RCSC/HRD-14.4/2017/88 6th July 2017

2017 Indian Forestry Service ​(IFS)

The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the 2017 Indian Forestry Service Scholarship under Government of India funding for both in­service and pre­service candidates:

Course / Level / Duration / Slots / Tentative Start Date
Indian Forestry Service (IFS) / Equivalent to Master’s Degree / 24 months / 2 Slots ​(subject to availability and acceptance by GoI or the Institute) / September 2017
  1. Eligibility
  2. In­Service:
  3. Target group: Forestry Officers ​(BCSE­Select)​;
  4. The applicants should not have availed Master’s Degree; and
  5. Be 45 years of age or below as of 01​st September 2017.
  6. Pre­Service:

Must be a University Graduate with B Sc. Life Science/Biology background and must have a minimum academic score of 60% in 3 main/core subjects.

  1. In the event of an overwhelming response, applicants shall be shortlisted on merit ranking based on:
  2. 1stPreference will be given to those who fulfill the eligibility criteria of long­term training as per BCSR 2012;
  3. 2ndpreference to those who completed probation period but did not fulfill two years service​(those who do not have any training obligation shall be given more preference inthis section)​;
  4. 3rdpreference to those who are in probation period; and
  5. 4thpreference to the pre­service candidates.
  1. Documents Required
  2. In­Service
  3. Performance Rating for 2 years
  4. Updated and accurate CV from the CSIS for rural posting and seniority calculations;
  5. Copy of Pass Certificates and Academic Transcripts of Class XII and Degree and other merit certificates.
  6. Duly filled ​ In­Service Training Form​(Annexure 9/3 of BCSR 2012, Course content and schedule from the Institute, and Letter of acceptance from the Institute need not be submitted)
  1. Pre­Service
  2. An application containing email id and mobile number.
  3. Copy of Pass Certificates and Academic Transcripts of Class XII and Degree and other certificates
  1. Shortlisting Criteria ​(Click Here)
  2. Application Deadline
  3. In­Service:
  4. The application documents from the working agency must reach the Ministry/Agency (parent)​on or before​26th July 2017​;​and
  5. The Ministries/Agencies should first verify whether the applicants have any training obligations or not and forward only those applicationdocumentswhodonothaveany training obligations to the RCSC on or before ​31st July 2017.
  6. Pre­Service:

Pre­service candidates should submit the application documents directly to the HRD

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Division of the RCSC latest by 26th July 2017.

  1. Additional conditions/waiver for IFS by the RCSC’s Commission
  2. Theeligibilitycriteriarequiringthreeyears(includingtheprobationperiod)beforeanylong term training is waived.
  3. The selected in­service applicants after completion of the IFS course will be permitted to pursue additional Masters but it should lead to greater specialization and not General Masters on fulfilling all training obligations.
  4. There is no waiver of training obligation/gap upon completion of the IFS Course. The general HRD rules will be applicable.
  5. The IFS Scholarship to be given to the pre­service candidates only if there are no or insufficient in­service candidates applying for IFS.

For any queries, please contact SangayYeshi/KesangWangmo from HRD Division of RCSC at 02­322491 (Ext. 229) during office hours.

RCSC, THIMPHU BHUTAN, PostBox No. 163. Telephone: PABX: 00975-2-322491, 322956, 322954, Fax No. 323086, 325980. Director: 332475, HRMD: 332476, HRDD: 336270, PPD: 336131, MISD: 332473, LS: 332471, HRAS: 329993, AFS: 332472. EXAM SERVICE:339237