How to Fix Error Code 0x80070490 in Windows 10

admin March 8, 2018 How to Fix Error Code 0x80070490 in Windows 10

Try that again, Something went wrong. The error code is 0x80070490, in case you need it. This is the error stating that comes up with the error code 0x80070490 and doesn’t let you access the installation process of new updates, generally, this error is caused by several reasons:

  • Installed antivirus issues.
  • CBS (component based services) files are corrupt.
  • Synchronization issues.
  • Issues in system files.

Fix Error Code 0x80070490 in Windows 10

These can be the reasons causing the error code 0x80070490 and doesn’t let you access the windows updates and installation process, though there are multiple fixes for the error code 0x80070490 and each reason have different fix which needs your attention to judge what must be the reason matching with your system error and does it have specific solution stating down here or not. Follow the given solution to fix the error code 0x80070490, and use the manual check process available globally but we try to make some effort and help you in understanding the solution and fix up this error code 0x80070490 easily.

Disable Antivirus

Sometimes the third party installed antivirus or applications blocks the user to access windows updates, windows update process keeps an eye over all the application installed and any irrelevant application or software are considered to be the threat. It is being referred to visit the website from where you have installed the application or antivirus software and search how to disable it, disabling antivirus or any application will stop its functionality inside the system but didn’t uninstall it. Check again after disabling the antivirus that this error code 0x80070490 is gone or not, if not then move to another fix.

System scan

Well sometimes a whole system application scan find out the threats and also shows up the application requires attention(sign-in or updates) or not. This may be the reason that some threat or application in your system is restricting you to access the updates and giving this error code 0x80070490. Simply run a system scan using command prompt for the system files by entering “sfc /scannow” in the command window or simply run your installed antivirus scan for all the applications. This will eventually help you to find out the threats and get it repaired which will help you to fix error code 0x80070490.

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Initially while accessing the windows update, windows need some files to get synchronized and get access to it. But this error code 0x80070490 comes up when the needed files are unable to synchronized or located in the system, after repairing system files from the above fix you can simply restart the installation process again and check whether this error code 0x80070490 comes up or fixed. This will help you to fix the error code 0x80070490 easily and if still not then move to another solution to have another fix.

Troubleshoot windows update/ Restore Pc

If you are still facing this error code 0x80070490 then you are left with this only possible outcome where you have to troubleshoot the issue within windows, windows 10 allows you to run the troubleshooter in the windows settings and get your specific task or application inside the system get repaired. Windows 10 is helping its users to access the troubleshooter and get things repaired easily.

Navigate yourself to windows settings > update and security > troubleshoot.

Troubleshoot > windows update.

Run the troubleshooter for windows update, troubleshooter will eventually access all the possible threats blocking the windows updates and get it fixed or provide you an instant solution for a specific threat. After finalizing this process you get your blockage fixed and can restart the system to make the changes takes place and then restart the installation or update process again to check that this error code 0x80070490 is fixed or not.