Infection Control Environmental Review
GENERAL: Quarterly review [Month] / Adequate / Needs improvement / CommentsHandwashing between patients, after patient contact, after glove removal, after personal breaks
Proper handwash technique; wet hands first, 10 second scrub, rinse, turn off faucet with paper towel
Soap dispensers are full and functional
General appearance of area is clean, uncluttered
Inspect patient rooms and bathrooms for inappropriate supplies or outdated supplies
Open bottles of fluids discarded every 24 hours/7 am
(saline for irrigation)
Single use medication vials discarded
(sterile saline, bacteriostatic water)
Multi-use medication vials discarded according to manufacturer outdate (exception: insulin, certain RC products)
IV tubing labeled with date
Urine drainage bags off floor
Linen carts covered
- Linen carts in clean utility with other supplies need
to be covered or behind closed cabinet
No shaking, agitation of linens
Refrigerator temperature logs for patient use refrigerators - monitored and recorded daily ( approp. action taken if necessary)
Only patient items in patient refrigerators
No patient care items under/on sinks
(including cups, paper towels, anything that may get wet)
No wet areas under ice machines
No stuffed animals in toy rooms
Hampers used appropriately
- ie. No bags on floors, no overflowing of linen
Ceiling tiles clean and dry
At least 18" clearance below sprinkler heads
Check biological monitoring logs for completeness,
PATHOGEN STANDARD / Adequate / Needs improvement / Comments
Staff following Universal/Standard Precautions
No food, beverages in work area
No applying cosmetics, lip balm in work area
No recapping of needles after use
(single handed technique acceptable)
Maximum fill level of needle boxes as indicated on container
Personal Protective Equipment available (PPE)
Proper use of PPE: -gloves when handling body fluids
-gowns when anticipated exposure to clothing
-masks/face shields when anticipated exposure
Removal of PPE prior to leaving patient room
Glove boxes filled
Proper clean up of blood spills
(spray with bleach [Dispatch], allow contact time of
1-2 minutes, then wipe)
Pick up broken glass with tongs
Proper reporting of exposures
(report immediately, complete event report, report to ETD)
Utilizes safety devices as available
Clean items only
No medical supplies on floor
No medical supplies left in original shipping container
Nothing stored under sinks
Check for outdated supplies
Door closed
Dirty items only
Door closed on soiled utility room
No mini drinking cups, tissues, paper towels, toilet tissue
No hoses touching in floor drains
PPE available
HANDLING OF SPECIMENS / Adequate / Needs improvement / Comments
PPE utilized when handling specimens
Assure covers are properly secured prior to placement in CTS carrier
Properly identifies examples of hazardous waste
Contaminated waste labeled
(red bag)
Needles/Sharps disposed properly
Utilizes safety devices as available
Source: Sandy Berreth, Brainerd Lakes Surgery Center. Adapted and reprinted with permission.