Pastor Charles Holmes
76 And now, David was not permitted to build the temple. He could not do it. But He said, "I'll raise up from your seed, and he will build the temple, and that temple will be an everlasting temple. And upon your son, the Son of David, will be an everlasting Kingdom He will control." Solomon, David's son in the natural (from his natural strength) built a house unto the Lord, a temple. But when the real Seed of David come, the Son of David, He told them there would come a time that there wouldn't be one stone left upon the other of that temple, but He tried to point them to another temple.
78 John, the revelator, over in the Book of Revelation, he saw this tabernacle (Revelations 21). He saw the new temple coming, descending down from heaven, adorned as a bride was adorned for her husband, and a voice out of the temple said, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and God shall be with them, and they'll wipe all tears from their eyes. And there shall be no more hunger, nor no more sorrow, no more pain or death, for the former things have passed away."
Then the true Son of David (as we're going to see in this lessons coming on in this week) will then come to His temple, the temple of God, the real tabernacle, which He has gone away to construct now. For He said in John 14, "In My Father's house are many mansions, and I will go..." What did He mean by that? It was already foreordained, "And I'll go to prepare a place for you, and will return back to receive you unto Myself." And of course, we know that'll be in the great age to come. And the true Seed of David will take the throne, which is Jesus Christ, and there will reign over the Church as His Bride, in the house with Him and over the twelve tribes of Israel throughout all eternity.
80 And these little places... As David could not build the true tabernacle of God, because he wasn't prepared to do it... There was nothing he could do. He was a mortal and shed blood.
So is it today to us. We are not prepared to build the true Tabernacle of God. There's only One can do that, and it's being in its construction now. But this little tabernacle, along with the temple that Solomon built Him, and along with the others, are only temporary places of worship until the time comes when the real Tabernacle will be set up upon the earth, and righteousness shall reign from sky to sky, and there will be no more sorrow. There'll be no funerals preached in that Tabernacle. There'd be no more weddings, for the wedding will be one great wedding for eternity. What a time that will be.
82 But let us purpose in our hearts today, that in commemoration and waiting for that Tabernacle to come, that we will so characterize ourself by His Spirit that we will worship in this place as if we were in that other place, waiting for that place to come.
Now, let us stand to our feet, and as I read the holy Script.
And I saw a new heavens and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth was passed away; and there were no more sea.
... I John saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard the... voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
340 37. Would you please explain about Satan being bound a thousand years, and being loosed for the battle of--battle of Revelations 20 and 8. What relationship does this have with the battle of Armageddon as mentioned in the Fourth Seal? Will Gog and Magog be gathered from the people of the new earth?
Well, this is a long one, and I--I'll just have to hit the spot of it. See? Now, the first thing. Will... Now, maybe I can't explain it. I'll do my best.
341 Would you please explain how Satan is bound a thousand years, being loosed again for the battle of Revelations 20 and 8.
That is not the battle of Armageddon. The battle of Armageddon takes place on this side (See? All right) at the--when the tribulation period is ended.
Now, what relation does this have with the battle of Gog and Magog?
None. One is this thousand years, and the other one is the end of the--the end of the thousand years.
... as mentioned in the Fourth Seal, will Gog and--will Gog and Magog be gathered from peoples on the new earth?
Satan was loosed out of his prison and went to gather all the people, the wicked, to bring them to this place, and God rained fire and brimstone out of heaven, and they were consumed (See?), two battles altogether.
182 That last--that question they asked Him: "And what will be the sign of the end of the world?" When you see these Jews... When you see these other things taking place, you know what takes place. Now, when you see these Jews... Talking to the Jews...
Now, watch. What company is He talking to? Gentiles? Jews, Jews. See? Now, He said, "You'd be hated of all nations for My Name," and so forth like... Now, when He said... You see these Jews begin to put forth their buds over yonder, when that Israel begins to turn back, getting into her country, when she gets there, the Church is ready to rapture, and there's only three and a half years left unto the end of the old world, and she goes out into chaos, and in comes the Millennium to the new--new earth. Said, "Even at the door."
185 Now, one thousand years on earth is only one day with God. And three and one half years, what would it go to? So many seconds in God's time. That's the reason He said, "It is at the door." "Verily I say unto you that this generation shall not be consumed (done away with, this people) until all these things are..." what? What won't be done away with? They've tried to kill the Jew off the earth all the time. They'll never be able to do it.
But notice, the very generation of Jews that seen the return back into Palestine, that generation would see these things happen. And just the last two years she was fully become a nation with her own money and whatever. There she is.
188 Now, where are we at, friends? The Seals and everything opening, now we're getting this in between here. There it is. See where we're setting? I hope you get it. I haven't got no education. And I know what I'm talking about, but maybe I can't explain--explain it to make sense to you. But I hope that God takes the words that's mixed up and divides them out right (You see?), and lets you know what it is, 'cause it's--we're at the door. We're here at the time.
Now, notice. See, right away now He turns to these Jews, and at the--the end time He says what's going to take place. We know even that... Now we know; we are well aware that the tribes are scattered. They have been for twenty-five hundred years. They were prophesied to be scattered to the four winds. Did you know that? We know that. 'Course we won't have to go back and get--pick that, 'cause I've got something here real important I want you to see 'fore you get too tired and I get wore out.
165 When God made His Word flesh among His people, in the age of Jesus Christ, at the first Christmas, what did the Phariseeic moves and all them denominations? Said, "Don't you even go to one of them meetings. If you do, you'll be excommunicated when you do it."
166 Don't you see how things repeated right back again? "Who is this Man? What school did He come from? What fellowship card does He have? What group does He have? Whence cometh this Man?" As, He come today like He did then. "We'll not have this Man rule over us. We'll not have nobody tell us what to do. We are Oneness. We are Threeness. We are Presbyterians. We are this. We don't have to put up with It!"
167 I know you don't, but you'll either take the Word or perish! That's all. That's no other way but That, but That's what holds us together. God's Kingdom is not a kingdom of this, it's not, God's Kingdom is not a system of this world. Jesus said so. Jesus said, "My Kingdom is not of this world. If it was, My delegates would fight." He is the Word.
168 We're like Abraham. Abraham received the Word. And anything was contrary to the Word, he called it as if it wasn't. And any true born child of God receives God's Word, and, I don't care what anybody says, what system speaks against that Word, the Word is true, anyhow.
169 God is obligated to meet you on the basis of them promises. Outside of them promises, He can't meet you, because you done cut yourself off from Him. That's the reason our world is falling apart. In closing, we might say this.
170 Anything that's contrary to It, it's though it wasn't. Such a man-made system, we never look at that. No, sir. Being then baptized into this Kingdom, we are now sitting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, oh, my, with our anointed King with us; feasting on His Kingdom, promised Word anointed and vindicated right among us. Amen. Whew! There it is, His Kingdom promise made right before us, nothing can turn you from It. No, sir.
171 Abraham, though his wife old, and him getting older all the time, didn't bother him a bit. He never staggered at the promise of God, through unbelief. No matter how much you say, "It's impossible. He can't get by with it," he stayed with It, anyhow. Because why? The King was with him, showing him the visions and showing him what would come to pass, and it happened just like He said, and he knowed that was God.
172 And when God makes a promise and you see it, and He tells it and it happens, and tells it and it happens, and tells, it happens, and it never fails, it's God for the day. Oh, feasting on these Heavenly promises of His promised Word for this age, oh, knowing, with an absolute assurance of faith, that there is coming a new heavens and a new earth. Amen. "A new heaven and a new earth, for this first heaven and first earth will pass away." But in this new heaven and new earth, Paul said over here in the Book of Hebrews, the twenty-... 14:25, he said, "For we receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved." How did we get into it? Not by a religious system; but, a Kingdom of God is within you. The Kingdom! The King and His Word is the same, and It's within you, vindicating the hour that we're now living in. The promise that God made for this age, here we are, living with the King, sitting in Heavenly places, watching Him doing these things.
173 And how can we turn from that Word, to some system? What does it do? It denies the Word. You have to receive to reject Truth, before you can have an error. That is exactly right. Do you believe that?
91 Now, we find that the--the wise man, the wise man of the Old, followed the God-given substance. They followed the Word of God, to the Light, because it was the Word that brought Life. Now you say, "How did they follow?" Well, they were, kinda, magis, we understand.
92 And then we find out that Balaam, the prophet, back in Numbers 24:17, Balaam was kind of a magi himself. He was a prophet, truly, and he prophesied here and said a Star would rise out of Jacob.
And when these wise men saw that the Word of God said a Star would rise out of Jacob, they followed that little God-given token to the source of Eternal Light.
So will wise man today, who is not blinded by creeds, will follow the God-given, spoken Word till they see the fullness of the Power of God blooming forth in this hour. They, they see it, and they know that it's here in the Scripture. God promised it for this day.
93 No matter how many observatories, how many other things, told the wise man, "Why, you're out of your mind!" Two years they was in travel. They passed by many nations, and they would say, "Where you going?"
94 "Oh, we have seen His Star in the East, and we come to worship Him."
And when they lined up in Jerusalem, the denominational headquarters, they didn't have the answer. They went up-and-down the streets, crying, "Where is He, born King of the Jews?" They knowed nothing about it.
So, they called on the Word, to find out. They had followed, knowed that Star was leading them to the Eternal Light. "Guide us to Thy perfect Light." And the Word is what guides you to the Light, and the Light is what makes the Word vindicated. Notice, they were wise man.
95 And wise man today, not wi-... "The wisdom of this world is foolishness to God." All your scientists, and you people who are depending on some great scholarship, or something another, telling you how to split a atom; it can't give you Life. There is nothing can give you Life but the spoken Word of God. It's the only where that Life can come, is through His spoken Word.
96 And that's all right, to know how to split a atom. I wish they'd a-never found it out. But if they... They have to do it, because this world is hanging today... It had to happen, to burst these big holes in the earth, to let that lava come forth and rejuvenate this world again, to make a new earth; where the righteous will walk out upon the dust of the wicked, where sin will be forgotten. Everything has a way of renewing itself. And man, who was given to live on this earth, by his own wisdom, taking the tree of knowledge instead of the tree of life, he'll destroy the earth that God give him to live on. But those who are still on the Tree of Life, shall come to a new heavens and a new earth, where there is no sickness or death. Light! Light, Lord, send us Light.
282 Notice now, in closing, the ministry like the seventh angel. The two witnesses, under a Seven Trumpet, just before... or, the Sixth Trumpet, just before the Seventh Trumpet fin-...
283 Now, remember, and I told you I'd bring back this, "Great Trumpet." He said, what would He do, over here in Isaiah? He said, at... "The Great Trumpet would sound. The Great Trumpet!" Not Trumpets now, Feast of Trumpets; there is two of them, Moses and Elias, to call the Trumpet. But, under "the Great Trumpet," the Coming of the Lord, to announce Joseph returning, see, that all nations would assemble at Jerusalem. Amen. You find that in the Book of Isaiah. I just give it to you, a while ago, one of those chapter we read; that's in Isaiah 18:1 and 3. And in Isaiah 27:12 and 13, is where He sounds that "Trumpet," and all of the nations will recognize Israel in her homeland, God with her.
284 Then the Bride will come to be with the Bridegroom, and the Bridegroom with the Bride; and then the great Millennium, after the whole world is destroyed by atomic power. And there will be "a new heavens and new earth," shall live forever.
285 Look, right under... Now notice, the ministry of Moses and Elijah will... Now, everybody get it? Let me say it again. The ministry of Moses and Elijah, between the Sixth and Seventh Trumpet, will be two prophets that will... they... Israel always believe their prophets.