Carmel Catholic High School

Athletic Handbook



Carmel Catholic High School empowers students to be reflective thinkers, grateful stewards and responsible leaders as an expression of faith.


The Carmel Catholic philosophy focuses on the development of the whole person. Competitive athletics, properly conceived and executed, is an integral part of the overall educational experience of the Carmel student.

The successful athlete must have a strong will:

  • will to win.
  • will to persevere despite discouragement and seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
  • will to discipline oneself for personal growth and for the betterment of the team.

These qualities, developed and nurtured in athletics with the realization that they are to be carried over into more important aspects of life, provide the essential nature of Carmel athletics. The goal for each athlete and team is to perform at 100% of capabilities. If something is worth doing, it is worth doing well. Each athlete is encouraged to strive for excellence within the limitations of the individual’s capabilities and talents.

In addition to the principles of the Carmel Catholic Mission Statement, the Athletic Department includes the following elements in its philosophy:


Winning is an objective, but the primary goal is to play the game well. This principle of good sportsmanship includes the following: conduct of the athlete on the athletic field, respect for opponents and game officials, and adherence to the rules of the game. All disagreements with officials’ calls should be expressed appropriately through the proper channels. Students who disregard the values inherent in good sportsmanship will be disciplined immediately. A second violation will lead to limited or permanent suspension from the team.


It is a privilege to represent Carmel Catholic through athletic competition. This privilege is earned of athletic ability apparent at practice and games, as well as through the demonstration of good character in all aspects of student life. The honorable conduct of an athlete brings esteem to Carmel Catholic and to the athlete’s teammates. Good conduct includes but is not limited to the way the athlete receives the judgments of officials. First and foremost, the athlete is courteous and respectful. Team leadership, fair play and humility are paramount virtues to be built into the character of the athlete. Each Carmel Catholic athlete plays as part of a team. Personal gain and glory are sacrificed for the sake of the team. Athletes who resist team play by drawing attention to themselves will be counseled and disciplined because such behavior damages the image of our school and is considered unacceptable.


Athletic leadership is both a gift and a skill. Athletes develop their leadership skills through practice and through observing the example set by their coaches. Coaches, who are called to be the primary models of good leadership, display the qualities of respect, maturity and good sportsmanship when dealing with players, other coaches and game officials. Coaches, whose fundamental role is that of teacher, should be depended upon to help form the athletes in character, leadership, personal drive to achieve, and skill development. Athletes are thus encouraged and instructed to assume the role of leader in their contact with other students and teammates by personally setting the example for good sportsmanship and strong moral values.


Athletic training at the high school level should concentrate primarily on the fundamentals of a sport. Coaches should not engage in tactics that exceed the ability of the athlete and depend upon luck for successful execution.

  • Athletes must learn the value of discipline in the exercise of fundamental skills so that they can execute in a predictable and appropriate manner.
  • Part of any training involves mental attitude and control of emotions. Players must be helped to deal with the disappointments of their own limitations as well as the exultation of their successes. Every athletic encounter is an opportunity to form an athlete’s character and to teach as much about failure as about success.
  • The discipline learned on the athletic field should carry over into other aspects of an athlete’s life. This witness to the student body is reflected in the symbols of the athlete’s dress on days when teams compete. On these days, athletes are asked to dress in a manner which reflects the athletes’ self-discipline, team spirit and confidence. Our students’ faith life also plays a significant part in the athletic environment. This can be expressed through shared prayer before and after games and attendance at the school mass on days when athletes are competing. All coaches are encouraged to promote the faith development of athletes, through the appropriate use of liturgy, sacred symbols and prayer.


Carmel Catholic maintains an athletic program designed to fulfill the needs and desires of potential student-athletes. The program includes:

Fall / Winter / Spring
Football / * Boys’ Basketball / Boys’ Track
* Girls’ Tennis / * Girls’ Basketball / Girls’ Track
Boys’ Cross Country / Wrestling / * Softball
Girls’ Cross Country / * Girls’ Gymnastics / * Baseball
*Girls’ Volleyball / * Ice Hockey / * Boys’ Volleyball
* Boys’ Soccer / Pom Pons/Dance (continued from fall) / * Girls’ Soccer
* Boys’ Golf / Cheerleading (continued from fall) / * Boys’ Tennis
* Girls’ Golf / *Boys’ Lacrosse
* Pom Pons/Dance Team / *Girls’ Lacrosse
* Cheerleading

*Denotes sports that have limited spots available and require try-outs. All other sports do not cut student athletes.

Cheerleaders and Pom Pons try out the spring prior to the sport seasons and perform in the fall and winter seasons at sophomore and varsity football and boys’ basketball games. The levels of competition and regulations are determined by the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) and the Carmel Catholic staff.



Physical Examination:

All athletes are required to submit an original completed IHSA physical form which has been signed by a licensed physician. This form releases the athlete to participate in a particular sport and is valid for Carmel Catholic Athletic Department purposes for 365 days, unless an athlete has been injured. This form is submitted to the Athletic Department, which keeps a record of the form. This form must be submitted by the athlete before any participation in an IHSA-sponsored sport can take place, whether for a try-out or for participation on a team or squad.

Training Room:

The training room is under the supervision of the Athletic Trainer. He/she will be available throughout the school year each afternoon for the treatment and care of our athletes. The trainer will assist each coach in the preparation of first aid kits for use at away games. No students may be in the training room at any time, unless under the supervision of the trainer or coach. The trainer will be present at all varsity home events.


All athletes are expected to provide their own towels each day for showering. The towels which belong to the Athletic Department are for the use of the Athletic Trainer only.

Telephone Message System:

Phone messages can be left before, during and after school hours. A message may be left for the Athletic Trainer when he/she is not on campus by calling 847-388-3330. Parents may leave a message for a particular coach on his/her assigned extension, or send an e-mail. Head coaches are expected to check and forward these messages to individual coaches in their program.


The Athletic Director will give each coach a listing of specific lockers available for his/her team. Athletes must use only the locker assigned to them by their coach, and must use the American brand combination locks with the key slot in its back, available for purchase at the bookstore. One week after each team’s season is over athletes must empty their belongings from the athletic locker. Personal belongings which remain in the locker after that time will be considered abandoned; the belongings will then be thrown out or donated to charity.

Locker Room Supervision:

A coach from each level of the sport involved in practices or in games on a given day is required to supervise the locker room 15 minutes prior to practice or games. All athletes must be dressed and out of the locker room when their coach leaves for the practice or the game. It is required that the coach check for belongings that are left out, secure anything that remains, requires that all athletes and students leave the locker room and lock the door. All coaches should explain this procedure to their athletes so that no coach with locker room supervision will be tardy to his/her practice or game. After a team’s practice or game is finished, at least one coach from that team must be present in the locker room until their athletes are gone. Athletes from other teams or activities need not have access to the locker room unless approved. After all athletes have departed, the locker room must be locked as well as all interior or exterior doors. If an athlete finds the locker room locked and he/she needs to get into the area, that athlete must find his/her coach to open the door.


Each coach will be given a transportation schedule prior to the beginning of his/her season. The coach is expected to check departure times and insure that his/her athletes are ready to leave at the appointed time. Coaches will accompany their team on the bus at all times. Athletes may be excused from riding on the bus only in emergency situations and must have a written note from their parents stating the reason. This letter must be filed with the Athletic Director one day prior to departure. After any contest, a coach may release the athlete to his/her parents if the coach visually recognizes the athlete’s parents. If early dismissal from class is required, it will be noted on the transportation schedule. Any early dismissals will be requested by the coach and approved by the athletic office. The athletic office will then send notification via e-mail to the faculty notifying them of the specific team, athletes, and time approved for early dismissal. Students will not be permitted to leave class early unless this procedure is followed. Pick-ups during school hours are to take place at the Hesse Center, Entrance C. A copy of the coach’s current driver’s license is to be on file with the Business Manager prior to driving the Carmel mini van. Keys are located in the athletic office and should be returned immediately after use. All trash should be emptied from the mini van and all windows shut and doors locked. If there are any problems with or damage to the vehicles a report must be filed with the Athletic Director within 24 hours.

Athletic Keys:

All coaches who are also Carmel Catholic faculty will receive their keys to the athletic area from Carmel’s Human Resources Department. The Athletic Director will issue keys to off-campus coaches upon securing them from Human Resources. Checks for off-campus coaches will be issued after all keys have been returned to the Athletic Director. A coach who has lost a key must immediately report that loss to the Athletic Director. Coaches are not to give their keys to a student at any time.

Eligibility Lists and Team Rosters:

Each coach must provide the Athletic Director‘s Administrative Assistant with a roster as soon as possible after uniforms have been issued. Changes to the team’s roster after this time must be promptly reported by the team’s head coach.

Team Manager’s Responsibility:

The duties and responsibilities of team managers vary from sport to sport. Coaches are asked to be specific in communicating to their managers. All managers will work closely with the Athletic Trainer and coaches.

Practice Procedures:

The varsity coach of each sport will establish a practice schedule for all teams in his/her program. All coaches in the program will be expected to follow this schedule. Each coach is also responsible for making sure all practice equipment is put away, including equipment in the weight room if it is used. Coaches using facilities away from Carmel Catholic are responsible for the conduct of their athletes and for seeing to it that their athletes are properly transported to and from practice. Practice should be kept within the specified times and athletes should not be allowed to linger in the locker room after practice. The Assistant Athletic Director will schedule practice times for boys’ and girls’ basketball in the winter as well as gym times for spring sports.

Athletic Eligibility:

1. There are three “columns” on the athletic eligibility list


Athletic Probation

Athletic Ineligibility

2. It is only possible for a student-athlete to move one column at a time (i.e., per week) in either direction.

  1. A student cannot go from Athlete to Athletic Ineligibility in one week, without going through a week of being on Athletic Probation.
  2. Neither can a student go from Athletic Ineligibility to being Athlete in one week.

3. If a teacher wishes to move a student down a column, certain criteria must be met.

  1. To place a student on Athletic Probation, the teacher must indicate that the student is performing at 76% or worse in the course for the quarter at that point.
  1. The teacher may keep the student on Athletic Probation for as long as the student is performing at 76% or worse level. It is possible for student to be on Athletic Probation for an entire semester.
  2. To maintain a student on Athletic Probation, the teacher must submit the student’s name each week on the Eligibility Form.
  3. The teacher must indicate in the explanation column on the Eligibility Form the reason for the student’s borderline status (e.g. failing a test, not turning in assignments, inadequate work, etc.).
  4. If a student’s name is not turned in by any teacher for a given week, that student’s name returns to the Athlete column.
  1. To place a student on Athletic Ineligibility column
  1. The student must ALREADY be in the Athletic Probation column for that class.
  2. The student must be receiving 69% or below for the quarter at that point.
  3. The teacher must indicate the Missed Opportunity for improving the grade for which the student failed to take advantage (e.g. failing a test, failure to turn assignments, failure to meet with tutor, etc.).
  4. The teacher must make a reasonable attempt to contact the parent(s) and inform them of the student’s performance.
  5. The student must complete a Plan for Improvement which is approved by the teacher, detailing what steps the student will take to rectify the problem and get off the Athletic Ineligibility column.
  6. If there is no opportunity for student to improve the grade, the student will return to the Athletic Probation column.

4. Consequences

  1. Athletic Probation
  1. Whenever a student is placed on Athletic Probation by a teacher, the Athletic Director’s Office will relay this information to

1)the student

2)the parent

3)the coach

4)the Guidance Office

  1. A student may remain on Athletic Probation as long as student is in academic danger.
  2. If a student is placed on Athletic Probation by three teachers in any given week, the Athletic Director will check with those teachers to determine actual grade percentages, which may affect eligibility (per IHSA rules).
  3. iv. Any athlete placed on probation/ineligibility must attend a mandatory 1 hour study session run by a faculty member. If the athlete does not attend they will automatically ineligible for the following week of competition. In case of a game/match on the day of the study session the session must be made up the following week, even if the athlete is no longer on probation.
  1. Athletic Ineligibility
  1. Whenever a student is placed on Athletic Ineligibility by a teacher, the Athletic Director’s Office will relay this information to:

1)the student

2)the coach

3)the Guidance Office

4)the Associate Principal

5)the parent (by way of follow-up call or letter)

  1. If student is placed on Athletic Ineligibility for a single teacher, that student may not participate in any interscholastic athletic games for the calendar week.

5. Failing Semester/Quarter

  1. Quarter Failure
  1. If an athlete fails the quarter but has not been on probation or ineligibility for that class, they will be on probation for the first week of competition following the quarter.
  2. If an athlete fails the quarter and has been on probation or ineligibility for that class, they will be ineligible for the first week of competition following the quarter.
  3. If an athlete fails two quarter classes then the athlete will be ineligible for the first two weeks of athletic competition the following quarter.
  4. If the athlete fails three classes in the quarter he will be dismissed from the team or not be able to tryout for the next season.
  1. 1st Semester Failure (same as Quarter Failure)
  2. 2nd Semester Failure

If athlete fails a 2nd semester course, that student must take summer school courses to be allowed back into school so that athlete will be eligible.