Thank you for your enquiry concerning international migration flows into and out of Coventry.
We produceboth short-term and long-term international migration estimates for the UK, focusing onthe United Nations’ (UN) definitions. Under these UN definitions: a short-term migrant refers to an individual who moves to a country other than that of his or her usual residence for between 3 to 12 months for the purposes of work or study; and, a long-term migrant refers a person who moves to a country other than that of his or her usual residence for a period of 12 months or more, so that the country of destination effectively becomes his or her new country of usual residence.For this response, we have assumed you are asking for long-term international migration data.
In answer to your questions:
a)We are unable to provide you with raw IPS data for international migration into and out of Coventry. Theserecord-level data containpersonal information that cannot be disclosed publicly. We produce statistics under powers set out in the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 (SRSA). s.39(1) of the SRSA states that personal information held for statistical purposes must not be disclosed by ONS. s.44(1) of the Freedom of Information Act prohibits the disclosure of information if it is prohibited by any other enactment. Therefore, we are unable to provide any of the requested information relating to this matter.
b)We do not producea breakdownby reason for migration at the local authority level.This is only availablefor the UK as a whole, due to small sample sizes.
c)You can find the migration estimates for Coventry from 2004 to 2015 in the Local Area Migration Indicators, UK[1].You can also find data from 2001 to 2004 in the Population Estimates for UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland mid-2015 datasets. If you download the ‘mid-2015’ zip file you will find the data you need in the document labeled ‘MYEB2’. We do not hold data prior to 2001. The mid-year data for 2016 will be publishedin June 2017.
d)We do not produce 95% confidence intervals for international migration inflow and outflows for Coventry or other local authority areas.
e)You can find out more about the reliability of our data and the causes of discrepancies between rolled forward and census based local authority mid-year population estimates for 2011 in Improving our population and migration statistics[2] and the Comparison ofprevious and improved methods of estimating international immigration at LA Level[3].
f)International Passenger Survey questions are asked of passengers arriving by air, sea and rail. Slightly different questionnaires are used for each of these routes. The full text of these questionnaires is available for download here[4].
Regarding the comparative data mentioned in the IPPR report, we do not hold any raw Home Office Visa data or HESA Destinations data. You would need to contact these organisations directly to obtain this data[5].
You can also find Annual Population Survey statistics for Coventry from 2004 to 2015 on Nomis. To do this you will need to select the data folder for ‘Annual Population Survey/Labour Force Survey’ and then click through to ‘annual population survey’. You will then be transferred to a page where you can select the ‘geography’, ‘dates’ and ‘variables’ you want to view. On the ‘variables’ page you will be able to select the categories ‘Country of birth by white/ethnic minority’ and ‘Nationality by white/ethnic minority’ using the drop-down menu.
When accessing any ONS data files please read the 'notes, terms and conditions' contained within them.
[5]Home Office contact ;