March 7, 2017 – Workshop Meeting
The workshop meeting of the Gardiner Town Board was held this evening at 7 PM at the Gardiner Town Hall. Present were Supervisor Majestic, Councilwoman Walls and Councilman Dukler. There were approximately 29± audience members. Councilmen Hinson and Reynolds were absent.
March 11 – Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner at the Gardiner Firehouse. Sponsored by the Gardiner Day Committee.
April 22- Shredder Truck at Town Hall from 9 am to 12 pm. Sponsors are needed.
The Summer Recreation program will run from July 5 through August 11this year. Director Brian Majestic will be scheduling a time for registration in the near future.
Construction to replace the Trapps steel bridge will begin next week. The hope is this project will be completed by July 2.
At last month’s meeting the planners of the Cupcake Festival were asked to provide the Town with more details with mapping and emergency management details worked out with the various rescue organizations. Festival organizers, Wright’s Farm, has provided the Board with all the information asked for.
Resolution No. 57- Permit for Outdoor Assembly In the Matter of Gardiner Cupcake Festival
Offered by Councilwoman Walls
Whereas , the Town of Gardiner has adopted certain rules and regulations governing outdoor musical entertainment, amusement and assemblies in order to provide for public order and the protection of safety, health and well-being of persons and property within the Town known as Chapter 107 of the Municipal Code, and
Whereas, the Gardiner Cupcake Festival Committee has proposed to hold an event known as “Gardiner Cupcake Festival” on Saturday May 20, 2017 on property know as Wright’s Farm in the Town of Gardiner which is reasonably expected to attract more than 1000 persons, and
Whereas, the applicant has provided the Town Board with information concerning the purpose of the event, the hours of operation, the provision of adequate off-street parking, the provision of toilet facilities, and copies of notice sent to area police agencies, fire departments and rescue squads, and
Whereas, the Town Board is satisfied that adequate provisions have been made by the applicant and that planned event will not disturb the public order and safety, then
Resolved, the Town Board of the Town of Gardiner hereby grants a permit for an outdoor assembly known as “Gardiner Cupcake Festival” to be held on Saturday May 20, 2017, between the hours of 11:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. on property know as Wright’s Farm in the Town of Gardiner in accordance with the application presented to the Town and subject to the following conditions.
1. Provide a certificate of insurance naming the Town of Gardiner.
Seconded by Councilman Dukler and carried.
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Board members have made a couple of changes to the law and feel that it is ready for public hearing. On motion of Supervisor Majestic, seconded by Councilman Dukler and carried, a public hearing was scheduled for April 4, 2017 at 7 PM.
Board members discussed creating a Mass Gathering Law to replace the current Outdoor Entertainment Law. Discussion included contacting adjacent property owners, sanitation, and security and application process. A draft law will be created for board members to review.
Board members reviewed, in executive session, an opinion rendered by the Town of Gardiner Ethics Board from a request made in 2015. Board members agreed that no action would be taken.
Superintendent of Highways Stiscia has received a quote for a new backhoe from HO Penn/CAT for the board to review. The current backhoe is a 2005, has a large number of hours clocked in on it and parts are either hard to find or expensive. Mr. Stiscia would like the board to give approval for the purchase. Supervisor Majestic asked for a written proposal of where the funding will come from.
The Town Board met in executive session to discuss the Collective Bargaining Contract for the Highway Dept. On motion of Councilwoman Walls, seconded by Councilman Dukler and carried, the Town Board approved and adopted the Collective Bargaining Unit contract effective through December 31, 2019. Councilman Dukler commended Supervisor Majestic for the good job of negotiating.
Carolyn Keith presented to the Town Board a resolution asking the Town of Gardiner to adopt such resolution in support of the resettlement of refugees in the Town of Gardiner. Councilwoman Walls would prefer that the resolution would ask the Town to do something such as write a letter of support, etc. Councilman Dukler suggested sponsoring a dialogue about immigration/refugee resettlement in a public forum. There was no further discussion this evening.
There are several vacancies on various boards within the Town. Board members agreed to do a press release advertising for openings in the Zoning Board of Appeals, Open Space Commission, Board of Assessment Review and the Ethics Board. Board members were also reminded that a term will be expiring on the Planning Board on April 1.
Supervisor Majestic presented to the Town Board a scope of work for the replacement of the lobby doors. The moneys received from the justice court grant will cover for the replacement of one door. Both doors need replacement. Ms Majestic suggested taking the remaining funds
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from the Town Hall Repair & Maintenance Reserve Fund. Voting will take place at next week’s meeting.
Town Board members are in receipt of a draft Parks and Recreation Committee Charge for their review. A major concern is financial – who has the right to expend funds from the Parks and Recreation budget lines. Board members discussed grants, long term plans for the park, fund raising and financial responsibility.
Supervisor Majestic and Councilwoman Walls each attended the Association of Towns Conference held in February in New York City. Many topics were covered. Of particular interest to Ms Majestic was the fact that 50% of the population in New York State live in Towns, however Towns get the lease amount of funding. Governor Cuomo believes that the towns are the problem. She feels that it is her responsibility to inform residents of just what the State is doing with the moneys in the State budget.
Warren Wiegand – stated that the first responsibility of Board members is to show up to the meetings.
Annie O’Neill – Asked if the right of way for the 10 lot subdivision on Shaft Road would be going through Town property. Superintendent of Highways Stiscia informed that the Town is actually using the property owner’s right of way.
On motion of Councilwoman Walls, seconded by Councilman Dukler and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Michelle L. Mosher
Town Clerk