Social StudiesContent Mastery

Evidence of Content Mastery for Requested Authorization Level and/or Endorsement Area

Authorization Level: Middle and High School

The Standard/Outcomes matrix is based on the following State and/or National Standards:

The National Council for the Social Studies/NCATE National Standards for Social Studies Teachers.

Name: ______Date: ______

** 3.0 accumulative GPA preferred on all coursework used to fulfill the 57-67 credits of content mastery requirements. All content mastery courses must be taken on the A-F grading basis; no courses can earn P/N or S/U. Content courses that fall under more than one standard cannot count more than once. No grades below C-

Standard/Outcome / Evidence of meeting standard
1. Depth and breadth of knowledge including both analytical and methodological expertise in at least one social science discipline. / CHOOSE ONE:
Anthropology Economics
Ethnic Studies Geography / History
Liberal Studies Political Science
2. Extensions of learning into a non-campus environment or new culture. / REQUIRED: Internship or one term abroad at 6 credits or 180 hours volunteer experience. / This should be documented with transcripted hours or with a letter from a supervisor verifying volunteer hours.
OSU courses that satisfy standard / Course / Credit / Term / Grade
3. Standard 1: Culture and Cultural Diversity
3-4 Credits / ANTH 210*, 251*
GEOG 105*, 106*
HST 106*
PS 345*
WGSS 480*
4. Standard 2: Time, Continuity, and Change
3 Credits / ANTH 230, 240, 330*, 433
5. Standard 3: People, Places, and Environments
3-4 Credits / ANTH 477, 481*
GEO 306*, 309*
GEOG 300*, 430, 441, 450
HST 481*
PS 461, 475, 477
SOC 480*
6. Standard 4: Individual Development and Identity
3-4 Credits / PSY 202*, 350, 370
SOC 340, 440
WGSS 223*, 224*, 490
7. Standard 5: Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
3-4 Credits / COMM322,324,326
PS 206*, 365
PSY 360
SOC 205*, 424
8. Standard 6: Power, Authority and Governance
3-4 Credits / ANTH/ES/WGSS/WLC 373
HST 392*, 460, 461, 462, 495
HST/REL 485/585*
PS 201*, 204*, 313, 331*
9. Standard 7: Production, Distribution, and Consumption
6-8 Credits / ANTH471, 484*
ECON 201*,202*,311,315,383*
PS 345*,371,473
SOC 481*
10. Standard 8: Science, Technology, and Society
3-4 Credits / ANTH 330*
CS 391*
ES 445*
HST 428, 430, 462
PS 473, 476*
SOC 456*
WGSS 340*
11. Standard 9: Global Connections
14-16 Credits / ANTH313*, 314*, 315*, 316*, 317*, 318*, 319*
CHN 332*
ECON 340*
GEOG311*, 312*, 313*, 314*, 330*^
HST320*, 323, 331, 335, 336, 341, 345, 366, 381*, 391*, 392*, 433, 436, 452, 456, 494, 495
HST/REL350*, 387*, 425/525*, 485/585*
JPN 332*
PS 204,*, 205*, 341*, 343*, 344*, 345*,348*, 350*
12. Standard 10: Civic Ideals and Practices
15-16 Credits / ES 101*
HST 201*, 202*, 203*, 362, 363, 365*, 368*, 460, 461, 462, 467, 468, 469, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 477, 478
PS 201*, 311, 312, 313, 315*, 316, 321, 322*, 323, 331*, 363*, 375*, 425*
SOC 426*, 448, 450, 470

*Baccalaureate Core Course

*^ Writing Intensive Course (WIC)

If you have questions about this form or the Social Studies endorsement, please contact the Double Degree Social Studies Liaison: Mike O’Malley, 541 737-3576, for further information. For questions about the Double Degree program, please contact College of Education Student Services, 104 Furman Hall, 541-737-4661.

June 2016