WHS Robotics Team Application
Last Name: ______
First Name: ______
Circle your Grade: 9th10th11th12th
Are you involved in sports/band/other after school activities?
If so, which one(s)?
I (print your name: ______) agree to do my best to make all of the practices and matches for the 2016-2017 season. I understand that my place on the team will be jeopardized if I miss too many practices, have academic issues (low grades), or am a discipline problem at school or at practice/match events.
Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature: ______
Practices/Matches and Attendance
The WMS Robotics Team is just like any other team (volleyball, football, etc.). In order to be successful, we need you to be at all practices and make it to all matches!
●Practices are from 3:10 pm (after school) until 6:00 pm every Wednesday at the middle school starting on September 14thth.
oCloser to a match dates we will need to also meet on Fridays after school until 5:00 pm.
●Matches are on Saturdays and will start in December. We meet at WMS at 6:30 am and will not return until 5:00 pm or later.
The cost to be part of the WMS Robotics club is $150.00. Instead of completing fundraisers, we fund the robotics club through this fee, grants, and donations. The fee/grants/donations take care of the following items for each team member:
- T-shirt
- Registration fee for your group’s robot.
- Registration fee for all 3 competitions (2 at Park Tudor and 1 at Zionsville).
- Bus fare to and from the competition
- Miscellaneous parts needed to build a successful robot
Number of people per team:
We currently have enough materials to build 3 robots. Each robot may have 4 people that will design, build, program, and drive the robot. We will be selecting 12 students based on the following criteria:
1. Grades (grades from last year as well as those from this year).
2. Discipline—you should not have any discipline issues from this year or last year
3. Availability—you need to be able to make the practices as well as the matches. It will take everyone in your group to be successful!
*(This information may change if we are able to get more materials)
VEX Robotics Competition Information
The VEX Robotics Competition, presented by the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation, is the largest and fastest growing middle school and high school robotics program globally with more than 16,000 teams from 40 countries playing in over 1,350 competitions worldwide. Each year, an exciting engineering challenge is presented in the form of a game. Students, with guidance from their teachers and mentors, build innovative robots and compete year-round in a variety of matches.
In addition to learning valuable engineering skills, students gain life skills such as teamwork, perseverance, communication, collaboration, project management, and critical thinking. The VEX Robotics Competition prepares students to become future innovators with 95% of participants reporting an increased interest in STEM subject areas and pursuing STEM-related careers.
VEX Robotics Competition Starstruck is played on a 12’x12’ square field configured as seen above. Two alliances – one “red” and one “blue” – composed of two teams each, compete in matches consisting of a fifteen second autonomous period followed by one minute and forty-five seconds of driver-controlled play.
The object of the game is to attain a higher score than the opposing Alliance by Scoring your Stars and Cubes in your Zones and by Hanging Robots on your Hanging Bar.
Questions? Contact Coach Horner at or 317-867-6710