Combe Martin Primary School Medium Term Planning Autumn 2 Teacher: J. Lamb Class: 3 Creative curriculum topic: Africa
Week 13.11.14 / Week 2
10.11.14 / Week 3
24.11.14 / Week 5
FOCUS / Week 7
Literacy / I am beginning to write stories about things that have happened to me or other people.
I am using familiar and new punctuation correctly in my writing, including full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks and question marks.
Writing about half term.
Animal research using information books.
Identify features of information books.
Questions. Role play-animal expert for the children to hot seat.
Oral presentation.
Top Trump card for chosen animal.
Watch the Lion King. / Meerkat Mail
Read text.
Re-read and talk about the Look at layout, language, text conventions e.g. brackets in postcards. Discuss the information they give about where he is and what his current relative is like.
Collect information under headings such as: where he is / what he eats / what the weather is like / what he does / what he likes and dislikes.
Research what the different locations are like.
Write a description of a place Sunny visits. / Once finished, I will re-read my work to make sure it makes sense.
I can make changes in my writing by listening to what others have to say about it.
I check my finished work to make sure there are no mistakes in spelling, grammar or punctuation.
Take photos of
Sunny at the local park, eating somethin, in different weather etc. Sunny’s latest adventure.
Model write a postcard from Sunny to his family, using the information headings to structure the content.
The children can then conduct a guided tour of the school with Sunny, taking photos of him in different places, answering any questions he may have and ‘helping’ him join in activities.
The children can then write their own postcard from Sunny about his trip to their school. / I like to write for different purposes, for example, for my teacher, myself or for a class assembly.
I can write down brief descriptions about what I want to include in my writing, before I begin.
Read examples of non-chronological reports about animals and start to develop a bank of common features.
Use role play and games such as ‘Professor Know it All’* to develop the language and sentence constructions of reports.
Create a non-fiction report
Use Pie Corbett’s Talk for Writing sequence with a final outcome of a mini-leaflet or Wikipedia page.
Oral report on meerkats to the class, using a text map to support the process.
Once the children have learnt the text, then Innovate with another animal, using facts gathered in the first week. Create a whole class one together orally and practise it, then allow the children to make up their own oral versions about the animal they researched in week one.
Model write a report based on the whole class Innovation animal and then support the children in writing their own.
Collate and publish in a laminated booklet, folder or on the school’s website.
Read aloud to other classes. / Before I start my writing, I plan what I am going to say either by thinking about what I want to write or by saying my ideas out loud.
I try to write in the present or past tense when writing.
I can use words such as when, if, that, because, or, and but when I write sentences.
Journey story, with Sunny travelling the world and then returning back home.
Write an oral version of the story in the past tense, including more story conjunctions, e.g. After that, Eventually etc and learn it.
An Innovated version could be Sunny trying to find a home at the seaside, in the supermarket, at an indoors play area .
Could also change the main character to another animal. The written stories could then be made into a whole class book and included in the Book Area.
/ Santa is Coming to Devon.
Repeated patterns.
Read and rewrite. / Christmas Play rehearsals.
Grammar Focus / VERBS
Past, Present, Future / Adjectives / Adverbs / I can use an apostrophe to show where some letters are missing from a word or to say when something belongs to someone. For example, I'll means I will.
Possessive / Apostrophe
Contractions / Nouns / Christmas Play rehearsals.
Phonics & spelling / VERBS
ing / ing
ge and dge / Comparatives
Possessive apostrophe / SUFFIXES
Contractions / PLURALS
kn and gn / Christmas Play rehearsals.
Handwriting / When I write, my letters are the same size. / When I write, my letters are the same size. / I am learning which letters to join up in my handwriting, and which ones are best left unjoined. / I am learning which letters to join up in my handwriting, and which ones are best left unjoined. / I can write letters and numbers that are the right way round and the right size. / I can write letters and numbers that are the right way round and the right size. / Christmas Play rehearsals.
Guided reading / I can read words quickly because I know how to sound out all parts of a word.
When I read, I am able to tell you about things in the order they happen and if they are connected. / I read by blending together the sounds I know and can read out within a word.
I enjoy finding out about non-fiction books and how they are set out. / I can read words with two or three syllables.
I discuss the meaning of words. / I can read words with common word endings, such as -ing and -ed.
I can recognise simple language patterns in stories and poems. / I can read a range of unusual words from our word lists.
I am happy to tell you my favourite words and phrases from my reading. / When I see a word I have not read before, I can sound out the word without help from an adult.
I can tell you why certain things happen in a book or why a character says the things they do. / Christmas Play rehearsals.
2.4 Number Sense
count in steps of 2 and 5 from 0 and in tens from any
number, forward and backward
recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit
number (tens, ones)
identify, represent and estimate numbers using different
representations, including the number line / RISING STARS
2.4 Number Sense
compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100; use <, >
and = signs
read and write numbers to at least 100 in numerals
use place value and number facts to solve problems / RISING STARS
2.4 Number Sense
compare and sequence intervals of time
ask and answer simple questions by counting the number
of objects in each category and sorting the categories by
quantity. / RISING STARS
2.5 Additive Reasoning
solve problems with addition and subtraction:
– using concrete objects and pictorial representations,
including those involving numbers, quantities and
– applying their increasing knowledge of mental
recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently,
and derive and use related facts up to 100
add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial
representations, and mentally, including:
– a two-digit number and ones
– a two-digit number and tens
– adding three one-digit numbers
show that addition of two numbers can be done in any
order (commutative) and subtraction of one number from
another cannot
recognise and use the inverse relationship between
addition and subtraction and use this to check
calculations and solve missing number problems / RISING STARS
2.5 Additive Reasoning
recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p);
combine amounts to make a particular value
find different combinations of coins to equal the same
amounts of money
solve simple problems in a practical context involving
addition and subtraction of money of the same unit,
including giving change / RISING STARS
2.3 Geometric Reasoning
Geometry: properties of shapes
identify and describe the properties of 2-D shapes, including
the number of sides and line symmetry in a vertical line
identify and describe the properties of 3-D shapes,
including the number of edges, vertices and faces
identify 2-D shapes on the surface of 3-D shapes, [for
example, a circle on a cylinder and a triangle on a pyramid]
compare and sort common 2-D and 3-D shapes and
everyday objects / RISING STARS
2.3 Geometric Reasoning
Geometry: position and direction
order and arrange combinations of mathematical objects in
patterns and sequences
use mathematical vocabulary to describe position,
direction and movement.
Science / Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air)
What do animals need to survive? / Identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and how they depend on each other.
What habitat does this animal live in? / Adaptations
How does this animal survive in its habitat? / Describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food.
Food chains / Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
The difference between baby animals and their parents. / I can compare two things/ things that happen
Christmas Crystal Experiment / Christmas Activities
Computing / E-safety
Communicate online safely and respectfully.
Agree sensible e-safety rules for the classroom. / E-safety
Communicate online safely and respectfully.
Play games that reinforce the idea of personal information, including password privacy. / Write letter in French
Communicate online safely and respectfully.
Use keyboard to enter text (index fingers left and right hand).
XC-French / Edit letter
Communicate online safely and respectfully.
Know when and how to use the RETURN/ENTER key.
Use SHIFT and CAPS LOCK to enter capital letters.
Use DELETE and BACKSPACE buttons to correct text.
Create sentences, SAVE and edit them later. / Insert a Photo
Children insert a photo of themselves into the letter. / E-mail letter to twin school in France
Communicate online safely and respectfully. / Christmas Activities
PPA Cover
Mrs Wilson / Creation Stories / Creation Stories / Creation Stories / Creation Stories / Christmas Celebrations around the World / Christmas Celebrations around the World / Christmas Celebrations around the World
Dance / Handa’s Surprise Dance Scheme of Work. / Handa’s Surprise Dance Scheme of Work. / Handa’s Surprise Dance Scheme of Work. / Handa’s Surprise Dance Scheme of Work. / Handa’s Surprise Dance Scheme of Work. / Christmas Dance / Christmas Dance
The African Savannah / GEOGRAPHY
Places around the world that Sunny the Meerkat visits. / HISTORY
Who was David Livingstone? / HISTORY
Explorations. / MUSIC
Christmas Play songs / MUSIC
Christmas Play songs / Christmas Performance
DT / Amazing Animal Top Trump Cards. / Meerkat Map / Meerkat pictures for display. / Design an imaginary animal that is adapted to live in a habitat. / Christmas Gift / Christmas Gift / Christmas Card
SEAL / Target Setting / Nelson Mandela
Who was he? / Nelson Mandela
What did he do? / Long Walk to Freedom / Long Walk to Freedom / We are all born free / Christmas
French / Name and Age / Colours / The Body / Descriptions / Personality / Likes and Dislikes / Email France
Combe Martin 2013 - 2014