AG Kuch

Scientific Activity Report 2012


Bernien, Matthias

Chang, Yin-Ming

Chemam, Faïçal (24.05.–12.06.)

Erkovan, Mustafa (until 14.08.)

Hermanns, Ch. Felix

Khalifa, Zaki (since 19.09.)

Khan, Yaqoob (until 31.07.)

Krüger, Alex

Kuch, Wolfgang

Sandig, Oliver

Shokr, Yasser

Song, Jiaming

Wu, Chii-Bin

Zhang, Bin

Bachelor, Master, and Diploma students:

Bomers, Mario (13.03.–15.05.)

Drescher, Lorenz (since 26.11.)

Hagelschuer, Till (19.03.–21.05.)

Hahn, Marc (since 01.02.)

Hartmann, Claudia (since 07.08.)

Heuser, Tobias (16.03.–18.05.)

Khan, Risalat (since 22.10.)

Kronfoth, Philipp (23.07.–24.09.)

Krüger, Dennis (since 26.11.)

Nickel, Fabian (since 04.04.)

Rolf, Daniela (23.02.–26.04.)

Schiestl, Daniela (until 01.12.)

Schmidt, Christian (20.04.–22.06.)

Walter, Waldemar (until 01.07.)


M. Bernien, D. Wiedemann, C. F. Hermanns, A. Krüger, D. Rolf, W. Kroener, P. Müller, A. Grohmann, and W. Kuch
Spin Crossover in a Vacuum-Deposited Submonolayer of a Molecular Iron(II) Complex
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 3, 3431–3434 (2012).

C. S. Guo, L. Sun, K. Hermann, C. F. Hermanns, M. Bernien, and W. Kuch
X-ray absorption from large molecules at metal surfaces: Theoretical and experimental results for Co-OEP on Ni(100)
J. Chem. Phys. 137, 194703-1–10 (2012).

C. F. Hermanns, M. Bernien, A. Krüger, J. Miguel, and W. Kuch
Switching the electronic properties of Co-octaethylporphyrin molecules on oxygen-covered Ni films by NO adsorption
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24,394008-1–7 (2012).

Y. Luo, M. Bernien, A. Krüger, C. F. Hermanns, J. Miguel, Y.-M. Chang, S. Jaekel, W. Kuch, and R. Haag
In-situ Hydrolysis of Imine Derivatives on Au(111) for the Formation of Aromatic Mixed Self-Assembled Monolayers: Multi-technique Analysis of This Tunable Surface Modification
Langmuir 28, 358–366 (2012).

J. I. Paez, V. Brunetti, M. C. Strumia, T. Becherer, T. Solomun, J. Miguel, C. F. Hermanns, M. Calderón, and R. Haag
Dendritic polyglycerolamine as a functional antifouling coating of gold surfaces
J. Mater. Chem. 22, 19488–19497 (2012).

O. Sandig, J. Herrero-Albillos, F. M. Römer, N. Friedenberger, J. Kurde, T. Noll, M. Farle, and F. Kronast
Imaging magnetic responses of nanomagnets by XPEEM
J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 185, 365–370 (2012).

T. R. Umbach, M. Bernien, C. F. Hermanns, A. Kr üger, I. Fernández-Torrente, P. Stoll, J. I. Pascual, K. J. Franke, and W. Kuch
Ferromagnetic Coupling of Mononuclear Fe Centers in a Self-Assembled Metal Organic Network on Au(111)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 267207-1–5 (2012).

Chii-Bin Wu, Jiaming Song, and W. Kuch
Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy study of Mn/Co/Cu(001) using a bulk Fe ring probe
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 012404-1–3 (2012).


a) invited talks

W. Kuch
Magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic thin film systems and paramagnetic molecules adsorbed on ferromagnetic thin films
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Institutskolloquium des Instituts „Institut Komplexe Magnetische Materialien“, Berlin, 26.04.2012.

W. Kuch
X-ray spectroscopic studies of magnetic molecules on surfaces
Christian-Albrecht-Universität Kiel, Kolloquium des Sonderforschungsbereichs 677, Kiel, 13.06.2012.

W. Kuch
Controlling the magnetic properties of metalloporphyrin molecules on ferromagnetic films
XXI International Materials Research Congress, Cancún (Mexico), 12.–16.08.2012.

W. Kuch
Controlling the magnetic properties of metalloporphyrin molecules on ferromagnetic films
International Workshop on Magnetic Order in Nanostructures and Spectroscopy, Rome (Italy), 13.–15.09.2012.

b) contributed talks

C. Guo, L. Sun, K. Hermann, C. F. Hermanns, and W. Kuch
Structure and Binding of Large Molecules at Metal Surfaces: theoretical NEXAFS for Co-OEP on Ni(100)
76. Jahrestagung der DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2012 of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, 25.–30.03.2012.

C. F. Hermanns, K. Tarafder, M. Bernien, A. Krüger, Y.-M. Chang, A. Bruch, P. Oppeneer, and W. Kuch
Magnetic coupling between metalloporphyrins and Ni films across a graphene sheet
76. Jahrestagung der DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2012 of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, 25.–30.03.2012.

C. F. Hermanns, M. Bernien, A. Krüger, J. Miguel, and W. Kuch
Tuning the electronic and magnetic properties of adsorbed Co porphyrin molecules by NO as an axial ligand
76. Jahrestagung der DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2012 of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, 25.–30.03.2012.

C. F. Hermanns, M. Bernien, A. Krüger, W. Walter, J. Miguel, Y. M. Chang, and W. Kuch
Tuning the electronic and magnetic properties of adsorbed Co porphyrin molecules by NO as an axial ligand
Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS 2012), Parma (Italy), 09.–14.09.2012.

C. F. Hermanns, M. Bernien, K. Tarafder, A. Krüger, Y.-M. Chang, P. M. Oppeneer, and W. Kuch
Magnetic coupling between metalloporphyrins and Ni films across a graphene sheet
21st International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS), Shanghai (P. R. China), 24.–28.09.2012.

H. C. Herper, M. Bernien, C. Weis, C. Antoniak, B. Krumme, J. Miguel, S. Bhandary, B. Sanyal, D. Bovenschen, O. Eriksson, P. Entel, W. Kuch, and H. Wende
Influence of an intermediate oxygen layer on the magnetic and electronic properties of Fe and Co porphyrin molecules on Cu(001)
76. Jahrestagung der DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2012 of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, 25.–30.03.2012.

M. Y. Khan, C.-B. Wu, and W. Kuch
Probing antiferromagnetism in NiMn/Ni/(Co/)Cu3Au(001) single-crystalline epitaxial thin films
76. Jahrestagung der DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2012 of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, 25.–30.03.2012.

A. Krüger, M. Bernien, C. F. Hermanns, and W. Kuch
X-ray induced reversible switching of azobenzene derivatives, adsorbed on Bi(111)
76. Jahrestagung der DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2012 of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, 25.–30.03.2012.

T. R. Umbach, C. F. Hermanns, M. Bernien, A. Krüger, I. Fernández-Torrente, P. Stoll, K. J. Franke, J. I. Pascual, and W. Kuch
Magnetic coupling in metal organic networks on surfaces
76. Jahrestagung der DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2012 of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, 25.–30.03.2012.

C.-B. Wu, J. Song, and W. Kuch
The spin structure of Mn on Co/Cu(001) studied by spin-polarized STM with bulk Cr tips and bulk Fe ring probes
76. Jahrestagung der DPG and DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2012 of the Condensed Matter Section, Berlin, 25.–30.03.2012.

C.-B. Wu, J. Song, and W. Kuch
The thickness-dependent spin structure of Mn on Co/Cu(001) studied by spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy with bulk Fe ring probes
International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICN+T 2012), Paris (France), 23.–27.07.2012.

c) posters

M. Bernien, C. F. Hermanns, A. Krüger, Y. M. Chang, W. Kuch, K. Tarafder, and P. M. Oppeneer
Magnetic coupling of porphyrin molecules through graphene
Fourth Joint BER II and BESSY II Users' Meeting, Berlin, 12–14.12.2012.

C. S. Guo, L. L. Sun, K. Hermann, C. F. Hermanns, and W. Kuch
C and N K-shell NEXAFS for Co-OEP on Ni(100): Combined Theoretical DFT and Experimental Studies
International Symposium on Molecular Switches, Potsdam, 20.–22.02.2012.

C. F. Hermanns, M. Bernien, A. Krüger, W. Walter, J. Miguel, and W. Kuch
Switching the Electronic Properties of Co Octaethyl-Porphyrin Molecules on Oxygen-Covered Ni Films by NO Adsorption
International Symposium on Molecular Switches, Potsdam, 20.–22.02.2012.

M. Y. Khan, C.-B. Wu, and W. Kuch
Probing antiferromagnetism in NixMn1-x/Ni/(Co/)Cu3Au(001) single-crystalline epitaxial thin films
Third European Workshop on Self-Organized Nanomagnets, Gaudarrama (Spain), 16.–20-04-2012.

A. Krüger, M. Bernien, C. F. Hermanns, and W. Kuch
X Ray-Induced Reversible Switching of Azobenzene Derivatives Adsorbed on Bi(111)
International Symposium on Molecular Switches, Potsdam, 20.–22.02.2012.

A. Krüger, M. Bernien, C. F. Hermanns, and W. Kuch
X ray-induced reversible switching of dimetacyano azobenzene on Bi(111)
24th Conference of the EPS Condensed Matter Division (CMD-24) and 29th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-29), Edinburgh (U.K.), 03.–07.09.2012.

A. Krüger, M. Bernien, F. Hermanns, Ph. Kronfoth, F. Nickel, and W. Kuch
Adsorption of azobenzene derivatives on Bi(111)
Fourth Joint BER II and BESSY II Users' Meeting, Berlin, 12–14.12.2012.

D. Przyrembel, Ch. Eickhoff, W. Kuch, P. Tegeder, D. Brete, C. Gahl, R. Carley, W. Freyer, M. Weinelt, M. Å. Petersen, A. Hebert, and K. Rück-Braun
High Resolution Core Level Spectroscopy of Molecular Switches at Surfaces
International Symposium on Molecular Switches, Potsdam, 20.–22.02.2012.

J. Song, C.-B. Wu, and W. Kuch
Layer-wise Antiferromagnetic Spin Structure of Mn/Co/Cu(001) Probed by Spin-polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy with Bulk Fe Ring Probe

21st International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS), Shanghai (P. R. China), 24.–28.09.2012.

T. R. Umbach, M. Bernien, C. F. Hermanns, A. Krüger, V. Sessi, I. Fernández-Torrente, P. Stoll, J. I. Pascual, K. J. Franke, and W. Kuch
Ferromagnetic coupling of mononuclear Fe centers in a self-assembled metal-organic network on Au(111)
International Workshop on Magnetic Order in Nanostructures and Spectroscopy, Rome (Italy), 13.–15.09.2012.

T. R. Umbach, M. Bernien, C. F. Hermanns, A. Krüger, I. Fernández-Torrente, P. Stoll,

V. Sessi, J. I. Pascual, K. Franke, and W. Kuch
Ferromagnetic coupling of mononuclear Fe centers in a self-assembled metal-organic network on Au(111)
21st International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS), Shanghai (P. R. China), 24.–28.09.2012.

B. Zhang, O. Sandig, J. Kurde, F. Kronast, and W. Kuch
Laser-induced magnetization dynamics of Co/Ni/Cu(001) close to the spin reorientation transition observed by PEEM
21st International Colloquium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS), Shanghai (P. R. China), 24.–28.09.2012.

d) presentations for the public

W. Kuch
Die Zukunft der magnetischen Datenspeicherung
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, Berlin, public talk at Fachbereich Physik der Freien Universität Berlin, 02.06.2012.


Bomers, Mario
Bestimmung der magnetischen Anisotropie ultradünner Schichten mittels ferromagnetischer Resonanz

Bachelor degree, Freie Universität Berlin, May 2012.

Hagelschuer, Till
Magnetooptischer Kerr-Effekt an ultradünnen ferromagnetischen und antiferromagnetischen Schichten
Bachelor degree, Freie Universität Berlin, May 2012.

Heuser, Tobias
Spinpolarisierte Rastertunnelmikroskopie am Beispiel einer antiferromagnetischen Mn/Co/Cu(001) Oberfläche
Bachelor degree, Freie Universität Berlin, May 2012.

Khan, Muhammad Yaqoob
Probing the antiferromagnetism of NixMn100−x with ferromagnetic Ni in exchange-biased bilayers and trilayers on Cu3Au(001)
PhD degree, Freie Universität Berlin, 11.07.2012.

Kronfoth, Philipp
Untersuchung des Adsorptionsverhaltens von Azobenzol-Derivaten auf Bi(111)-Oberflächen mittels NEXAFS und XPS
Bachelor degree, Freie Universität Berlin, September 2012.

Kurde, Julia
Kopplung und Dynamik in magnetischen Mikrostrukturen untersucht mit zeitaufgelöster Photoelektronen-Emissionsmikroskopie
PhD degree, Freie Universität Berlin, 15.02.2012.

Rolf, Daniela
Spin-Crossover von adsorbierten FeL(NCS)2-Molekülen in direktem Kontakt mit einer HOPG-Oberfläche
Bachelor degree, Freie Universität Berlin, April 2012.

Schiestl, Daniela
Untersuchung der Abh ängigkeit der Curie-Temperatur von Ni in NixMn1–x/Ni/Cu3Au(001) von Schichtdicke und Ni-Konzentration mit magneto-optischem Kerr-Effekt

Diploma degree, Freie Universität Berlin, November 2012.

Schmidt, Christian
Magnetic properties of Gd3N @ C80 on Cu(100) and Ni/Cu(100)
Bachelor degree, Freie Universität Berlin, June 2012.

Walter, Waldemar
Röntgenabsorptionsuntersuchungen an Dy- und Co-Nanostrukturen auf einkristallinen Oberflächen zur Bestimmung elektronischer und magnetischer Eigenschaften
Diploma degree, Freie Universität Berlin, July 2012.