2011 Aquaculture CDE Exam
Directions: Read each question carefully and place the one, best answer on the Scantron form accompanying this test. Answer all 25 questions.
1. / Which production activity fits within the definition of aquaculture?/ A. / cooking tilapia
/ B. / harvesting wheat
/ C. / monitoring lake wate
/ D. / producing aquarium plants
/ E. / restoring beach habitat
2. / Aquaculture is the art, science, and business of producing aquatic ____ and ____.
/ A. / fish and crabs
/ B. / fish and live rock
/ C. / food fish and ornamental fish
/ D. / plants and animals
/ E. / tropical fish and aquarium plants
3. / Agriculture is represented by the cultivation of which of the following farm environments?
/ A. / desert
/ B. / freshwater
/ C. / land
/ D. / marine
/ E. / wetland
4. / Aquaculture is a specific type of agriculture that requires both academic knowledge and ______skills.
/ A. / Aquatic
/ B. / genetic
/ C. / mathematic
/ D. / technical
/ E. / scientific
5. / The production of this food source is the fastest growing global segment of agriculture.
/ A. / beef
/ B. / dairy
/ C. / grain
/ D. / fish
6. / Which of the following industries refer to the harvesting food fish from natural streams and marine environments?
/ A. / aqua farms
/ B. / canneries
/ C. / charters
/ D. / fisheries
/ E. / aqua farms
7. / Which food fishes are most commonly produced in the United States?
/ A. / catfish and drum
/ B. / snook and red drum
/ C. / tiger barbs and black tetras
/ D. / trout and catfish
/ E. / trout perch
8. / 95% of Central Florida’s aquaculture industry produces the following aquacrops:
/ A. / clams and oysters
/ B. / hybrid bass and shrimp
/ C. / ornamental plants and fish
/ D. / salmon and tilapia
/ E. / snook and red drum
9. / Aquaculture began around 3500 B.C. with producing carp in this country.
/ A. / China
/ B. / Egypt
/ C. / Europe
/ D. / Japan
/ E. / United States
10. / This man was the first U.S. Commissioner of the United States Fish and Fisheries.
/ A. / Spencer Baird
/ B. / Dr. Bill Falls
/ C. / Rick Parker
/ D. / Craig Watson
/ E. / Mark Williams
11. / Which of the following professional descriptions describes a person that is responsible for nutrition, reproduction, disease management, water quality, and marketing of an aquatic crop?
/ A. / biologist
/ B. / engineer
/ C. / farmer
/ D. / technician
/ E. / wholesaler
12. / Which of the following anatomical systems removes ammonia from the blood?
/ A. / digestive
/ B. / muscular
/ C. / nervous
/ D. / reproductive
/ E. / renal
13. / The anatomy of a catfish mouth includes these specialized sensory whiskers.
/ A. / barbels
/ B. / operculum
/ C. / pharyngeal teeth
/ D. / pili muscles
/ E. / spines
14. / A physiological function of red blood is to transport the following dissolved gas to the mitochondria of the cell for the production of energy.
/ A. / carbon dioxide
/ B. / carbon monoxide
/ C. / helium
/ D. / nitrogen
/ E. / oxygen
15. / Which of the following water parameters has a greatest effect on fish physiology?
/ A. / clarity
/ B. / light
/ C. / tannin
/ D. / temperature
/ E. / turbidity
16. / Mollusk transport food from the mucous covered gill to the mouth by these hair-like projections.
/ A. / cilia
/ B. / flagella
/ C. / mantles
/ D. / muscles
/ E. / siphons
17. /
What is the outer covering (#2) of a fish gill.
/ A. / gill guard
/ B. / gill raker
/ C. / gonad
/ D. / operculum
/ E. / peduncle
18. / Another name for the tail fin (#3) of a fish.
/ A. / adipose
/ B. / caudal
/ C. / dorsal
/ D. / pectoral
/ E. / pelvic
19. / Which of the following anatomical structures diffuses oxygen to fish blood?
/ A. / gill filament
/ B. / heart
/ C. / nares
/ D. / nostril
/ E. / operculum
20. / Which of the following plants is easy to harvest, removes waste from ponds and can be used to produce methane?
/ A. / arrowhead
/ B. / cattail
/ C. / water spinach
/ D. / watercress
/ E. / water hyacinth
21. / Select the floating pond plant that is a favorite food source of herbivorous fish.
/ A. / arrowhead
/ B. / cattail
/ C. / duckweed
/ D. / water chestnut
/ E. / water hyacinth
22. / Which of the following fish is the Florida freshwater Lepomismacrochirus?
/ A. / black bass
/ B. / bream/sun perch/bluegill
/ C. / crappie (speck)
/ D. / channel catfish
/ E. / goggle-eye perch
23. / Which of the following is the primary energy source for the growth of aquatic plants?
/ A. / air
/ B. / chemical food
/ C. / fertilizer
/ D. / rain
/ E. / sun
24. / The location of the pectoral fin ______in relation to the caudal fin.
/ A. / anterior
/ B. / dorsal
/ C. / lateral
/ D. / posterior
/ E. / ventral
25. / Efficient aquaculture production matters little if the crop cannot be sold for a profit. The first step in marketing is to develop this type of marketing plan:
/ A. / consumer target
/ B. / distribution
/ C. / market profit
/ D. / market strategy
/ E. / market cost