
1 fisker scissors, 2-16 count Crayola crayons, 1 box Kleenex, 1 package of baby wipes, 1 dozen #2 pencils, 2 glue sticks, 1 folder, 2 plastic folders with brads, 1 box markers, 2 playdough, BOYS only bring 1 bottle of hand sanitizer, GIRLS only bring 1 sanitizing wipes, change of clothes with socks and underwear, a backpack that a folder will fit in, no tie shoes please (Only put names on their backpack and folders).


A backpack, 4 (24 ct) boxes of Crayola brand crayons, 12 glue sticks, 2 plain #2 pencils, 1 pair Fiskar Metal Blade scissors, 1 pkg pencil cap erasers, 2 (10 ct) boxes of Crayola brand washable markers, 1 (8 ct) Crayola brand watercolors, 1 lg box of Kleenex, 3 plastic folders with brads, GIRLS - 1 lg pkg of baby wipes, BOYS – 1 box sandwich size Ziploc storage bags, 1 mat for rest time, 1 change of clothes & undies (in case of accidents). (Only put names on backpacks, mat, folders, and scissors – the rest of the supplies are combined for class community use).

First Grade:

12 – #2 yellow pencils, 1 pencil pouch, 2 large pink erasers, 1 pkg. pencil cap erasers, 1 pair of scissors, 1 small school box, 4 large white glue sticks, 24 ct. Crayola brand crayons, 8 ct. washable markers, 8 ct. watercolors, 12 ct. colored pencils, 2 plastic folders with brads, 1 – one subject spiral (wide ruled), 2 dry erase markers, 2 large boxes of Kleenex, 1 pkg. wipes. GIRLS - 1 box of gallon sized Ziploc bags, BOYS - 1 box of quart sized Ziploc bags.

Second Grade:

1 pencil bag, 1 large, WHITE, eraser, 2 dry erase markers, 2 spiral notebooks (wide rule), 3 - PLASTIC folders with pockets and brads,2 glue sticks, 2-4 oz

Elmer’s glue, 1 - 24 ct box of Crayons, 1 pair of scissors, 2 boxes of Kleenex, BOYS - 1 boxgallon Ziploc baggies, GIRLS - 1 box of quart Ziploc bags.

Third Grade:

2 bradded folders, 2 glue sticks, 1 Elmer’s glue, 1 pkg crayons no larger than a 24 ct, 2 pkg 12 count colored pencils, 1 pkg of 8 count classic markers, 1 pkg of 12 pencils, 2 boxes Kleenex, 1 – 3 subject spiral, 1 pair of scissors, GIRLS - 1 box of gallon sized Ziploc bags, BOYS - 1 pkg of qt size Ziploc bags.

Fourth Grade:

1 Box Gallon Zip Lock Bags (Girls), 24 Crayola Crayons, 1 Pencil Bag, 36 Yellow #2 Pencils,12 Mechanical Pencils (Optional), 2 Highlighters, 6 Composition Notebooks, 4- 1 1/2" Plastic Notebooks, 16 Tabbed Dividers, 4- Plastic Bradded Pocket Folders, 1 Pkg Wide-Ruled Paper, 2 Boxes of Kleenex, 1- Pair Pointed Scissors, 2-Dry Erase Markers, 2 Pkg Index Cards, 1 Pkg 10 Thin Tipped Markers, 1 Pkg 10 Classic Markers, 1 Box Quart Zip Lock Bags (Boys), 2 pink erasers, 1 Pkg Disinfecting Wipes, 2 Colored Pens,1 pkg Pencil tip erasers, 1 School Supply Box, 1 Bottle White Elmer’s Glue, 1 Back Pack.

5th/6th Grade:

Community Supplies: 3 boxes of Kleenex, 1 package of disinfecting wipes,

Boys-1 box of quart size Ziploc bags; Girls-1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags

Student Supplies: #2 pencils, scissors, dry erase markers, erasers, highlighters, glue sticks, crayons, backpack

Science: 2 Composition books, 1-4 oz. Bottle of Elmer’s glue, 4 packages of index cards

Art: 2 boxes of Crayola crayons, 1 box Crayola broad line markers, 1 box Crayola colored pencils, 1-8ct. Crayola watercolor paint, 2 Sharpie fine point permanent markers-black, 1 sketch book

Reading: 1 folder, 1 spiral

Math: 8 dry erase markers