Newsletter from Maresfield Parish Council
October 2017
Wealden District Council announced on 6th September a further delay to the preparation of their new Local Plan and will advise an updated timetable in due course. It has to be acknowledged that their task is immensely complicated partly due to the Ashdown Forest protection issues and the need to coordinate with adjoining local authorities. However, this delay will almost certainly impact on our timetable for delivery of our draft Neighbourhood Development Plan which we had expected to publish as a consultation document before the end of the year.
Whilst it is not a criminal offence to carry out development without first obtaining planning permission, this is a contravention of planning laws and the District Council has powers to enforce those laws. WDC ask that they be contacted if you think that development is proceeding without the benefit of planning permission or that conditions imposed on a planning permission are being breached. They will usually visit a complaint site and inform you what, if anything, can be done. Generally, if the breach continues for four years then enforcement becomes time barred so it is essential for us to be vigilant and play our part in protecting our beautiful environment.
Dog Walking
WDC is currently consulting on their proposal to introduce a Public Places Protection Order covering the public land across Wealden. The requirements of the Order are the same as those in place currently under the Dog Control Order introduced in 2013 and the signage, penalties and methods of dealing with the issue of dog fouling will not require alteration. The wording of the draft Order appears to include the Ashdown Forest but in any event the Conservators have issued their own Code for Dog Walkers which does request that dog walkers always remove their dog waste from pathways.
2018-19 Budget
The Parish Council sets a budget each year and this expenditure becomes the Parish Precept part of your annual Council Tax Bill. The budget setting process starts at the October 10th meeting of the Finance and Administration Committee. All Parish Council and Committee meetings are open to the public and start with an allocated time for members of the public to raise issues and ask questions. Do please come along to the Parish Council office at 7.30 pm on the 10th and let us have your views. Equally you will be welcome at our next Council meeting on Tuesday 17th October at 7.30pm in the Nutley War Memorial Hall.
Be informed !
To keep up to date about local matters the internet and social media are invaluable resources.Useful links are:
And you can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
Martin Craddock - Chairman