31/8/2015Wood Sandpiper 2,Ruff 5,Black-tailed Godwit 8Montgrew Melvin Morrison
31/8/2015(19:00-20:00)Arctic Skua 4,Great Skua 1,Manx Shearwater 7,Fulmar 262,Gannet 200, Kittiwake 849,Common Tern 12,Sandwich Tern 10 past Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
31/8/2015Whimbrel 1,Knot 9,Pintail 1Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
31/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 5,Redshank 390,Knot 282 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
31/8/2015Wheatear 3Lossiemouth north pier Gordon Biggs
Wheatear on Lossiemouth pier, 31 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
31/8/2015Sanderling 10,Oystercatcher 32,Ringed Plover 4Burghead beach Bob Johnson
31/8/2015 Greenshank 4,Redshank 70+,Lapwing 56,Greylag Goose 69,Wigeon 119+, Teal 40+,Goosander 4,Common Tern 8,Peregrine 1,Osprey 3 Findhorn Bay Mike Crutch
31/8/2015Barn Owl 1 (dead on road) c.1 mile west of Alves Karen Guthrie
31/8/2015Barn Owl 1 (dead on road)Forres (Findhorn Bridge) Ian Bailey
31/8/2015 Peregrine 1 (flew out over Firth),Sparrowhawk 1 (circled point and flew south)Burghead Tony Backx
30/8/2015Turnstone 26,Sandwich Tern 8 (flew past) Nairn harbour Seamus McArdle
Turnstones at Nairn harbour, 30 August 2015 (Seamus McArdle)
30/8/2015 (18:00)Ruff 4,Black-tailed Godwit14Montgrew pool Melvin Morrison
30/8/2015 Stonechat 4Tomnamoon (NJ0449) Mike Crutch
Juvenile Stonechat, Tomnamoon 30 August 2015 (Mike Crutch)
30/8/2015Ringed Plover 27,Sanderling 3Burghead west beach (NJ1167) Mike Crutch
30/8/2015 (09:00)Ruff 14,Black-tailed Godwit 12Montgrew pool (NJ4551) Martin Cook
30/8/2015Little Stint 4,Whimbrel 5,Black-tailed Godwit 6 Spey estuary Martin Cook
29/8/2015Wood Sandpiper 2,Ruff 2,Black-tailed Godwit 14,Snipe 7Montgrew pool (NJ4551) Melvin Morrison
29/8/2015Mediterranean Gull 1(moulting to adult),Greenshank 2,Whimbrel 1,Common Sandpiper 1Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson, David Main
Greenshank, Lossie estuary 29 August 2015 (David Main)
29/8/2015Ruff 6Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Duncan Gibson
29/8/2015Peregrine 1Clochan Martin Cook
29/8/2015Wood Sandpiper 1,Ruff 2,Black-tailed Godwit 10Montgrew pool (NJ4551) Martin Cook
29/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 6,Teal 34 Spey estuary Martin Cook
29/8/2015Knot 1Burghead Gordon Biggs
Knot at Burghead, 29 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
29/8/2015Stonechat 1Burghead (just east) Geoff & Debbie Smith
28/8/2015Short-eared Owl 1Cabrach Gordon Biggs
Short-eared Owl, Cabrach 28 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
28/8/2015Wheatear 4Burghead Bob Johnson
28/8/2015Mistle Thrush 52,crossbill sp. 17,Stonechat 4Tomnamoon (NJ0449) Mike Crutch
27/8/2015Sandwich Tern c.40,Common/Arctic Tern 36,Ruff 1,Bar-tailed Godwit 23,Black-tailed Godwit 7Kingsteps/Nairn Bar Alan Macaskill
27/8/2015Knot 4Burghead Bob Johnson
27/8/2015Swift 3,Little Grebe 9 Loch Flemington Alan MacAskill
27/8/2015Mediterranean Gull 1 moulting to adult winter,Greenshank 3,Ruff 1,Common Sandpiper 1Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson, Henry Farquhar
Mediterranean Gull, Lossie estuary 27 August 2015 (Duncan Gibson)
27/8/2015Kittiwake 500+ off Burghead Tony Backx
27/8/2015Peregrine 1 juvenileTomnamoon (NJ0449) Mike Crutch
27/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 18,Little Stint 3Montgrew pool (NJ4551) Gordon Biggs
Black-tailed Godwits and Little Stints, Montgrew 27 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
27/8/2015Sandwich Tern 63,Common Tern 52,Whimbrel 1,Bar-tailed Godwit 1 Findhorn beach Richard Somers Cocks
Bar-tailed Godwit [left] and Whimbrel, Findhorn beach 27 August 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
27/8/2015Shoveler 1 male (eclipse),Wigeon 2,Teal 1,Goosander 27Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
27/8/2015Common Sandpiper 1Hopeman pig farm Duncan Gibson
27/8/2015Ruff 2Balormie pig farm Duncan Gibson
27/8/2015Stock Dove 2 Elgin (west end) David Main
Stock Doves in an Elgin garden, August 2015 (David Main)
26/8/2015Green Sandpiper 1,Greenshank 6,Common Sandpiper 4 upriver Lossie estuary Henry Farquhar
26/8/2015Canada Goose 87 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Mike Crutch
26/8/2015Arctic Skua 3,Wigeon 6,Fulmar 33,Kittiwake 532,Gannet 47 passed Lossiemouth (18:18-19:18) Bob Proctor
26/8/2015Siskin 70+Craigroy (NJ0451) Mike Crutch
26/8/2015Common Scoter 15,Velvet Scoter 3 off Findhorn beach Richard Somers Cocks
26/8/2015Ruff 1,Knot 63,Dunlin 53,Sandwich Tern 45,Common Tern 48 Findhorn beach Richard Somers Cocks
26/8/2015Canada Goose 84Cothall, Alves (NJ1160) Bob Proctor
26/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 2,Shelduck 1 Hatton pig farm Allan Lawrence
26/8/2015Canada Goose c.70 flew into Findhorn Bay Allan Lawrence
25/8/2015Whimbrel 1(east) over Lossiemouth Bob Proctor
25/8/2015Greenshank 2Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
25/8/2015Little Stint 1,Black-tailed Godwit 4,Sanderling 12,Knot 325,Dunlin 740,Redshank 361 FindhornBay Gordon McMullins
25/8/2015Little Stint 5,Black-tailed Godwit 3,Ruff 1,Common Sandpiper 1Montgrew pool (NJ4551)Gordon Biggs, David Main
Little Stints and Lapwings, Montgrew 25 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
25/8/2015Little Stint 2 Spey estuary per Birdguides
25/8/2015Little Stint 1,Whimbrel 1,Black-tailed Godwit 12, Common Sandpiper 1 Spey estuary Dave Pierce
25/8/2015Common Sandpiper 1Hopeman pig farm
24/8/2015Common Sandpiper 7 Loch Spynie Roy Dennis
24/8/2015Goosander 16Lossie estuary Roy Dennis
24/8/2015Stonechat 1Burghead Roy Dennis
24/8/2015GreatSkua 2,Manx Shearwater 1,Black Guillemot 1,Red-throated Diver 1,Fulmar 42,Gannet 85,Kittiwake 112 passed Lossiemouth (18:35-19:35) Bob Proctor
24/8/2015Green Sandpiper 1,Black-tailed Godwit 6,Ruff 6,Dunlin 2 early afternoon Hatton (Kinloss) Allan Lawrence
24/8/2015Greenshank 1,Common Sandpiper 2,Goosander 22,Wigeon 2Lossie estuary David Main
24/8/2015Ruff 4,Swift 3Balormie pig farm David Main
23/8/2015Greenshank 4Lossie estuary Henry Farquhar
23/8/2015Gannet 101,Fulmar 8,Kittiwake 293,Black Guillemot 3 passed Lossiemouth (18:00-19:00) Bob Proctor
23/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 7,Bar-tailed Godwit 2,Knot 227 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
23/8/2015Ruff 3Balormie pig farm Gordon Biggs
Ruff, Balormie pig farm 23 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
23/8/2015Puffin 1,Fulmar 246,Gannet 192,Kittiwake 87,Whimbrel 3,Common Scoter 15,Sandwich Tern 19 passed Lossiemouth (08:30-09:00) Bob Proctor
23/8/2015Ruff 6(early morning) Dyke, Forres Allan Lawrence
23/8/2015Swift 3Forres Karen Guthrie
23/8/2015Dotterel 2BeinnBhuidheBheag (NH791424) Stuart Benn
22/8/2015Grey Wagtail 2,Moorhen 1Mosset Burn (Findhorn Bay) Richard Somers Cocks
22/8/2015 Kingfisher 1,Greenshank 6,Little Grebe 1,Goldeneye 1 Findhorn Bay (SW corner: NJ0362) Richard Somers Cocks
22/8/2015Ruff3 Dyke, Forres David & Carol Shaw
22/8/2015Jay 1 Loch Spynie M Caton
Jay at Loch Spynie, 22 August 2015 (M. Caton)
22/8/2015Wood Sandpiper 3 Dyke pool per Birdguides
21/8/2015Greenshank 3Binsness (creek) Roy Dennis
21/8/2015Sanderling 210,Knot 243,Greenshank 2,Dunlin 135,RingedPlover 82 Findhorn Bay Roy Dennis
21/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 5,Knot 171,Ringed Plover 37,Mallard 214,Pintail 2,Wigeon 3 (eclipse),Dunlin 476,Oystercatcher 420,Curlew 430 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
21/8/2015Ruff3,GreylagGoose c.80(on pool) Dyke, Forres David & Carol Shaw
21/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 2,Bar-tailed Godwit 1,Ruff 1,Greenshank 1Lossie estuary (evening) Henry Farquhar
21/8/2015Wood Sandpiper 2,Green Sandpiper 2,Little Stint 1,Ruff 1,Lapwing 39Montgrew pool (NJ4551) Melvin Morrison
21/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 9,Wood Sandpiper 1,Little Stint 1,Ruff 6Montgrew pool (NJ4551) Gordon Biggs
Black-tailed Godwits, Ruff [centre] and Wood Sandpiper, Montgrew 21 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
21/8/2015Mistle Thrush 61Tomnamoon (NJ0449) Mike Crutch
21/8/2015Swift 5 (south),Whimbrel 1Lossie estuary David Main
21/8/2015Greenshank 3,LittleGrebe 3,CommonSandpiper 1Binsness (river) Mike Crutch
21/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 1,Dunlin 655,Knot 58 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
21/8/2015Bar-tailed Godwit 2,Knot 3,Arctic Skua 1 Findhorn (beach) Richard Somers Cocks
Arctic Skua, Findhorn beach 21 August 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
21/8/2015Ruff 5,Black-tailed Godwit 2,Dunlin 2 Hatton pig farm Allan Lawrence
21/8/2015Wood Sandpiper 1,Green Sandpiper 2,Little Stint 1,Ruff 6,Black-tailed Godwit 9,Common Sandpiper 1,Snipe 1,Lapwing 30Montgrew pool (NJ4551) Dave Pierce
21/8/2015Ruff 3Lossie estuary Dave Pierce
21/8/2015Wood Sandpiper 3 Dyke pool per Birdguides
20/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 5,Knot 72,Pintail 1,Mallard 232,Wigeon 3 (ecplise),Peregrine 1 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
20/8/2015Wood Sandpiper 1, Ruff 4,Black-tailed Godwit 8,Lapwing 33Montgrew pool (NJ4551) Melvin Morrison
20/8/2015GoldenPlover 26McHattie's Cairn Melvin Morrison
20/8/2015Ruff 5,Dunlin 3 Hatton (Kinloss) Allan Lawrence
20/8/2015Red Kite 1 Broom of Moy Ian Bailey
20/8/2015Kingfisher 1 Elgin (River Lossie oppositeMansion House Hotel) Mark Whitton
20/8/2015Dotterel 1 Cairn Gorm Gordon Biggs
Dotterel on Cairn Gorm, 20 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
19/8/2015Kittiwake 234 Findhorn (beach) Richard Somers Cocks
19/8/2015Ruff 1,Knot 50 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
19/8/2015Ruff 2,Peregrine 1Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson,Henry Farquhar
19/8/2015Green Sandpiper 1,Little Stint 1,Black-tailed Godwit 8Montgrew pool (NJ4551) Melvin Morrison
19/8/2015Stonechat 6 (2 adults, 4 juveniles)Lossie estuary David Main
19/8/2015Green Sandpiper 1,Wood Sandpiper 1,Little Stint 1,Black-tailed Godwit 9,Lapwing 42Montgrew pool (NJ4551)(morning) Tony Backx
19/8/2015Peregrine 1 Hugo Hallershannon
19/8/2015Common Sandpiper 1 Loch Spynie Hugo Hallershannon
18/8/2015Goosander 38,Knot 8Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
18/8/2015Manx Shearwater 1,Arctic Skua 1,Great Skua 1,Black Guillemot 2,Fulmar 101,Gannet 134 passed Lossiemouth (18:30-19:30) Bob Proctor
18/8/2015Knot 28 (flew upriver),Sandwich Tern 18,Stonechat 4 (juveniles)Lossie estuary David Main
Knot, Lossie estuary 18 August 2015 (DavidMain)
18/8/2015Goosander 9Lossie estuary Gordon Biggs
18/8/2015Pink-footed Goose 1,Knot 4Burghead Gordon Biggs
18/8/2015Wood Sandpiper 1,Green Sandpiper 1,Ruff 2,Lapwing 41Montgrew pool (NJ4551) Melvin Morrison
18/8/2015Greylag Goose c.250 flew west Colddach quarry Charlie Gervaise
18/8/2015Knot 6Lossie estuary Charlie Gervaise
17/8/2015Common Tern 130,Arctic Tern 23 Findhorn (beach) Richard Somers Cocks
17/8/2015Curlew Sandpiper 2Hopeman pig farm Allan Lawrence
17/8/2015Little Stint 1,Wood Sandpiper 1,Black-tailed Godwit 13,Lapwing 42Montgrew pool (NJ4551)Melvin Morrison
Wood Sandpiper [rear, centre], Montgrew 17 August 2015 (Melvin Morrison)
17/8/2015Green Sandpiper 1,Common Sandpiper 2,Greenshank 6, Little Grebe 6Binsness Andy Smith
17/8/2015Bar-tailed Godwit 4Lossie estuary Gordon Biggs
17/8/2015Ruff 1,Dunlin 2Hopeman pig farm Gordon Biggs
17/8/2015Bar-tailed Godwit 1,Osprey 2,Ringed Plover 23Lossie estuary David Main
16/8/2015Sanderling 46,RingedPlover 42,Goosander 5Lossiemouth (east beach) Margaret Sharpe
16/8/2015Kingfisher 1Mosset Burn (NJ0461) Gordon McMullins
16/8/2015Greenshank 6 Findhorn Bay (NJ0261) Gordon McMullins
16/8/2015Whimbrel 1,Knot 2 Bob Proctor, Duncan Gibson
16/8/2015WhiteWagtail 3Hopeman pig farm Bob Proctor
16/8/2015Jay 3 Loch Spynie Gordon Biggs
16/8/2015Ruff 23,Dunlin 2Hopeman pig farm (late afternoon) Bob Proctor, Charlie Gervaise, Henry Farquhar
Ruff at Hopeman pig farm, 16 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
16/8/2015Ruff 19,Dunlin 2Hopeman pig farm Duncan Gibson
16/8/2015Black Guillemot 9,Common Scoter 3,Eider 24,Sanderling 5,Turnstone 6 Hilton of Delnies Graeme Prest
15/8/2015Sanderling 105,Ringed Plover 42,Arctic Skua 1Lossiemouth (east beach) Margaret Sharpe
15/8/2015GreyPartridge 2,BarnOwl 1,TreePipit 1 Grange Green (Forres) Andy Smith
15/8/2015Short-eared Owl 1,Whimbrel 1,Greenshank 3,Swift 1 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Andy Smith
15/8/2015Velvet Scoter 1 male flew past Lossiemouth Gordon Biggs
15/8/2015Whimbrel 1,Greenshank 2,Bar-tailed Godwit 1,Dunlin 37,Sandwich Tern 15Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson,Charlie Gervaise,Bob Proctor
15/8/2015Glaucous Gull 1 (first-summer),Dunlin 1Hopeman pig farm Duncan Gibson
15/8/2015Dunlin 31,RingedPlover 26,Knot 4,Teal 1Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
15/8/2015Grey Plover 1,Bar-tailed Godwit 1,Goosander 28,Ringed Plover 33Lossie estuary David Main
Grey Plover, Lossie estuary 15 August 2015 (David Main)
15/8/2015Glaucous Gull 1 (1st summer)Hopeman pig farm per Birdguides
14/8/2015Mandarin 1 eclipse male Loch Spynie Gordon Biggs
Mandarin on Loch Spynie, 14 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
14/8/2015Arctic Skua 1 (chasing Kittiwake)Burghead David Main
14/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 16,Snipe 2,Common Sandpiper 1Montgrew pool Melvin Morrison
14/8/2015Coot 1Lossiemouth west beach Mark Whitton
13/8/2015RingedPlover 42Lossie estuaryJ.Hendrie
13/8/2015Greenshank 1,Knot 4,CommonSandpiper 2Lossie estuary Henry Farquhar
13/8/2015Grey Plover 1,Ringed Plover 15,Sanderling 1Lossie estuary Tony Backx, Charlie Gervaise
Grey Plover, Lossie estuary 13 August 2015 (Tony Backx)
13/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 13,Lapwing 13,Snipe 2Montgrew pool (NJ4551) Melvin Morrison
13/8/2015Greenshank 1 Cullen beach Robert McFarlane
12/8/2015Stonechat 2 adult, 2 juvenilesTomnamoon (NJ0449) Mike Crutch
12/8/2015Ptarmigan 2 Ben Rinnes Thomas Main
Ptarmigan on Ben Rinnes, 12 August 2015 (Thomas Main)
11/8/2015Sanderling 20,Dunlin 60,Ringed Plover 12 Findhorn beach Geoff & Debbie Smith
11/8/2015Ruff 2Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
11/8/2015Great Skua 2,Manx Shearwater 1,Kittiwake 507,Gannet 94,Sandwich Tern 21,Fulmar 14,Black Guillemot 4 passed Lossiemouth (19:00-20:00) Bob Proctor
11/8/2015Whimbrel 1,Snipe 1,Lapwing 10Montgrew pool Melvin Morrison
11/8/2015Oystercatcher 114 passed Portknockie Lenny Simpson
11/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 6,Common Sandpiper 1,Knot 4,Goosander 28Lossie estuary David Main
Black-tailed Godwit, Lossie estuary 11 August 2015 (David Main)
11/8/2015Sanderling 46 (west beach),Sanderling 60 (east beach)Lossiemouth Margaret Sharpe
11/8/2015Ruff 2,Dunlin 548,Redshank 352,Whimbrel 1,Black-tailed Godwit 5 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
11/8/2015Merlin 1,Sanderling 23,Knot 10,Black-tailed Godwit 10, Whimbrel 2 Findhorn Bay (east side) Andy Smith
11/8/2015Green Sandpiper 1,Black-tailed Godwit 4,Common Sandpiper 1Montgrew pool (NJ4551) Melvin Morrison
10/8/2015Swift 6Binsness (Findhorn Bay) Andy Smith
10/8/2015Sanderling 23,Turnstone 5,Great Skua 1,Red-throated Diver 5Burghead (off headland) David & Carol Shaw
10/8/2015Stonechat 4Hopeman Alison Ritchie
Stonechat at Hopeman, 10 August 2015 (Alison Ritchie)
10/8/2015Long-tailed Duck 1Cummingston Alison Ritchie
Long-tailed Duck on rocks at Cummingston, 10 August 2015 (Alison Ritchie)
10/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 7,Redshank 287,Dunlin 232, Knot 13,Sanderling 9 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
10/8/2015Lapwing c.150Miltonhill David Law
10/8/2015Wheatear 1Netherton (Findhorn Bay) David Law
10/8/2015Whimbrel 1,Ringed Plover 31 Spey estuary Martin Cook
10/8/2015Common Sandpiper 1Lossie estuary Gordon Biggs
Common Sandpiper on the Lossie estuary, 10 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
10/8/2015Sanderling 45,Pink-footed Goose 1Burghead Gordon Biggs
Sanderling flock at Burghead, 10 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
9/8/2015 (23:00-02:45)Storm Petrel 10 trapped for ringingPortknockie Alastair Young, Lenny Simpson
9/8/2015Ringed Plover 2 (probably 5) Cairn Gorm (near summit) Pete Gordon
9/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 7 Findhorn Bay (south end) Gordon McMullins
Black-tailed Godwits in Findhorn Bay, 9 August 2015 (Gordon McMullins)
9/8/2015Sanderling 36 (adults)Lossiemouth east beach Margaret Sharpe
9/8/2015Grasshopper Warbler 1 singingMulben (near Glen Tauchers Distillery) David Law
9/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 1Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
9/8/2015 (0640-0710)Kittiwake 151,Gannet 34,Black Guillemot 1 past Lossiemouth in 30 minutes Bob Proctor
8/8/2015 (late morning)Kingfisher 1 flew upstreamLossie estuary Duncan Gibson
8/8/2015Tree Pipit 1 over Grangegreen (Forres) Andy Smith
8/8/2015Mistle Thrush 30Muirtown (Kintessack NH9959) Andy Smith
7/8/2015 (23:00-02:30)Storm Petrel 6 trapped for ringingPortknockie Alastair Young et al.
Storm Petrel at Portknockie, 7 August 2015 (David Main)
7/8/2015Greenshank 6 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Andy Smith
7/8/2015Tree Sparrow 12Seafield (Findhorn Bay NJ0361) Andy Smith
7/8/2015Stonechat 2,crossbill sp. 14Tomnamoon Mike Crutch
7/8/2015Bar-tailed Godwit 1Lossie estuary David & Carol Shaw
7/8/2015Ruff 2Lossie estuary Gordon Biggs
Ruff on the Lossie estuary, 7 August 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
7/8/2015Woodcock 1Culbin Forest (on road to Cloddymoss) David Law
7/8/2015 (15:00)Ringed Plover 39 Spey estuary Martin Cook
7/8/2015 (10:30-11:00)Grey Plover 1,Greenshank 1,Bar-tailed Godwit 1,Dunlin 52,Common Sandpiper 8 Spey estuary Martin Cook
Grey Plover [left] and Bar-tailed Godwit, Spey estuary 7 August 2015 (Martin Cook)
6/8/2015Siskin 55+, crossbill sp. c.20Darnaway (NH9851) Mike Crutch, Andy Smith
6/8/2015 (19:00)Whimbrel 5 Spey estuary Jimmy Mair
6/8/2015 (evening)Peregrine 1Lossie estuary David Main
Peregrine carrying prey (a Knot), Lossie estuary 6 August 2015 (David Main)
6/8/2015Long-tailed Duck 1 (female),Common Scoter 6 off Burghead Bob Johnson
6/8/2015Whimbrel 2,Ruff 1,Wheatear 1Lossie estuary David Main
Ruff and Wheatear, Lossie estuary 6 August 2015 (David Main)
6/8/2015Swift 30 (briefly overhead),Ptarmigan 1,Golden Plover 1,Stonechat 2 Ben Rinnes Martin Cook
5/8/2015Sanderling 62 (adults),Ringed Plover 29,Dunlin 6,Sandwich Tern 4Lossiemouth east beach Margaret Sharpe
5/8/2015 (evening)Mediterranean Gull 1 (2nd summer)Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson
5/8/2015(afternoon)Whimbrel 12 Spey estuary Keith Paterson
5/8/2015 (morning)Great Skua 1 (flew east),Lapwing 121,Curlew 120+,Dunlin 47,Sanderling 1,Common Tern 21,Sandwich Tern 7,Goosander 56,Teal 25,Goldeneye 1 Spey estuary Martin Cook
5/8/2015Common Sandpiper 2Montgrew (NJ4542) Martin Cook
5/8/2015Merlin 1 (male)Tomnamoon (NJ0449) Mike Crutch
5/8/2015 (06:00)Kingfisher 1Tugnet Jimmy Mair
4/8/2015Sandwich Tern 120 Findhorn beach Richard Somers Cocks
4/8/2015Lesser Redpoll c.100Muldearie Melvin Morrison
4/8/2015Greenshank 2,Whimbrel 1,Common Sandpiper 2Lossie estuary Henry Farquhar
4/8/2015Hobby 1 probable Nether Dallachy (near Spey Bay Salvage) Lenny Simpson, Jimmy Mair
4/8/2015Grey Plover 1,Knot 22 (flew over),Stonechat 3Lossie estuary David Main
Stonechat at the Lossie estuary, 4 August 2015 (David Main)
4/8/2015Mistle Thrush 32Scarffbanks (Loch Spynie) Lenny Simpson
4/8/2015Kingfisher 1 Loch Spynie Lenny Simpson
Kingfisher at Loch Spynie, 4 August 2015 (Lenny Simpson)
4/8/2015Greenshank 2 Spey estuary Lenny Simpson
4/8/2015Whimbrel 1,Greenshank 1,Sanderling 3Lossie estuary Lenny Simpson
3/8/2015Common Sandpiper 3Lossie estuary Henry Farquhar
3/8/2015 (19:30)Whimbrel 7 Spey Bay (flew east) Mike Collins
3/8/2015Lapwing c.150 Spey estuary Mike Collins
3/8/2015Greenshank 7 Findhorn Bay (in old River Findhorn channel NJ0261) Gordon McMullins
3/8/2015Black-tailed Godwit 2,Knot 34, Dunlin 33 Findhorn Bay (south end NJ0462) Gordon McMullins
3/8/2015Great Skua 1Burghead David & Carol Shaw
3/8/2015 Sandwich Tern 10 (offshore),Lapwing c.150 Spey estuary Martin & Jenny Cook
3/8/2015Arctic Skua 1Burghead (flew west) Tony Backx
3/8/2015Ruff 1,Dunlin 25,Common Sandpiper 4 Spey estuary Jimmy Mair
3/8/2015Whimbrel 2 (flew east),Turnstone 2Burghead Geoff & Debbie Smith
2/8/2015Marsh Harrier 1 Findhorn Bay (south end) Kate & Seamus McArdle
2/8/2015Dunlin 46,Knot 6,Bar-tailed Godwit 25 Nairn Bar Andy Smith
2/8/2015Ptarmigan 8 Ben Avon David Law
2/8/2015Goosander 184,Red-breasted Merganser 1,Lapwing 105,Sandwich Tern 7 Spey estuary Martin Cook
1/8/2015Greylag Goose 116 Findhorn Bay Roy Dennis
1/8/2015Green Sandpiper 1,Greenshank 1 Findhorn Bay (Netherton pool NJ038617) Roy Dennis
1/8/2015Marsh Harrier 1 Findhorn Bay (southern saltmarsh) per Roy Dennis
1/8/2015Mediterranean Gull 1 (2nd summer)Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson
1/8/2015Linnet260+Darkland David Law
1/8/2015Turnstone 11Burghead Geoff & Debbie Smith
1/8/2015Pink-footed Goose 1Burghead harbour Richard Pegler
31/8/2015Wood Sandpiper 2,Ruff 5,Black-Tailed Godwit 8Montgrew Melvin Morrison
![31/8/2015Wood Sandpiper 2,Ruff 5,Black-Tailed Godwit 8Montgrew Melvin Morrison](http://data.docsbay.net/img/e8a5109c27b791992f7b56238188f3a5-1.webp)