“To be a poet is a condition, not a profession.” –Robert Frost
Inside of every writer is a poet. Poets seek to discover
more about the world around them. However, they also seek
to understand more about themselves as well. Poets write with
emotions that excite, scare, or even worry them. During our next
writing piece, we will study The Harlem Renaissance. We will
read works by poets from this time period, watch the movie
A Raisin in the Sun, and write our own poems, and discuss these
The project will last approximately 4 weeks. You are expected to write every day. However, we will not always complete this writing in school. While the project outline is similar to last year, you are expected to write new poems that are more advanced than last year’s creations. The major themes that were evident in The Harlem Renaissance were hope, pride, and disappointment. Therefore, your work will focus on these three major themes. The focus on this year’s project will center on writing with vivid language. The final event for this project will be different then the previous writing projects this year. A number of poets will be asked to read their work at the Town Meeting at the end of February during our Black History Month assembly. You will practice your favorite poem and read it aloud at the Creative Café.
Celebrate your writing: At the end of our project we will have a special celebration to share our work. This celebration will be extra special. Each poet will be allowed to ask one other person to attend our poetry read at the Creative Café. As always, treats and jazz will be available.
Audience: You are writing for your peers and your special guest whom you bring to the Creative Café. However, most importantly, you are writing for YOURSELF!
Due Dates: The project will be due in stages.
February 9 (Wednesday) Second poem
February 17(Friday) Rhyming poem
February 24 Project due. At least three poems published. One poem selected and read at the Creative Café. Each students will pick one poem to sumitted to