 then they automatically forfeit.

13.If the dart board doesn’t register a dart, that stays in the board, you are allowed to score that dart. If a dart flights off another dart and does not register this may not be entered as a legal dart.

14.There will be a sponsorship fee of $25 per team

15.Scores sheets are to be dropped off to the Lighterside every Wednesday night after the match has completed. If Brian is not there, please give your score sheet and money to the bartender.

16.Wins/losses, doubles, hat tricks, and white horses must also be reported that night. The team captains must confirm with each other at the end of the match that all totals are correct.

17.MVP Award will go to the person who has the highest total points at the end of the regular season. Points will be scored accordingly Win=1, Double=2, *Hat Trick=3, **White Horse=5

18.PLAYOFFS: Playoffs will be played in the same format as the regular season. If there are ties in playoffs, they will be determined by a “best of 3” starting back at the top of the scoring sheet. All Substitutes must shoot at least 3 times in the regular season to qualify for playoffs.

*A Hat trick is throwing all three darts inside the bullseye in one round; either single or double counts as long as all 3 darts are in on the same turn

**A White Horse must be a true white horse, and is defined by hitting 3 different triples in one round without there being any other marks on those numbers. Ex. Triple 19, Triple 17, Triple 15 with no prior marks for your team on those numbers