Course Syllabus: Pre-Calculus
Mrs. Penny, 615-904-6789 ext.23312
Course Description:
(10th – 12th grades)
Pre-Calculus completes the formal study of the elementary functions begun in Algebra I and II. Students focus on the use of technology, modeling, and problem solving involving data analysis, trigonometric and circular functions, their inverses, polar coordinates, complex numbers, conics and quadratic relations. Discrete topes include the Principle of Mathematical Induction, the Binomial Theorem, and sequences and series.
What to Bring to Class Each Day:
- Textbook: Precalculus:A Graphing Aprroach by Larson
- A binder for notes, HW, CW, Quizzes, Tests, and other Handouts.
- Paper, Pencils, and Pens
- Calculator- (TI-83, 83+, 84 or 89) - Since you will be using a graphing calculator for the rest of your mathematical career, I recommend that you purchase your own. Practice is required in order for calculators to become worthwhile mathematical tools. If you do not wish to purchase a calculator, I have ones available for use in class, but you may not take them home. If you purchase a calculator that I have not listed, you are responsible for learning to use its features.
Requirements, Rules, and Expectations:
- Everyone in class is expected to behave in a respectful, orderly, and caring manner.
- All students are expected to participate in class activities (discussions, assignments, etc.) on a daily basis and in an appropriate manner.
- All students are capable of mastering the required material and are expected to do so by being diligent in their studies.
- All students must be prompt and prepared for class everyday.
- I will assign homework almost everyday. Mathematics is easy to watch or do in class; yet, sometimes difficult, after class, to do on your own. You must complete your homework in order to be successful in this course. I will grade homework for correctness and completion. I do not accept late work.
- Tests will be given roughly every 2-3 weeks and announced ahead of time. You will always be given the entire class period for a test. Quizzes will be given more frequently and are expected to be completed in (what I determine to be) a reasonable amount of time.
- For all issues not addressed in this syllabus (Discipline, Make-Up Work, etc.), I will follow the guidelines listed in the Student-Parent Handbook.
How Your Grade is Calculated:
- Tests – 40%
- Exams – 30%
- HW/CW/Quizzes – 30%
Date / Category / Description / Grade
Print Student Name:
Print Parent(s) Name(s):
The instructor reserves the right to change course requirements, expectations, content, and grading policies with sufficient written notice to the students and parents.
Please sign below and return by the 3rd day that this class meets.
I have read the course syllabus for Pre-Calculus and agree to fulfill the requirements and expectations of the course.
Signed ______
I have read the course syllabus for Pre-Calculus and understand that my student will be held accountable for its contents.
Signed ______
Should the instructor need to contact you:
Please list your contact information below and circle your preferred method of communication:
Cell Phone______
Email ______