Boone Watershed Partnership - Board Meeting – March 21, 2017


Present: Matthew Dake, Dennis Scheer, Martha Podren Jana Archer, Cathy Landy, Jacob Chandler, Bill Francisco, Mike Barrett, Joseph Barnett, Ingrid Luffman, David Rock

  • Minutes of the last meeting were read by Jana Archer and the board reviewed and approved unanimously
  • Dennis Scheer summarized the2017 financial report.

New Business

Annual Conflict of Interest Forms – Matthew Dake distributed the forms, all board members signed and Jana Archer gathered the forms to keep on file.

Membership Coordinator—Matthew Dake mentioned the resignation of JoyStewart as membership coordinator. Ingrid Luffman volunteered to take over this vacancy which included maintaining database and sending out annual membership renewal forms. It was verified that it is the task of treasurer (Dennis Sheer) to contact, invoice, and renew memberships from municipalities and organizations.

Financial Report distribution board? TAC? Both?—New secretary (Jana Archer)asked after last board meeting whether the financial report should be distributed to the board members, the TAC, and/or both. It was voted that the financial report should be sent with minutes to both the board and the TAC. It was also mentioned for reviewed minutes to be uploaded to the website as well as the end of year 990 financial report.

$30 Door Prize for Wild and Scenic Film Festival—Two $25 gift cards from Overmountain Outdoors were voted and approved for the Wild and Scenic Film Festival. Ingrid Luffman volunteered to pick up those gift cards and distribute to Kathleen Moore. Two booths (BWP and Jacob’s Park) will be set up for this event.

Reserve Locations for Annual Aquatic Awards Ice Cream Social in August—The date of August 26th was suggested as well as Winged Deer Park for the location. This date and location were voted and approved. The nominations for phenomenal work in the watershed were not made at this time. Bill Francisco volunteered to reserve this location for the social.

Old Business:

Wild and Scenic Film Festival—Deborah Wilkinson (from previous board meeting), Matthew Dake, Ingrid Luffman, and Cathy Landry volunteered to work the booths for this event held in the Culp Center at ETSU

TN Environmental Conference (March 14th and 15th) –Martha Podren and Cathy Landry brought up some issues with having a non-profit booth at the TN Environmental Conference. These issues were as follows: low attendance, BWP was the only non-profit organization booth, most booths were technical groups or professionals, cost increase to attend was high, and a synergy was missing overall. Martha suggested to get in touch with the organizer, Mark Braswell. Bill Francisco volunteered to dictate a letter to Mark Braswell which he would show to the board for approval before sending.

Board Manuals—Mathew Dake gave the new board members manuals but they needed the new logo sheets for the cover and binding. Cathy Landry volunteered to create those and they were distributed via email on March 22nd.

Project Updates:

Jacob’s Nature Park at Sinking Creek—Bill Francisco explained that 3 new interactive signs (pollinators, salamanders, and Eastern box turtles) would be placed in the near future.As well as repairs on the current welcome sign. ETSU volunteers are working on projects with Connie Deegan and also planning with Melony Kelly. Bill shared a heartfelt story about Jacob’s intent to sell painted rocks at their neighborhood yard sale and this notion gave Bill the fantastic idea to paint rocks along the Tweetsie Trail which would be used as signs to show the way to Jacob’s Park. Bill also placed plaques on bench markers throughout the park to show appreciation for those who have helped make this dream come true; these were: BWP, Gary’s Bench, Deegan’s Crossing, Mommy’s Meadows, Keeling Corner, and Scouts Honor.

Gap Creek –Dennis Scheer summarized the status of the project as phase 2 is occurring which half of the 22 mobile homes have been connected to municipal sewage. The other half will be connected in the near future. Also bank restoration was completed along Gap Creek. There was mention of possible sinage to be placed near the crossing of Tweetsie Trail and Gap Creek.

Upcoming events:

  • BWP general meeting on April 11th at 4:00 pm at Winged Deer Park
  • Ingrid Luffman mentioned the possibility of ETSU Geoscience (Archeological Geophysics) students as possible speaking engagement
  • Brush Creek Clean-up with ETSU April 22nd
  • Wild and Scenic Film Festival ETSU April 3rd at 6:00pm
  • Boone Lake Clean-up April 29th
  • It was brought up to donate to this event money for raffle tickets. We looked into the budget from last year and found the donation to be $500.00. As a group, we voted on this amount and it passed and was approved. Dennis Sheer will get the money to the Boone Lake Association
  • It was proposed to possibly have a booth or speaker at the Interstate Environmental Health Seminar on October 3-6 2017 in Gatlinburg, TN. This was not voted on and information is attached to these minutes.