Curriculum Vitae

Barbara Miller

June 2015 - 2016

Office1957 E Street NW, Suite 501

The Elliott School of International Affairs

The George Washington University

Washington, DC 20052

tel. 202/994-7257


1966-1971 Syracuse University, BA

1969-1970Banaras Hindu University, India (University of Wisconsin College Year in India Program)

1972-1978Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University MA 1974; PhD with Distinction 1978

Fellowships, Grants and Contracts (Postdoctoral)

1983Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Grant #4454 ($5000)

1984Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Grant #4454 (addon, $5000)

1985Smithsonian Institution, Travel Grant, for Sixteen American Scholars to attend the Conference on Women and the Household, New Delhi ($15,000).

1985-86Agency for International Development, Kingston, Research Contract for Household Expenditure Survey II ($140,000)

1986Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc., Conference Grant #103 for an

International Conference on Sex and Gender Hierarchies, Malaga, Spain

1987-1988National Science Foundation, Research Grant #BNS 8616762 ($63,000)

1992University of Pittsburgh Center for International Studies and Asian Studies Program, Small Grant for Research in India ($5,000)

2012-2015Key faculty expert and proposal initiator; Women and Water in Central and South Asia, U.S. Department of State, South Asia Bureau, Professor Marlene Laruelle, PI; and Ariana Rabindranath, co-PI, of the Elliott School. Ongoing. ($300,000).

2014-2016PI, Women’s Empowerment in Pakistan through a University Partnership, U.S. Department of State; with Professor Shaista Khilji, co-PI. Ongoing ($1,007,438), ongoing likely through 2017 via a no-cost extension.

Recent Proposals Submitted (not awarded)

2004 Toward a Culture-Centered Approach to Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Afghanistan (with Professors Inder Sud and David Gow) to the National Science Foundation’s Program in Human Social Dynamics, for $180,000 to support a workshop series and conference.

2006Religion in International Affairs (with Professor Deborah Avant) to the Luce Foundationfor $400,000to develop a focus in theElliott School on religion and international affairs

2011“Community Network for Freedom” (with Professor Andrea Bertone) to the US Department of Health and Human Services in January; $900,000 over three years [approved; but not funded due to budget cuts]..

“Role of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in Reducing Maternal Mortality in Gujarat, India, to the NIH in February; $151,111 for two years [funding program discontinued during the review process due to budget cuts].

“Innovative Public-Private Partnership to Reduce Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Gujarat, India” to the Gates Foundation/USAID Saving Lives at Birth; $250,000 over two years.

2012PI, Conflict Prevention in the Asia-Pacific Region: Including Women in Sustainable Security and Democracy, U.S. Department of Defense, pre-proposal; $1.2 million [full proposal not invited].

Fellowships and Grants (Predoctoral)

1968NDEA Title VI, Hindi, University of Pennsylvania (summer)

1969NDEA Title VI, Hindi, University of Minnesota (summer)

1972-1974NDEA Title VI, Hindi, Syracuse University

1975-1976NDEA Title VI, Hindi, Syracuse University

1976Woodrow Wilson Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies

1976-1977American Institute of Indian Studies Language Fellowship, Hindi

1977-1978Rockefeller-Ford Program on Population and Development Policy, Grant RF#76102 (for doctoral dissertation)

Teaching Awards

2008Harry Harding Teaching Award, Elliott School of International Affairs

Field Research

1976-1977India, archival and interview research for dissertation while living in Agra and Delhi on a Hindi language training fellowship (during the Indian Emergency, field research permits for Americans were highly restricted)

1981-1983Bangladesh, local government structure and finance, for the Zilla Roads Maintenance and Improvement Project, AID/Dhaka

1983[Project Director] India, standardizing community health program collections of longitudinal data on sex-differential mortality of children at Ludhiana and Vellore Christian Medical Hospitals

1983-1984Jamaica, low-income household expenditure survey, for the Jamaican Tax Structure Examination Project, AID/Kingston; in collaboration with Professor Carl Stone, University of the West Indies

1985-1986[Project Director] Jamaica, effects of the food stamp program on low-income household expenditures, for AID/Kingston; with Professor Carl Stone, University of the West Indies

1986[Advisor] India, study design of child health patterns in Varanasi and the role of a community health program in improving child survival; in collaboration with Dr. K.N. Agarwal, Epidemiology Unit, Banaras Hindu University

1987-1988[Principal Investigator] social class variations in gender-specific juvenile mortality in India; carried out at the Department of Demography, University of California at Berkeley

1991-1994Pittsburgh, adolescent identity formation among Indian Hindu immigrants

1992India, assessment of current status of research on female child health; New Delhi and Pune, May

1996-1997India, feasibility of long-term research in the Andaman Islands, December-January


1979Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Rochester

1979-1980Instructor, Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University

1980-1987Research Associate, Metropolitan Studies Program, Maxwell School, and (1984-1987) Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, Syracuse University

1987-1988Associate Research Demographer, University of California at Berkeley

1988-1989Instructor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, SUNY Cortland

1988-1990Visiting Fellow and Lecturer, Population and Development Program and Department of Rural Sociology, Cornell University

1989-1990Instructor, Department of Anthropology, Ithaca College

1990-1993 Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh

1993-1998Associate Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs, George Washington University

1994-1998and(1994-1998) Director, Women's Studies Program

1999-presentProfessor of Anthropology and International Affairs and Associate Dean, The Elliott School (1999-2002. 2009-2012); Founding Director, Culture in Global Affairs (CIGA) Research and Policy Program (2003-present); Founding Director Global Gender Research and Policy Program (2010-2016); Director, Institute of Global and International Studies (2012-2016)

Courses Taught


Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Syracuse, Pittsburgh, GW)

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology—Distance Education version (GW)

Practical Anthropology (Syracuse)

"Famine" (Freshman Writing Seminar, Cornell University)

Cultures of India

World Hunger (Freshman Seminar, University of Pittsburgh)

The Human Lifecycle (co-taught with biological anthropologist)

Population and Culture (Undergraduate Majors Seminar, Pittsburgh))

The Anthropology of Food (co-taught with archeologist, Pittsburgh)

Health, Illness and Culture (GW)

The Anthropology of Gender (GW)


The Anthropology of Development (Syracuse, GW)

Medical Anthropology (Pittsburgh, GW)

Multidisciplinary Seminar in Development (GW/IDS)

Key Variables in Development (GW)

Gender and Sexuality (GW)

Health, Population and Development (GW)

Health and Development in India (GW)

Migration and Mental Health (GW)

Culture, Risk and Security; revised as Culture, Risk and Disasters (GW)

Global Gender Policy (GW)

Food, Culture, and Globalization (GW), new course


1981The Endangered Sex: Neglect of Female Children in Rural North India (Ithaca: Cornell University Press)

[re-published with a new chapter, "The Girl Child in India in the Year 2000," pp. 197-217, Oxford

University Press, 1997].

1987(with Robert N. Kearney) Internal Migration and Its Social Consequences in Sri Lanka (Boulder, CO:

Westview Press).

1993(editor) Sex and Gender Hierarchies (New York: Cambridge University Press); chapter 1, "The Anthropology of Sex and Gender Hierarchies" (pp. 3-31).

1998(co-editor with Alf Hiltebeitel) Hair: Its Power and Meaning in Asian Cultures (Albany: SUNY

Press);chapter, "The Disappearance of the Oiled Braid: Indian Adolescent Female Hairstyles in North

America," pp. 259-280, and "Afterword: Hair Power," pp. 281-286.


Cultural Anthropology (Pearson).

19981st edition

20012nd edition

2004 3rd edition

20074th edition

20095th edition

20106th edition

20127th edition

20168th edition

2008 Cultural Anthropology in a Globalizing World, 1st edition (briefer version of Cultural Anthropology)

2010 2nd edition

20113rd edition

20164th edition

Cultural Anthropology, Canadianized edition, (Toronto: Pearson)

20001st edition

20032nd edition

20063rd edition

20084th edition

Anthropology (four field textbook) (Prentice-Hall/Pearson)

2005Anthropology: The Study of Humanity, with Bernard Wood (Boston: Allyn & Bacon)

20082nd edition

Publications--Editorial Contribution

1983Co-editor (with Roy Bahl), Local Government Finance in the Third World: A Case Study of the

Philippines (Boulder: Westview Press).

2008 Series editor, Anthropology Works, 1st volume: Glynn Cochrane, Festival Elephants and the Myth of Global Poverty (Boston: Pearson).

2009Guest Editor, special issue of the journal, Heritage Management, on "Cultural Heritage and the Work of Anthropology,"spring issue; introductory essay, Heritage Management Inside Out and Upside Down: Questioning Top-Down and Outside Approaches, 5-9.

2015Section Editor, 65entries on Contemporary Cultural Concerns for International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition (IESBS 2e). Each entry is approximately 5,000 words. I chose the topics and authors and did substantial editorial work with the authors. IESBS 2e won the PROSE Award (American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence) in two categories: Excellence in Reference Works, and Multivolume Reference – Humanities and Social Sciences.

Publication in Preparation—Editorial Contribution

Socio-cultural Anthropology: Critical and Primary Sources; four-volume collection of 100 previously published articles and chapters with an overview at the beginning of each volume; under contract with Bloomsbury Press

Publications--Articles in Refereed Journals

1980Cultural Meanings of a North/South Model of Female Juvenile Mortality in Rural India, Eastern

Anthropologist 33(1):19-39.

1980Female Neglect and the Costs of Marriage in Rural India, Contributions to Indian Sociology 14(1):95-


1982Female Labor Participation and Female Seclusion in Rural India, Economic Development and Cultural

Change 30(4):777-794.

1983(with Robert N. Kearney) Sex-Differential Patterns of Internal Migration in Sri Lanka, Peasant Studies


1984Daughter Neglect, Women's Work and Kinship: Pakistan and Bangladesh Compared, Medical

Anthropology 8(2):109-126.

1985(with Robert N. Kearney) The Spiral of Suicide and Social Change in Sri Lanka, Journal of Asian Studies

48(1):81-101 [reprinted 1986 in Marga 8(3):1-33, Journal of the Marga Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka].

1985(with James A. Wozny) Land Tenure Patterns in Bangladesh: Implications for Revenue and

Distributional Effects of Changes in Land Taxation, Journal of Developing Areas 19(4):459-481.

1986(with Showkat Hayat Khan) Incorporating Voluntarism into Rural Development in Bangladesh, Third

World Planning Review 8(2):139-152.

1986Health, Fertility, and Society in India: Microstudies and Macrostudies [invited review article], Journal of

Asian Studies 46(1):1027-1036.

1988(with Robert N. Kearney) Internal Migration and Suicide in Sri Lanka, Journal of Asian and African

Studies 23(3-4):287-304.

1990(with Richard M. Bird) Indirect Taxation of Low-Income Households in Jamaica, Economic

Development and Cultural Change 37(2):393-409 [reprinted in Taxation in Developing Countries,

Richard M. Bird and Oliver Oldman, eds., 4th edition, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,

1990, pp. 425-437].

1995(with Horacio Fabrega Jr.) A Cultural Analysis of Adolescent Psychopathology, Journal of Adolescent

Research 10(2):197-226.

1995(with Horacio Fabrega, Jr.) Adolescent Psychiatry as a Product of Contemporary Anglo-American

Society, Social Science and Medicine 40(7):881-894.

1995 (with Horacio Fabrega, Jr.), Toward a More Comprehensive Medical Anthropology: The Case of

Adolescent Psychopathology, Medical Anthropology Quarterly 9(4):431-461.

1997 Social Class, Gender, and Intrahousehold Food Allocations to Children in South Asia, Social Science and

Medicine 44(11):1685-1695.

2001Female-Selective Abortion in Asia: Patterns, Policies and Debates, American Anthropologist 103(4):1083-1095. [re-published in Comparative Studies in Medical Anthropology, Elizabeth Fischer, ed., New York: Prentice Hall].

Publications--Invited Review Articles and Essays

1983Farming, Families and Sex Roles in Rural India: A Classic Pattern and New Questions Peasant Studies


1986Women, Development, and Anthropology: Focus on Production and Reproduction. Reviews in

Anthropology 13(2):104-114.

1990Opportunity Knocks [lead essay for special issue on "The Female Child"] Indian Journal of Maternal and

Child Health 1(4):101-103.

1992 Toward Critical Population Anthropology. Reviews in Anthropology 21:255-262.

1993On Poverty, Child Survival and Gender: Models and Misperceptions [lead essay] Third World Planning

Review 15(3):iii-viii.

2005Cultural Anthropology Now: Highlights 2004” in SACC Notes II(2):21-24, 34. [SACC Notes is the newsletter of the Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges; this brief article was based on my AAA presentation for the annual SACC panel at the AAA on updates in anthropology’s different fields].

2007Anthropology. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. 2nd edition [full-length article]

Publications--Chapters in Books

1987Female Infanticide and Child Neglect in Rural North India. In Nancy Scheper-Hughes, ed., Child

Survival: Anthropological Perspectives on the Treatment and Maltreatment of Children (Boston: D.

Reidel), pp. 95-112 [reprinted 1993, 1997 and 2000 in Caroline B. Brettell and Carolyn F. Sargent,

eds., Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall].

1987Social Patterns of Food Expenditures among Low-Income Jamaicans. In Kenneth Leslie and Lloyd

Rankin, eds., Papers and Recommendations of the Workshop on Food and Nutrition Security in the

1980s and Beyond. Kingston: Caribbean Food and Nutrition Institute, pp. 13-33.

1988(with Robert N. Kearney) Women, Social Change, and Suicide in Sri Lanka. In Patricia Whelehan, ed,

Women and Health: Cross Cultural Perspectives (South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey), pp. 110-123.

1989(with Richard M. Bird) Taxation, Pricing, and the Poor in Developing Countries. In Richard M. Bird

and Susan Horton, eds., Public Policy and the Poor in Developing Countries (Toronto: University of

Toronto Press), pp. 49-80.

1989Gender and Low-Income Household Expenditures in Jamaica. In Henry Rutz and Benjamin Orlove, eds., The Social Economy of Consumption (Lanham, MD: University Press of America), pp. 379-398.

1990Son Preference, the Household, and a Public Health Programme in North India. In Neera Desai and

Maithreyi Krishnaraj, eds., Women and the Household in Asia (Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications),

pp. 191-208.

1992Wife-Beating in India: Variations on a Theme. In Dorothy Counts, Judith Brown, and Jacquelyn

Campbell, eds., Sanctions and Sanctuary: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Beating of Wives (Boulder, CO: Westview Press), pp. 177-189. [re-published, 1999, University of Illinois Press].

1993Unwanted Daughters in North India: Household Priorities and Public Policy. In Hector Correa, ed.,

Unwanted Pregnancies and Public Policy: An International Perspective (New York: Nova Science


1995Precepts and Practices: Researching Identity Formation among Hindu Adolescents in the United States.

In Jacqueline Goodnow and Peggy Miller, eds. New Directions in Adolescent Psychology. San

Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

1995(with Horacio Fabrega, Jr.) Cultural and Historical Aspects of Adolescent Psychopathology. In Michael

Hersen and Vincent van Hasselt, eds. Handbook of Adolescent Psychopathology: A Guide to Diagnosis

and Treatment. pp. 3-68. New York: Lexington Books.

1997Population, Health and Development in South Asia: Policy Debates, Directions and Dilemmas. In C.

Steven LaRue, Lloyd I. Rudolph, and Susanne Hoeber Rudolph, eds, The India Handbook. Regional

Handbooks of Economic Development. pp. 143-157. Chicago: Fitzroy-Dearborn.

Publications--Short Articles

1982Women in the Public Domain: Third World Discoveries and Policy Implications, Women's Studies

Quarterly: International Supplements 1:6-9

1984Local Social Organizations and Local Public Finance in the Third World, Journal of Voluntary Action

Research 13(4):49-59.

1984Benefit Financing in Bangladesh: A Review of the Possibilities for Rural Public Works, Asian Journal of

Public Administration 6(2):178-192.

1985The Unwanted Girls: A Study of Infant Mortality Rates, Manushi: A Journal about Women and Society

[New Delhi] 29:18-20

1985Gender and Infant Death: Thoughts on Latin America in Relation to South Asia [review essay] COSAW

Bulletin 3(3):14-16

1987Female Infanticide, Seminar [New Delhi] 3(3):18-21.

1989Changing Patterns of Juvenile Sex Ratios in Rural India, 1961-1971, Economic and Political Weekly

June 3:1229-1236

1989Women and Development in India. In Helen Tierney, ed., Women's Studies Encyclopedia. Westport,

CT: Greenwood Press

1992(with Sabu George and Rajaratnam Abel) Female Infanticide in Rural South India, Economic and

Political Weekly May 30:1153-1156.

1994A Case of Missing Persons: Cultural Relativism and Female Infanticide, AnthroNotes [Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution]:1-8.

1995Population Ethics: Religious Traditions in Hinduism, Encyclopedia of Bioethics 4: 1999-2003.

2001Review essay of three ethnographies on gender in India, American Anthropologist 102:929-931.

2001Cultural Anthropology, International Affairs, and the Future, International Affairs Review 11:105-108.

2007From a Grain of Rice to the World. In Proceedings of 13th Annual Hahn Moo-Sook Colloquium in the Korean Humanities, edited by Young-Key Renaud, R. Richard Grinker and Kirk Larsen. Washington, DC: The Sigur Center for Asian Studies, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University.

2009Sex-Selective Abortion in Asia: one-page abstract of my 2001 article published in the American Anthropologist, in Women's Human Rights: The International and Comparative Law Casebook, edited by Susan Deller Ross. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

2015Invited op-ed, “Understanding Hair Messages,” The Indian Express.

Publications--Book Reviews

South Asia Library Notes and Queries, 1981/1982

Journal of Developing Areas, 1982

Journal of Asian Studies, 1983

International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 1983

Third World Planning Review, 1984

Comparative Sociology, 1985

Journal of Regional Science, 1986

South Asia in Review, 1991

Political Science Quarterly, 1991

Sociology of Religion, 1993

Journal of Asian Studies, 1997

American Journal of Human Biology, 1999

American Ethnologist, 2000

Pacific Affairs, 2000

Journal of the History of Sexuality, 2000

Pacific Affairs, 2011

Social Media

2009-Founder and editor, anthropologyworks blog (5,000 readers per month) including weakly review of anthropology in the news; Twitter (18,000 followers),Facebook; average 15,000 views per month

2011- 2016

Founder and editor, globalgendercurrent blog (800 readers per month), Twitter (1500 followers), Facebook views average 1,000 per month.

Publications--Reports, Monographs and Working Papers

1980Local Social Organizations and Local Project Capacity. Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Local Revenue

Administration Project.

1982(with Richard M. Joseph) Local Public Finance: A Directory of Experts. Metropolitan Studies Program

Monograph #7. Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Syracuse University.

1983(with James A. Wozny) The Bangladesh Land Occupancy Survey of 1978 and Its Relevance to the Land

Development Tax. Metropolitan Studies Program Occasional Paper #69. Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Syracuse University.

1983Son Preference, Daughter Neglect, and Juvenile Sex Ratios: Pakistan and Bangladesh Compared. Women in International Development Working Paper Series #30. East Lansing: Michigan State University.

1983(with Showkat Hayat Khan) Local Voluntarism and Local Public Finance in Rural Bangladesh. Zilla

Roads Project Report #6. Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Syracuse University.

1984Possibilities of Benefit Charges for Public Works in Bangladesh. Zilla Roads Project Report #11.

Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Syracuse University.

1984(co-editor with Janice Hyde) Women in Asia and Asian Studies. Committee on Women in Asian Studies

Monograph #1. Syracuse: The Maxwell School, Syracuse University, pp. 120; and contributor: Recent

Research on Sex Differentials in Children's Health and Survival in India.

1984(co-editor with Jyotsna Vaid and Janice Hyde) South Asian Women at Home and Abroad: A Guide to