Minutes of Celbridge Area Committee held at 2.30 p.m. on Friday, 10th September, 1999 in the Committee Room, St. Mary’s, Naas

Members Present: Councillor E. Stagg, Cathaoirleach

Councillors G. Conway and K. Walsh

Officials Present:Mr. T. Skehan, Acting Assistant County Manager

Mr. A. C. Talbot, Acting County Secretary

Mr. B. Swan, Senior Executive Architect

Ms. A. Crofton, Temporary Project Architect

Mr. C. O’Sullivan, Senior Executive Engineer

Mr. D. O’Connor, Senior Executive Engineer

Mr. D. Page, Senior Executive Engineer

Ms. E. Murray, Area Engineer

Mr. D. Brennan, A/Administrative Officer

Ms. A. Aspell, Acting Staff Officer

Ms. B. Houlihan, Assistant Staff Officer

CE1/999 Minutes

The minutes of the Celbridge Area Committee held on 23rd July, 1999 were adopted by the committee subject to the following amendments;.

Minute No.CE10/799 – Item b – should be replaced with the following “ Provision of pedestrian refuge between Barberstown Cross and the realigned section by removing the bank.”

Item c – speed limit should read “40mph” instead of 50mph. Councillor Stagg stated that a 40mph speed limit would be more appropriate. He asked when the Traffic Technical Committee will be meeting again. The Acting County Secretary stated that meetings were held once a year. The next meeting will be sometime next year. Councillor Conway stated that she understood from the last meeting that speed limit would be put in place when roadworks are being carried out.

Mr. C. O’Sullivan stated that he will consult with the Gardai on the matter.

Item g – Delete the word “unanimously” at end of section.

Minute no. CE13/799 Supplementary Motion – Councillor Walsh- “Is there any possibility that speed limits be extended further out the Hazelhatch Road past the GAA Complex and Tennis Club” – The Acting County Secretary indicated that this and other matters relating to speed limits would be put forward to the next Traffic Technical Committee meeting.

Minute no. CE15/799 Supplementary Motion – Councillor G. Conway “Would the Manager give a report to the committee on all income received in development levies and other sources and outline where and on what this was spent.”

Councillor Conway enquired when this will happen. Mr. T. Skehan, Acting Assistant County Manager stated that this report is being compiled at present.

It was

Agreed: To seek a report for the next meeting and that this motion would be left on the agenda for the next meeting of the committee.

CE2/999 Celbridge Traffic Management Plan

Councillor Stagg asked when the provision of traffic lights would be implemented and on whose authority was it stopped? He said that it had been agreed by the previous area councillors and was part of the Ove Arup Report.

The Acting County Secretary stated that there were objections to the proposed traffic lights from Celbridge Chamber of Commerce. He stated that at the time, it was though better to defuse the situation by stopping the process for a period. He stated that there are other proposals being looked into regarding parking and traffic management.

Mr. C. O’Sullivan explained that it was agreed to suspend the erection of the lights. He advised the contractor to complete the ground works and to order the lights. He stated that the DTO will withdraw their funding if the project does not go ahead.

Councillor Conway stated that the general feeling in Celbridge was for the provision of a ring road and roundabouts and a link to the motorway.

Councillor Stagg stated that there was an outcry in Celbridge because shopkeepers were successful in stopping the Council from doing their work.

Councillor Walsh stated that when the ring road is opened and carparking is provided then the traffic signals should be erected.

Councillor Stagg stated that roundabouts were dangerous to pedestrians and cyclists and that traffic signals would be a better solution for people to move freely.

C. O’Sullivan informed the committee that the only correspondence he had received in regard to the installation of traffic lights was from the Chamber of Commerce and a member of the general public. He stated that the County Engineer was hopeful of securing land for the ring road without a CPO. However, if a CPO has to be prepared, it may take up to three years to complete this work.

Councillor Conway enquired about the timescale and was informed that it would take up to 18 months if a CPO is required and if the matter went to an oral hearing, the building of the road could take a further 18 months.

C. O’Sullivan, stated that roundabouts were examined on the basis of traffic flows. Roundabouts will not be possible in the area concerned and the DTO will not provide funding because of the dangers to pedestrians and cyclists.

Councillor Stagg stated that his main concern was the restriction of carparking. He stated that to successfully proceed with the project, off-street carparking should be provided. He stated that he wished to urge the Council to do both carparking and traffic lights at the one time.

C. O’Sullivan stated that he wished to clarify the matter in that he met with the Chamber of Commerce. He discussed their proposals and submitted a report to the County Engineer/County Manager.

The committee

Agreed: To proceed with negotiations for off-street carparking and the issue of lights will be discussed at the next meeting of the committee.

CE3/999 Planning Files

99/717 Mountbrook Limited – Walkway from St. Raphael’s Manor to the School

Ms. A. Aspell, Acting Staff Officer stated that a decision was due on this application - 29th September, 1999. She stated that the Council were awaiting a RD report. She also stated that the railing was erected and the footpath will be put in. She stated that a favourable decision was likely at the moment.

99/984 Capstan Limited – development of three dwellings at Abbey Farm, Celbridge

Ms. A. Aspell, Acting Staff Officer stated that two other applications on the site had been refused. Further information was requested from the applicants on 13th August, 1999. No reply has been received as yet. Councillor Stagg stated that the committee were in agreement with the objectors.

CE4/999 Public Lighting Allocations 1999

Councillor Stagg explained that there was £1,000 for allocation. A discussion took place in regard to various locations.

The committee

Agreed: to the erection of one light on the Straffan end of the triangle at Ardclough and also to get costings from the ESB for the provision of public lighting from Killeenlea to the new school and that this matter would be discussed at the next meeting.

CE5/999 Parking Bye-Laws in Kildare

The Acting County Secretary stated that this item was listed for all the electoral areas. He informed the members that if they wished they could submit their submissions for Celbridge. It was

Agreed: That the matter could be reviewed under the public consultation process.

CE6/999 Year 2000 Problem – The Millennium Bug

Documentation was circulated to the committee concerning this matter. The report indicated that satisfactory progress was being made in preparation for dealing with the Year 2000 Problem. It was

Agreed: To keep the members updated in this matter.

CE7/999 Ardclough Village Improvement Study

Ms. Grainne Mallon of CAAS (Environmental Services Limited) was introduced to the meeting by the Acting Assistant County Manager and she presented her proposals to the members.

She stated that her task was to examine a number of villages in the county, to meet with local people and to see what their problems are. She stated that she will look at villages from approach roads and what might be done to improve them. She said in relation to Ardclough that speed limit signs should be moved out a little and that a village name sign should be erected at the far side of the bridge. She stated that a footpath was needed at Wheatfield Housing Estate and that seating and telephone kiosk should be erected there.

Councillor Stagg requested that the toepath should be upgraded. He stated that Old Wheatfield (Wheatfield Cottages) would need to be included in the Ardclough Improvements as it used to be part of Ardclough. Councillor Conway stated that Boston Hill over the bridge needs to be included as it is the core of the community and the aging profile of its residents is high. The committee also stated that the area is prone to flooding – the drain pipe is blocked.

Councillor Conway enquired about the effect an airport in Baldonnel would have on our rural village.

CAAS were asked to consider the committees views on the study.

The members asked if CAAS would come back to the committee with their final document. It was

Agreed: That CAAS would be asked to come back to the committee with their final proposal.

Councillor Stagg complimented the Council as they have carried out some good work in Ardclough to date and stated that he was very happy with the presentation made by CAAS.

The Acting Assistant County Manager thanked Ms. Mallon for presenting the study to the committee and she withdrew from the meeting.

CE8/999 Private Sites – Celbridge


Adjourned Motion – Councillors Stagg, Conway and Walsh

“That the Council prepare a landscaping plan and a land use plan for the remaining housing lands at Ballymakealy, Celbridge.”

D. Brennan, Acting Administrative Officer informed the committee that there were eight serviced sites and the sites were allocated in June and documentation to proceed will issue shortly.

A. Crofton, Temporary Project Architect indicated that materials will have to tone

in with the scheme and people will get a copy of the plan etc. She stated that each person and that each house must provide their own technical back-up - they will receive standard conditions detailing what the Council will provide.

B. Swan, Senior Executive Architect stated that to properly construct a house you need professional assistance, and persons will be informed accordingly.

B. Swan outlined the plans for the remaining housing lands at Ballymakealy, Celbridge. He stated that it would be proportioned 50/50 local authority and private dwellings with County Council housing surrounding the area.

A.Crofton, Temporary Project Architect indicated that a social mix was necessary.

Councillor Stagg stated that he was opposed to disposing of Council land for Government Scheme. A. Crofton stated that the County Manager was looking favourably at affordable housing rather than private sites.

Councillor Stagg that there were a lot of people who could not afford this scheme. He stated that the majority of people on the housing list are unemployed or single parent/family.

B. Swan, Senior Executive Architect stated that the Council are looking to get more land for future local authority housing.

Councillor Stagg asked if we secured a Government Scheme, can we build Council houses? B. Swan, Senior Executive Architect responded saying that the scheme will take a while to come into force and that other ideas could be pursued.

The members stated that the site was in a terrible mess, half-built houses etc. and enquired when a clean-up of the area would commence. A. Crofton stated that the 32 houses would be completed by the end of the Summer and then a tidy-up would commence for landscaping of the area.

B.Swan stated that a four year housing programme was starting shortly.

It was

Agreed: That a copy of the drawing would be sent to the members.

CE9/999 Housing Allocations for Celbridge

It was

Also Agreed: To arrange special meeting for these housing allocations on Monday 11th October, 1999 at 2.30 p.m.

CE10/999 Councillors Queries

(a)A report on the problems with sewage in the Ardclough area and resolution passed (Cllrs. Conway and Walsh)

A report was read to the meeting indicating that the operation of sewerage treatment units had been reviewed and that maintenance work had been carried out to filter units which should improve matters. Additional corrective measures to further improve the operation of the plant are being concluded with the contractor who originally constructed the unit.

Councillor Stagg asked what happened to the old sewerage scheme. D. Page, Senior Executive Engineer indicated that the two schemes were connected to service the area. The old plant had to be diverted into the new scheme. He stated that he did not think that the old sewerage scheme was causing the odour problem.

Councillor Stagg stated that the people in the estate thought that the odour was coming from the old scheme.

D. Page, Senior Executive Engineer informed the members that ponding on top of the puraflo system had caused the odour problem. D. Page undertook to check this matter out again.

It was

Agreed: That a report would be prepared and that this matter would remain on the agenda for the next meeting of the committee.

(b)Report on the low water pressure for the community of Ardclough and that this matter be addressed as soon as possible (Cllrs G. Conway and Walsh)

A report was read to the meeting indicating that this matter is being investigated. The reduced water pressure arises from limitations within the overall water supply network. Long-term solutions involving infrastructural development have been identified. A more immediate resolution may be achieved by the installation of booster pumps and this work is being discussed with contractors for completion by the end of October, 1999.

(c)A report on the odour of sewage in a number of properties in Thornhill Gardens and resolution of this problem put forward (Cllrs G. Conway and Walsh)

A report was read to the meeting indicating that this matter is being investigated. It was

Agreed: That a report would be prepared and this matter would remain on the agenda for the next meeting of the committee.

(d)The resolution of the continuous flooding inside Castletown Gates and outside the Church of Ireland (Cllr. G. Conway and Walsh)

A report was read to the meeting indicating that this housing estate is not in charge of Kildare County Council. Councillor Walsh stated that there was continuous flooding at this location. It was

Agreed: That the Council would write to Duchas to relieve the situation.

(e)Where do the Council propose to find the balance of the money required for the Village Renewal Scheme, since 350,000 is the current figure being specified. (Cllr. G. Conway and Walsh)

A report was read to the meeting indicating that a grant in the sum of £100,000 has been received from the Department of the Environment towards the Celbridge Village Renewal Scheme. There will also be a local contribution in respect of the Village Renewal Scheme, jointly funded by the local community and the local authority and funding will also be forthcoming from the DTO towards works in Celbridge.

A report was read to the meeting indicating that funding for this scheme in 1999 is being provided by the DTO under a traffic management scheme and by the Department of the Environment under the Village Renewal Scheme and Traffic Management System. The funding provided by the DTO (£250,000) is for the implementation of the short term recommendations of the Celbridge Traffic Study, primarily for junction improvements, regulation of carparking and improved facilities for public transport, cyclists and pedestrians. The funding provided by the Department of the Environment under the Urban and Village Renewal Scheme is £100,000. There will also be a local contribution in respect of the Village Renewal Scheme, jointly funded by the local community, and the local authority. This scheme expires at the end of this year and the funding will be lost if the works are not carried out. Subject to the completion of the Part X process and the approval of the Council, it is envisaged that all the available funding for 1999 will be expended on specific areas of the scheme. The continuation of the scheme will be dependent on the provision of funds and the Council will continue to seek funding from the DTO, although EU funding for the DTO is expected to decrease substantially from 2000.

The Acting County Secretary informed the committee that a special meeting would need to be arranged to discuss the Part X as the closing date is 5.00 p.m. on Friday, 24th September, 1999. It was

Agreed: To meet at 12.00 noon on Monday, 27th July, 1999 to discuss the Part X.

CE11/999 Adjourned Motion – Councillor Conway

“Would the Manager inform the meeting of Kildare County Council’s position for traffic calming measures for our towns, villages,schools and other areas of high risk to pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.”

A report was read to the meeting indicating that a report was prepared in 1995 in relation to this issue and this report sets out the criteria for the installation of traffic calming measures in residential areas and roads other than residential.