Instructions: Fill out the form below. Please type the appropriate answer in the spaces. Word will make room for your answer as you do so.

Student Name:


Course Title:

Publication Facts



Date of Original Publication:


Could the author’s social background (e.g. class, ethnicity, gender) be an issue in determining his approach to this topic?

Content Analysis

What is this book about? What happens in it? (Please limit your answer to seven sentences or less.)

What genre of book is this (e.g. autobiography, political tract, novel)?

Is the book didactic – Does it have a message for its readers? If so, what? If not, why not?

Contextual Analysis

What sources does the book draw on?

How does the book reflect the period in which it was written (e.g. social concerns, historical retrospective, concerns about the future)? Cite specific events that happened around the time of the book’s initial publication.

Historical Application

What type(s) of source(s) is this book (i.e. primary or secondary)?

What value does it have for the study of Nazism and World War II?

What impact might this book have today or have had at the time of its publication?

Who would appreciate this book, and who would object to it, either at the time of its initial publication or today?