161 Klevin Street, Suite 101 Anchorage, AK99508

Phone; (907) 743-1200 Fax: (907) 276-5014

Below is a template for organizations interested in creating an executive employment agreement. This template is not meant is not intended as legal advice. Your organizational goals, purpose and values should drive the creation of this document.


THIS EXECUTIVE EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made betweenThe ______Organization Name______, an Alaska nonprofit corporation (hereinafter "______" or the "Employer")and ______("Executive").


Employer is a private, non-profit corporation whose mission statement is ______Organization Name______.

Executive has the education, experience and skills needed to administer and manage______Organization Name______, as well as the general experience needed to manage its operations, programs andpersonnel.

Employerdesires to retain Executive's services as its President, and the President desires to beemployed by Employer full time for the next three years with the ability after the first two years to request additional years of service, year by year until___.

In consideration ofthe foregoing and the mutual promises contained in this Agreement,the parties agree as follows:


1.1 Executive's Duties. Employer will employ its President (from now referred to as Executive) during theTerm ofthis Agreement. Executive shall perform his duties and responsibilities as EmployerPresidentand CEO within the framework of the vision, mission, and core values ofEmployer, as well as theArticles ofincorporation and Bylaws, ofEmployer. In such capacity, Executive shall exercisegeneral supervisory responsibility and management authority over Employer and shall perform such other duties commensurate with his position as may reasonably be assigned to him fromtime to time by Employer Board ofDirectors. As part ofhis duties, Executive shall also attendthose educational, academic or philanthropic conferences related to Employerthat Executive orthe Board ofDirectors determine are beneficial and appropriate. Executive shall beresponsible for the hiring and discharge ofall Employer personnel and contractors, either directlyor through his designees. Executive shall also have the right and authority to contract and makeother commitments on behalfofEmployer consistent with its goals, missions, and the confines ofEmployer budget. Without limiting the foregoing, Executive's duties include but are not limited to:

  • Communicating the vision, mission and core values ofEmployer to staff; to thenot-for-profit community, to contributors, to governmental entities and to the publicat large;
  • Supporting the Employer agencies and the not-for-profit community in general;
  • Acting as a positive force in the community consistent with the vision, mission andcore values of Employer;
  • Working with the Chairof the Board to establish Employer Board of Directors'meeting agendas;
  • Providing advice and counsel to Employer Board ofDirectors and its Committees;
  • Recruiting and managing the key (i.e., top) volunteer leaders;
  • Orienting and training volunteer leaders;
  • Developing and evaluating Board ofDirector and volunteer leaders; and
  • Serving as Employerspokesperson with the media.

1.2Conflicts ofInterest. Executive shall avoid conflicts, potential or real, betweenhis own personal and financial interests and that ofEmployer, and shall comply with Employerconflict of interest policy as adopted and revised by theBoard ofDirectors from time totime. In general, Executive shall be free to engage in independent consulting relationship andpursue personal business activities unrelated to his duties atEmployer to the extent consistent with the conflict of interest policy and with the approval of the President of the Board of Directors.


2.1Term. The term ofthis Agreement shall be for a period ofat least three (3) calendar years,beginning on ______and terminating on______, unless terminated soonerpursuant to Sections 4.1 through 4.3 below.


3.1During the Term ofthis Agreement. Executive's salary and othercompensation shall be comprised ofcompensation payable by Employer to Executive.Accordingly, the parties agree that Employerwill pay Executive the annual salary of______, less withholdings required by law and as agreed to by Executive. Payments to Executive shall be made on Employer regular paydays over a twelve month period. Executive shall take one continuous month off during the fiscal year. The month off is not an accrued benefit and would be lost if not taken as expected.

3.2Employee Benefits. Employershall provide Executive with otherEmployee Benefits for which he is eligible (or becomes eligible) as specified in EmployerPersonnel Policies. The benefits made available to Executive andto other employees ofEmployerare subject to amendment, modification or termination by actionofEmployer Board ofDirectors, and any such changes shall become applicable to Executiveunder this Agreement at the same time they become applicable to other eligible employees ofEmployer. Otherwise, the express terms ofthis Agreement shall prevail in case ofany conflict orinconsistency between this Agreement and those Personnel Policies.

3.3Bonus Eligibility. During the Term of this Agreement, Executive will be eligible for an annual bonus opportunity of ______a year based upon the criteria as set forth annually bythe Board ofDirectors. Accordingly, the parties agree after consultation with Executive, theBoard ofDirectors shall establish specific bonus criteria based upon the Performance Contract applicable to each fiscal year ofthisAgreement. The bonus criteria may contain both objective and subjective elements. The criteriawill be implemented not later than thirty 30 days into the fiscal year, and will apply for the duration ofthat year. The Board ofDirectors shall determine, in its reasonable discretion and notlater than thirty (30) days after the end ofthe fiscal year, whether and to what extent Executivesatisfied the bonus criteria for that year, and Executive's bonus, ifany, shall be based on thatdetermination. (Optional)

3.4Business Expenses. Employeracknowledges that its successful operation requiresExecutive to incur business expenses in the discharge ofhis duties as President for the benefit ofEmployer. Such business expenses may include but not be limited to airfare, groundtransportation, lodging, meals and other business costs reasonably incurred by him in theperformance ofhis duties as President. They shall also include reimbursement for hisregistration fees, airfare, ground transportation, lodging and meal expenses related to hisattendance at educational, academic or philanthropic conferences. Employer will reimburseExecutive for such reasonable business expenses provided Executive maintains and presentsdocumentation in reasonable detail and in accordance with such procedures and standards asEmployer or its outside accounting firm(s) may establish form time to time for such purpose.


4.1Termination by Executive. Executive may terminate his employment under thisAgreement provided, except for the provisions related to notice at the end of the Term of this Agreement, that he gives Employer Board ofDirectors at least ninety (90) days' noticein writing, and his resignation shall become effective at the end ofthat ninety-day period(hereinafter the "Effective Date ofResignation). In the event ofsuch notice, Executive'scompensation hereunder shall cease as ofthe Effective Date ofResignation, provided, however,that Employermay reduce or require no further services from Executive during all or a portion ofthe ninety-day period. Executive shall be entitled to receive benefits provided by the Planreferred to in Section 3.2 above only to the extent his Plan benefits are vested and unpaid as ofthe Effective Date ofResignation. As ofthe Effective Date ofResignation, Executive shallforfeit any non-vested Plan benefits.

4.2Termination With Cause Employershall have the right to terminateimmediately Executive's services and this Agreement for cause. Termination for cause means atermination on account of:

  • Executive's material breach of any ofthe covenants, terms or conditions set forth inthis Agreement;
  • Executive's dishonest or unlawful conduct which would constitute a felony or crimeofmoral turpitude, or which would tend to undermine the reputation ofEmployer;
  • Executive's Permanent Disability which means that Executive, by reason ofhisphysical or mental disability, is incapable ofperforming the duties ofhis customaryposition with Employer, and such disability has continued for a period ofat least 120consecutive days in any l2-month period and is expected to be of a long duration orto result in death. Permanent disability shall be established by a majority ofthreephysicians, one selected by Executive (or his spouse, child, parent or legalrepresentative in the event ofhis inability to select a physician), one by the Executive Committee ofEmployer Board ofDirectors, and the third by the two physiciansselected by Executive and the Committee; or
  • Any other reason that would constitute "cause" or "just cause" under the common lawofthe State ofAlaska for termination ofthe employment relationship.

Upon Executive's termination for cause, all compensation under this Agreement shall cease as ofthe termination date; provided, however, that ifExecutive is entitled to vested Plan benefitsreferred to in Section 3.2 above as ofthe date of his termination ofemployment for cause,Executive or his beneficiary, as the case may be, shall be entitled to such vested and unpaidbenefits as are provided thereunder. To the extent Executive's Plan benefits are not vested as ofthe date oftermination ofhis employment fur cause, he shall forfeit such non-vested Planbenefits.

4.3 Termination Without Cause by Employermay terminate Executive'semployment under this Agreement without cause provided that Employer gives Executive at leastsix (6) months' notice oftermination without cause in writing. Ifsuch notice is given, Employershall pay Executive all compensation and benefits then required by this Agreement as they comedue during that six-month period, and Executive's Plan benefits referred to in Section 3.2 above shaII vest in accordance with the Plan's vesting rules. Employer may reduce or require no furtherservices from Executive during all or a portion ofthe six-month period.


5.1Arbitration. In the event ofany Dispute (as defined below) between Executiveand Employer, including all Disputes regarding Employee's rights under this Agreement ortermination ofthis Agreement, or any extension or renewal thereof, and if the Dispute is notresolved informally by the parties, Executive shall submit the Dispute to binding arbitration. Executive shall initiate the arbitration by notifying the Chairman ofEmployerBoard ofDirectorsin writing ofthe nature ofthe dispute and Employee's request for arbitration.

The arbitration shall be governed by the Model Employment Arbitration Procedures oftheAmerican Arbitration Association (the "AAA") and the Alaska Uniform Arbitration Act, AS09.43.010-180, which are incorporated herein by this reference. In case of any conflict betweenthe AAA Model Employment Arbitration Procedures or the Alaska Uniform Arbitration Act andthis Agreement, the terms ofthis Agreement shall prevail. Both parties agree to be bound by anyfinal decision ofthe arbitrator rendered pursuant to this Agreement, subject to appeal rights asprovided in the Alaska Uniform Arbitration Act. This arbitration provision shall survivetermination ofthis Agreement.

Any such arbitration must be initiated by Executive not more than ninety (90) days aftertermination ofthis Agreement or termination ofany extension or renewal thereof, or the disputewill be considered forever waived and time barred.

5.2Disputes. As used herein, "Dispute" means any and all demands, claims, orcauses ofaction, whether related to or arising out ofthis Agreement, any federal or state statute,regulation or executive order, or the common law, including demands, claims or causes ofactionfor -

  • Breach ofcontract, wrongful termination, breach ofthe implied covenant ofgoodfaith and fair dealing, violation ofpublic policy, retaliatory discharge,malfeasance, misfeasance, breach oftrust, equitable or promissory estoppel,misrepresentation, defamation, invasion of privacy, tortuous interference withcontract or contractual expectancy, etc.;
  • Employment discrimination (including claims based on Title VII of the CivilRights Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans withDisabilities Act, the Alaska State Law Against Discrimination, and AnchorageEqual Rights Ordinances and all applicable federal, state and local antidiscriminationlaws, regulations and executive orders,
  • Compensation (including claims based on the Fair Labor Standards Act, theAlaska Wage & Hour Act); and
  • Damages for pain and suffering, emotional distress, liquidated damages, punitivedamages, taxable costs, interest and attorneys' fees.

5.3Neutral Arbitrator. The parties shall select a neutral and unbiased arbitratoraccording to the procedures established by the AAA for that purpose.

5.4Expenses of Arbitration. Employee shall bear the AAA arbitration fee except tothe extent that fee exceeds the amount ofthe fee at that time for filing a civil action in theSuperior Court for the State ofAlaska at Anchorage. The Employer shall bear that portion ofthe AAA arbitration fee that exceeds the Superior Court filing fee. The Employer also shall bearthe entire cost ofthe arbitration including the arbitrator's fees and expenses and the cost ofthearbitration hearing room. Each party shall bear its own witness fees, costs and attorneys' feesunless the arbitrator otherwise orders one or the other party to bear such fees and costs.

5.5Discovery. Both parties may make discovery prior to the arbitration hearing asprovided for in the Alaska Uniform Arbitration Act, and as the arbitrator may determine isnecessary for each party to adequately arbitrate the claims asserted in the arbitration, includingaccess to essential documents and witnesses.

5.6Attorneys. Either party may, but need not, be represented by an attorney ofhis orher choice at any time during the arbitration process.

5.7 Remedies. The arbitrator shall not be limited in awarding remedies provided bythis Agreement or by any applicable federal, state or local statute, regulation, or executive order,or the common law, so long as the arbitrator finds facts and makes conclusions based on theevidence presented adequate for the award ofsuch remedies. The arbitrator also may awardtaxable costs and attorneys' fees to either party as provided for in Alaska Civil Rules 79 and 82and in the decisions of the Alaska Supreme Court. The arbitrator shall have no power to alter,amend or repeal any provision ofthis Agreement.

5.8Written Decision and Award. Within thirty (30) days ofthe close of the arbitration hearing, or as otherwise agreed to by the parties, the arbitrator shall render a writtendecision and award. The decision and award shall be based on the facts presented by the parties,this Agreement and applicable law, and shall contain findings offact and conclusions sufficientfur judicial review to the extent required by law.


6.1Executive represents and warrants to Employerthat he is free to enter into thisAgreement and that he has no commitment, arrangement or understanding to or with any partywhich restrains or is in conflict with his performance of the covenants, services and dutiesprovided for in this Agreement.

6.2 During Executive's employment hereunder, this Agreement may not be assignedby either party without the written consent ofthe other; provided, however, that Employermayassign its rights and obligations under this Agreement to a successor by merger or affiliation ifsuch successor carries on Employer work substantially in the form in which it is being conductedat the time ofthe merger or affiliation. Except as otherwise provided by law, no interest ofExecutive or any beneficiary or representative ofExecutive may be directly or indirectlytransferred, encumbered, seized by legal process, or in any other way subjected to the claims ofacreditor. This Agreement shall be binding upon Executive, his heirs, personal representativesand permitted assigns and on Employer, its successors and assigns.

6.3 Any notice required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall besufficient if it is in writing and personally delivered or mailed via some form oftraceable prioritymail to

Executive at:

______, Alaska 99_____


______, Alaska 99_____

Ifeither party changes the address as which notice should be given, that party shall notify the other party in writing of the change ofaddress, and this section 6.5 shall be considered amendedat that time.

6.4In the event that any provision ofthis Agreement or compliance by any oftheparties with any provision ofthis Agreement shall constitute a violation oflaw, then suchprovision, to the extent only that it is so in violation, shall be deemed ineffective andunenforceable and shall be deemed separable from the remaining provisions of this Agreement,which provisions shall remain binding on the parties.

6.5 This Agreement contains the entire agreement ofthe parties and it may bechanged only by a subsequent written agreement signed by the party against whom enforcementof any waiver, change, modification, extension or discharge is sought. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Alaska without regard to its choice of law principles. If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue to be full force without being invalid or invalidated in any way.

6.6The waiver by Employeror Executive of the other party's breach ofany provisionofthis Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by thatparty.

EXECUTIVE / ___Organization Name______
______/ By:______
Its: ______
Date: ______

Executive Employment Agreement template

Product of The Foraker Group. Please ask permission before copying or distributing 2012©

(907) 743-1200 Toll Free (877) 834-5003 Fax: (907) 276-5014

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