PRESENT: Cllrs B Scott (Chairman), Cllrs B Merritt, G Martin, J King, H Swan, L Johnson, C Stockwell, Borough Cllr B Mortimer and Mrs A Broadhurst, Clerk

IN ATTENDANCE: Two parishioners were present.


There was no public discussion


Borough Cllr J Wilson, Borough Cllr D Collins and Kent County Cllr P Stockell


There were no declarations of interest

3.  MINUTES of the Meeting held on 9th September 2013

The Minutes of the meeting had been previously distributed and Cllr Stockwell proposed that the minutes were a true record. This was seconded by Cllr Martin, with all in favour. The Chairman signed off the official copy.


Cllr Martin informed all present that he has been made aware of horse blanket thefts in the area. Cllr King commented that, whilst she has not heard of this particular issue, she has heard through Neighbourhood Watch that there have been crimes in the area, mainly in East Farleigh. These include burglaries at a property and cabin cruisers and also theft of 30 laurel bushes from a garden. Cllr King asked for residents to look out for any suspicious activity. Cllr Merritt reported that, at the last Police Forum meeting, which he had attended with Cllr King, the 101 Police phone number had been discussed and it had been noted that there had been some ‘teething problems’. Cllr Johnson added that the system seemed quite amateurish, after his daughter had used the number to report an incident,

5.  GUEST SPEAKER – Mr Chris Wheal – The Rural Safety Initiative

Mr Wheal explained that he is a volunteer who works with the Rural Neighbourhood Fire Safety Team which covers 42 parishes in the Maidstone Borough. He spoke about the importance of fire protection and safety due to the higher risk of large fires in rural areas, mainly due to there being more log burners, more timber in house construction and the time it takes for fire crews to arrive on the scene. Mr Wheal confirmed that he has checked all of the West Farleigh’s fire hydrants and he asked for assistance in visually checking hydrants. He suggested that this could be dog walkers in the area or for each Councillor to take on a particular area and let the team know if there are any problems with the hydrants. Mr Wheal also requested that any large swimming pools, ponds or reservoirs be noted with the Fire Brigade in case of an emergency where extra water is required.


6.1 Highways Issues In West Farleigh

Cllr Merritt reported that he had received 2 phone calls from residents last Saturday who were complaining about the parking at the Sports Club in Charlton Lane. Cllr Merritt had attended the site and had counted 42 cars parked along the path, with the only gap being outside the main gate, which was approximately 6 ft long. This had resulted in there being no passing places for quite some distance. In the afternoon, he had returned to the area and had counted 35 cars parked in exactly the same manner. Cllr Martin suggested that a further letter be sent to the club to ask whether there had been any progress with accessing some land to park the vehicles on, as had been suggested following a meeting with the club last year. Cllr King also requested that the PCSO be informed so that they can monitor the situation at weekends. Cllr Merritt reported that Nuventure buses is concerned at the congestion as drivers have to reverse their bus, if there is a vehicle coming from the other direction, which is illegal if they are carrying passengers. A representative from the bus company has stated that they may have to miss out that part of the route if the matter is not resolved which would be unacceptable for residents. ACTION: Clerk

Cllr Martin reported that the gate has still not been replaced at the entrance to the footpath on Mill Lane. He informed all present that he has installed a hurdle as a temporary measure. It was noted that the Police had attended when the gate had been stolen and had sealed the area off with police tape. The Clerk was asked to chase this and Mrs Broadhurst offered to speak to the police to see if there was a crime reference number that she could pass on to KCC. ACTION: Clerk

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Flooding Remedial Works at Smiths Hill: Cllr Johnson informed all present that Kent Highways had worked on Smiths Hill for 3 weeks to try to rectify the constant flooding issues in the area. Three days later, after heavy rain, the area was again flooded and, on inspection, it was noted that the gulleys were blocked causing silting on the kerb stones. There are sets along the road which are too high, which is resulting in cars becoming grounded on them and Kent Highways has stated that the worst areas will be resurfaced to try to even the height out, although there is not enough money available to complete a resurface of the whole area. The Clerk offered to discuss the issue with Richard Dixon’s replacement. ACTION: Clerk

Cllr Scott reported that he had witnessed a cyclist go down the damaged verge in Teston Lane, which is becoming extremely dangerous. He added that Kent Highways had stated earlier this year that they were aware of the problem with the road crumbling, and it would be resurfaced. This has not been completed. The Clerk offered to discuss this with Kent Highways to get an update on when the work is to be completed. ACTION: Clerk

It was noted that, following the discussion at the previous meeting to install pedestrian warning signs at the junction of Teston Lane and Lower Road, KHS has now realised how dangerous the area is and has agreed to install the requested signage. County Cllr Stockell has offered to fund the scheme so it is hoped that these will be installed in the near future. Cllr Scott asked for it to be noted that the Parish Council were grateful for County Cllr Stockell’s assistance with this.

The Clerk reported that a letter had been received from Court Lodge Park regarding their wall and they had raised concerns with regards to the current speed limit on Lower Road. They asked whether this could be reduced to 30mph to try to reduce the amount of accidents which have occurred along there. Cllr Merritt reported that this has been looked into historically and Kent Highways has stated that the speed limit will not be reduced. He added that the speed limit was dependant on the amount of houses over a set distance.

6.2 KCC Survey

The Clerk had circulated a highways survey for the Parish Council to complete. Cllr Scott asked that Councillors go through the form at the end of the meeting so that the Clerk can submit the comments as only one form can be submitted per Parish Council. This was agreed by all present. ACTION: All Cllrs/Clerk

6.3 Lorry Watch Scheme

The Clerk asked whether anyone could take on the role of co-ordinator for the scheme as Teston Parish Council are keen to move the project forward. After discussion it was noted that a limited number of volunteers had come forward to assist with the Speedwatch scheme and that it may be difficult to find further residents to assist with Lorry Watch. After brief discussion, it was agreed that, at present, West Farleigh is unable to take part in the scheme and the Clerk reported that she would inform the Clerk at Teston Parish Council. ACTION: Clerk


7.1  County Councillor’s Report

County Cllr Stockell was not present.

7.2 Borough Councillor’s Report

Borough Cllr Mortimer reported that tonne bags of grit can now be ordered from Kent Highways and the Clerk confirmed that she has already ordered one for West Farleigh.

Cllr Mortimer informed all present that he had noted the directional sign for Coxheath & Linton on Heath Road has been turned round. The Clerk was asked to report this to Kent Highways. ACTION: Clerk

Cllr Mortimer reported on the issues surrounding the lights which have been installed in Linton and the subsequent congestion is being investigated.

Cllr Mortimer reported that MBC’s ‘Call for Sites’ is still outstanding and it is hoped that the chosen sites will be announced soon.

Cllr Mortimer reported that, on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th November, Coxheath Parish Council ks holding an exhibition on the proposed traffic calming scheme.

Cllr Mortimer reported that MBC have organised a sub-committee to oversee the 100th Anniversary of WW1. He spoke about a village in France which had been adopted by Maidstone following the war, where a water tower and wind turbine had been built for the residents. He added that, if West Farleigh is planning any events, could Borough Cllr Wilson be informed as he is a member of the sub-committee.

Cllr Mortimer reported that there was no further development with the gate issue at Tutsham Farm.

Cllr Scott commented that he was very concerned with the current situation with the live/work unit at the site and Cllr Martin added that he was disappointed with the way things have progressed, when the Parish Council had been extremely supportive of their earlier applications. It was also noted that there has been a large increase of traffic on Hunt Street which is visiting the farm.

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7.3  Individual Councillor’s Reports

Cllr Martin reported that he has received a letter from residents who are concerned about the possible ‘sizeable’ development at Bow Meadow. It was noted that this area is a floodplain and that there is a weight limit of 3 ½ tonne. The Clerk was asked to respond to the residents. ACTION: Clerk

Cllr King reported that she is hoping to attend the Maidstone District Neighbourhood Watch AGM next Wednesday.

Cllr King reported that volunteers from East and West Farleigh have now been trained for Speedwatch. It was noted that there were 6 volunteers from West Farleigh, four of which were Councillors. Cllr Stockwell reported that there were three issues:

·  Is there enough volunteers to make the scheme a success?

·  Should the equipment be borrowed? (Whether from a Parish Council or possibly from Kent Police.)

·  Assessing the possible sites.

Cllr Stockwell confirmed that sites had now been assessed with the only two possible areas being outside The Tickled Trout and also Charlton Lane. Cllr Stockwell then circulated an information pack to each Councillor which gave information on the scheme. Cllr Stockwell reported that he had volunteered to be the co-ordinator, but was now unfortunately unavailable to take on this role. Cllr Merritt commented that, at the recent Police Forum, there had been concern that the Police are not acting on the information which is provided by the Speedwatch groups.

Cllr Swan reported that she had spoken to East Farleigh Parish Council about the footpath from Kettle Lane to Gallants Lane as it was blocked with fallen trees. This has now been reported to the Footpath Officer.

Cllr Merritt queried whether there was any update from MBC regarding the grass cutting issue in Charlton Lane. The Clerk confirmed that she had not received a response to date. The Clerk was asked to contact Turfsoil, who had historically cut the grass, to find out some history on the work that they completed and also who had employed them. Cllr Scott added that a land registry search could possibly be completed to see who owns the lane. ACTION: Clerk

7.4 Clerk’s Reports

The Clerk reported that the external audit had now been returned with no issues highlighted. Councillors thanked Mrs Broadhurst for her work.

The Clerk reported that the Parish Council had received a ‘Highly Commended’ certificate following the Kent Men of the Trees competition.


8.1 Budget Monitoring

The Budget Monitoring Report to 31st October 2013 was Noted.

8.2 Income received since the last meeting

Actual payments received since the last meeting were:

Co-operative Interest – Direct Plus Account (September) £ 3.70

Co-operative Interest – Direct Plus Account (October) £ 3.18

8.3 Cheques for signature

It was proposed by Cllr Martin, seconded by Cllr Swan “that the Council approve the following payments”.

101020 – Mrs A Broadhurst – Nett Salary November (inc. Office Allowance) £490.96

101021 – Post Office Ltd – PAYE £330.80

101022 – PKF Littlejohn LLP – Annual Audit £120.00

101023 – Lenham Oak Ltd – Additional Post required £156.06

101024 - Mr L Johnson – Grounds Maintenance Contract £895.00

101025 – Mrs A Broadhurst – Nett Salary December (Post-dated cheque) £491.16

8.4 Yalding Playscheme 2014

The Clerk informed all present that a letter had been received from Yalding Parish Council requesting a donation towards their scheme, as children attend from other Parishes in the area. After brief discussion it was agreed by all Councillors that the Parish Council would not be making a donation.


9.1 MA/13/1764 – Court Lodge Park, Lower Road

Internal and external alterations including a new entrance conservatory, a lean to loggia, the squaring off of the angled corner of the existing cottage and the lowering of the roof ridge to allow for a new roof lantern.

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Parish Council Recommendation: West Farleigh Parish Council wish to see the above planning applicationsrefusedfor the following reason: